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Hot, Sexy, Sexual Resumes! Get Yours Before They Melt!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Post your sexual resume in this thread! Make it funny or stick with the facts -- whatever you wish! Post as many resumes as you want. Even post resumes of people on RF other than yourself (With their prior permission, of course) Nothing too explicit, please.

Use any format you want, but here's a suggested one:

RESUME OF [NAME] (Pick a name for yourself.)

Example: Resume of Luis "Looser" Hammertoe

JOB OBJECTIVE (What you're looking for)

Example: Middle-Age man seeks a variety of part-time but exciting positions with middle-age woman in order to achieve professional growth of a much cherished part of his anatomy.

QUALIFICATIONS: (Valuable traits, skills, aptitudes, qualities, and features that you will bring with you to the "job")

Example: Exceptionally compassionate tongue, fit appearance, and rotary hips.

WORK HISTORY (organized into two parts: job title or brief job description followed by what you accomplished while working that "job")

Example: Lady Horseweed's Lover: Induced multiple orgasms in partner while simultaneously fixing plumbing and performing other odd household jobs.

EDUCATION: (Schools and institutes attended, degrees and certificates earned)

Example: Graduate degree from Fuernbach's Prussian Academy for Wayward Young Men.

REFERENCES: (People your prospective lover can call to check you out)

Example: John Horseweed (cuckolded husband)
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member

JOB OBJECTIVE: Seeking wet and wild position in the exciting field of hydraulic orgasms. Fervently willing to engineer own orgasms.

QUALIFICATIONS: Unsurpassed manual skills at opening valves. Able to read water pressure gauges. Absolutely dedicated to working in wet environments. Intense fondness for the color red.


Senior Hydrant Hound -- Formed lasting emotional and sexual bond with favorite hydrant. Maintained same hydrant with daily applications of car polish, lovingly and slowly applied. Consistently achieved outstanding pressure readings.

Junior Hydrant Mutt -- Demonstrated extraordinary aptitude for the care and maintenance of fire hydrants. Won nearly universal praise for his quick, effective, on the spot response to an explosive leak despite incurring massive injuries to the "region" of his body that he used to plug the leaking hole with.


Graduated with a Degree in Water Games from the Egyptian Academy of Uncommon Perversions.

Achieved Degree in the Dynamics of Wet Couplings from the Hydraulic School of Memphis.


Sunstone (Traumatized to know him Former Fire Fighter)

No one (No one else he knows will talk about him anymore).
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RESUME OF Rosey Toe-Sucker

JOB OBJECTIVE Seeking foot fetish male between ages 16 and 20

QUALIFICATIONS: I've turned guys on just by standing there.

EDUCATION: 9th grade education from Santana High School (about to start 10th...)

REFERENCES: BeckyRose1998, teenage robot.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member

JOB OBJECTIVE: Uncommonly intelligent, compassionate, and horny Prince of the Desert seeks kind, older woman to initiate him in first massive onslaught of intercourse. Guaranteed virgin, but devoutly hopes he will be frequently recycled.

QUALIFICATIONS: Surprisingly handsome, thoughtful, considerate, and witty for a world class loser. Proven able to sustain days long erection (without quite knowing what to do with it). Composes beautiful, hot, sexually yearning poetry using highly technical language stolen from his recreational readings in camel husbandry.


Cairo Self Pleasuring Society Doorman -- Gave his all to open doors promptly and on time for arriving members of the CSP. Proximity to members inspired vivid aspirations of one day learning how to pleasure self without unnecessary and embarrassing fumbling. Consistently showed remarkable aptitude for eventually having a troubled sex life by his on the job dedication to spending hours imagining himself in public without his trousers.

Self-employed Rabid Internet Porn Hound -- Demonstrated astounding dedication to enduring hours and hours online in the pursuit of finding sleazy, free porn sites. Specialized in discovering older woman on younger man videos featuring bad lighting and cheap motel room decor. Learned valuable repair skills from restoring to working order zippers routinely blown apart during course of his self-employment.


Attended the Egyptian School of Advanced Tongue Dynamics. Completed two years of four year course before shamefully dropping out.

Degree in Clitoral Stimulus Engineering for the Hopelessly Impaired from the German Academy of Lower Lickenstance.


Akila (who first rejected him)

Nadia (who next rejected him)

Isis (most recent rejection)
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RESUME OF Rosey Toe-Sucker

JOB OBJECTIVE Seeking foot fetish male between ages 16 and 20

QUALIFICATIONS: I've turned guys on just by standing there.

EDUCATION: 9th grade education from Santana High School (about to start 10th...)

REFERENCES: BeckyRose1998, teenage robot.
Why your qualification is just standing ? :D


.45 Cal
RESUME OF: Pimp 4 life

JOB OBJECTIVE: Seeking Christian female under 30 to settle down with.

QUALIFICATIONS: In the prime of life, regular church attender, over 6 ft. tall, known for being handsome, wooer of women, professional dancer, scholar, confident.....bordering on cocky :D

WORK HISTORY: teenage conquerer of older women, marathon award winner, tongue olympics silver medalist, heartbreaker of virgins, current employment: celebacy

EDUCATION:self-taught pimp, church

REFERENCES: my pastor


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
RESUME OF मैत्रावरुणि (M.V.)

JOB OBJECTIVE: Indian University Student seeks extremely attractive Japanese or Latina woman with crucially poor taste in men to spend long, passion-filled hours listening to his plaintive pleas for sex with her. Compassion optional.


Bright, kind, inquisitive, outgoing, and people-oriented, the applicant is one of the finest specimens of manhood that currently lives and breathes on the Indian subcontinent. His only flaws are trivial and easily overlooked: For instance, his enthusiasm for international sports has put him in the habit of yelling, "Score!", and spiking the pillow whenever he has an orgasm, in the manner of an American football player.


University of Calcutta Jobs Aid Program for Sexually Inept Students: Leadership role supervising ten other Jobs Aid students in stamping condoms with braille instructions for their use. Under his excellent supervision, students fully achieved their 2010 production goals by no later than August, 2012.

Coca Cola Bottling Company of Ahmedabad: Worked as production line employee responsible for inserting the fizzle into bottles of coca cola. Took the initiative of mentally undressing his fellow employees, who were for the most part either women, or exceptionally well-trained macaques monkeys.


Currently pursuing an Undergraduate Degree in Ogling, Begging, and Pleading at the University of Calcutta, Program for the Seriously Insane.


Constable Gadin Hejmadi (Calcutta Major Sex Crimes Unit, Coca Cola Bottle Violation Squad)


رسول الآلهة
RESUME OF: Agent Duchess

JOB OBJECTIVE: Youthful asexual males seeks company of youthful Asian female. Expects no complaining and total obedience. Failure to comply results in spanking

EXPECTATIONS: Extremely submissive, short, modest and most importantly completely chaste of asexual.

WORK HISTORY: None unless 3 days gamer marathon counts.

EDUCATION: High-school graduate and current college student

REFERENCES: None. Current employment requires protection of secret identity.


| abhyAvartin |
RESUME OF मैत्रावरुणि (M.V.)

JOB OBJECTIVE: Indian University Student seeks extremely attractive Japanese or Latina woman with crucially poor taste in men to spend long, passion-filled hours listening to his plaintive pleas for sex with her. Compassion optional.


Bright, kind, inquisitive, outgoing, and people-oriented, the applicant is one of the finest specimens of manhood that currently lives and breathes on the Indian subcontinent. His only flaws are trivial and easily overlooked: For instance, his enthusiasm for international sports has put him in the habit of yelling, "Score!", and spiking the pillow whenever he has an orgasm, in the manner of an American football player.


University of Calcutta Jobs Aid Program for Sexually Inept Students: Leadership role supervising ten other Jobs Aid students in stamping condoms with braille instructions for their use. Under his excellent supervision, students fully achieved their 2010 production goals by no later than August, 2012.

Coca Cola Bottling Company of Ahmedabad: Worked as production line employee responsible for inserting the fizzle into bottles of coca cola. Took the initiative of mentally undressing his fellow employees, who were for the most part either women, or exceptionally well-trained macaques monkeys.


Currently pursuing an Undergraduate Degree in Ogling, Begging, and Pleading at the University of Calcutta, Program for the Seriously Insane.


Constable Gadin Hejmadi (Calcutta Major Sex Crimes Unit, Coca Cola Bottle Violation Squad)



I especially liked the reference of Calcutta Major Sex Crimes Unit muahahah! Im bad OoOoo Im bad!
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member

JOB OBJECTIVE: Brilliant, but tragically conflicted Californian man seeks submissive Asian chick willing to receive cathartic, asexual spankings designed to improve upon his natural, inborn gift for tenderizing meat.

QUALIFICATIONS: A creative rebel who disdains being put in a box, the applicant excels at coloring outside the lines, inventing new ways of thinking of about things, twisting his soul into implausible knots, and pleasuring himself with common garden tools and a yard or two of string.


Senior Janitor, Fickleweed's Plumbing Supply Company: Earned generous accolades from his employer for his diligence in unnecessarily dusting the insides of the company's stock of copper tubing. Adored and fawned upon by the company's two secretaries for having invented, just for them, a paste suitable for use in polishing their genitals to a brilliant shine.

Californian Wine Country Goat herder: Successfully maximized the number of goats under his care by inventing a way to stack them six up. Later trained the same goats to aggressively seek out and eat the cars of wine country tourists as an all too clever ploy to attract nationwide attention to his new and exciting line of fashionable bikinis for goats.


The applicant has no formal education beyond the third grade due to his utter disgust at being regimented by the school system.


Dr. Carloff Jurgens, Director, American Rescue Mission for the Humane Treatment of Traumatized Goats.

Peter Snerkson, Assistant Pastor, Church of Our Lady of a Thousand Merciful Spankings.
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