Hey guys, I just heard the most recent anti-healthcare argument! It was from my mom. I'll try to reconstruct the conversation to the best of my memory (these are estimations of what was said, not exact words. Skip to the bold part for when she finally gets to healthcare):
(Mom started by talking about the cash for clunkers program, I don't remember her reasoning on why it only benefitted the car dealers, but I do remember that it made more sense than anything else she said.)
Mom: "The cash for clunkers program didn't benefit anyone. Except the car dealers."
Me: "Yeah, Obama's really a capitalist..."
Mom: "CAPITALISM ISN'T EVIL! Now, socialism is... not good. They take away money from hardworking people and give it to lazy people who sit on their butts all day!"
Me: "Just out of curiousity, do you happen to watch Fox News?"
Mom: "I watch it occassionally. I don't watch much of any news, all they do is argue and yell at eachother."
Me: "Anyways, capitalism is where you work hard and make lots of money and then I inherit it and sit on my butt the rest of my life."
Mom: "You aren't gettin' any of my money! What makes you think..."
Me: "I don't want your money. The point is that that's what most "rich" people do. Most people are "rich" because they inherited it, not because they worked for it."
Mom: "And I agree that that is wrong. Everyone should have to work for their money. You won't be inheriting any of my money, I'm spending it all on myself to have a good time while I'm alive."
Me: "So what about people like my brother who can't work?"
Mom: "They deserve help. Although, he's actually getting job training this school year. He'll probably never end up making a lot of money, but he'll be able to work. Now, then there's the lazy people who just sit around taking money from the government."
Me: "And what percentage of the welfare people do you think actually is the lazy type that won't look for a job?"
Mom: "A lot. The vast majority of people in welfare just sit there taking money from the government instead of looking for a job."
Me: "Uh, you DO realize that employees are laying off workers and finding a job is nigh-impossible, right?"
Mom: "There's always jobs out there. Now, if the people are still looking for jobs, then that's ok. But most people on welfare just take money and live off the government services. And when you expand these services, you get more of those people. That's what the whole healthcare thing is about. HEALTHCARE ISN'T A RIGHT."
Me: "It's not?"
Mom: "No, it's not. Unless Jesus comes down from heaven and heals you miraculously, then healthcare is a PRIVELEGE, NOT a God-given right. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!"
Me: "Life."
Mom: "Everyone's going to die anyway. Besides, people can buy INSURANCE."
(At this point, I just walked away, since if one can be convinced that the insurance system is fine, they can be brainwashed to believe anything. Also, as I walked away, I think she said something about "You have a right to life, but nowhere does it say you're going to be healthy. Everyone's going to die eventually, anyway.")
Emphasis on the "healthcare isn't a right" bit. Even though I knew my mom was what you guys would call a "right-wing nutjob," I was still shocked at this statement.
Well, at least she didn't bring up crap about death pannels and eugenics XD.