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How did humans evolve?


Hey Auto sorry it took so long. Didn't realize you had started without me. heh heh :D
well anyway. I agree we got the body of cro-magnon man etc. fast forward. Even apes and how we sprung off their ancient limbs. However I do believe we were developed as a mystery. I believe our spirits were there at creation and we were waiting for the perfect vehicle to begin to reincarnate. I don't think the spirits we are today would incarnate into a lizard brain with the flight or fight response. Yet evidently we did. But not without complaint. As we were incarnating we were dying and going home saying EEEWWWWWWW!!! "Don't you have something better than that for us to inhabit Lord?" But as we know now these things take time. heh heh :cool:
Sorry it took so long to respond. Still they haven't found the MAJOR missing links.
There should be something found. It should be all around. Yet it isn't.


Well-Known Member
Genetics and Chromosome 2. We share a common ancestor with the great apes, end of story. Unless you care to describe how one of our chromosomes is two of the other great ape chromosomes. It's easily explained by chromosomal fusion, but that would require sharing a common ancestor.


Well-Known Member
Sorry it took so long to respond. Still they haven't found the MAJOR missing links.
There should be something found. It should be all around. Yet it isn't.

Have you any idea how rare it is for an animal to become preserved after it dies?

Evidently not.

All the hominid bones we have we have found so far older than homo sapien would fill only one or two tea chests...

Then of course you gotta dig up the bones and there is no big X marking the spot!
Its almost always by chance that we find ancient human remains.

Some people think that there are major missing links?

Why would they think that, we have australopithecines that are semi ape semi hominids, we have Neanderthals that had art and ceremonial burial, our cousins, and we have Cro Magnon, so closely related to humans that you would not look at one twice in the street, we have many more species, hominids and extinct great apes, we find more every month, don't worry we will get all your missing links LOL.


Intentionally Blank
Hey Auto sorry it took so long. Didn't realize you had started without me. heh heh :D
well anyway. I agree we got the body of cro-magnon man etc. fast forward. Even apes and how we sprung off their ancient limbs. However I do believe we were developed as a mystery. I believe our spirits were there at creation and we were waiting for the perfect vehicle to begin to reincarnate. I don't think the spirits we are today would incarnate into a lizard brain with the flight or fight response. Yet evidently we did. But not without complaint. As we were incarnating we were dying and going home saying EEEWWWWWWW!!! "Don't you have something better than that for us to inhabit Lord?" But as we know now these things take time. heh heh :cool:
Sorry it took so long to respond. Still they haven't found the MAJOR missing links.
There should be something found. It should be all around. Yet it isn't.

Well that's fascinating, budha, but this thread is not about, and I am not at all interested, in your odd personal beliefs, although you are certainly entitled to have them. Just please don't call them scientific, as they're not. As for science, it has learned that Homo sapiens is a species of ape, that we and chimpanzees are descended from a common ancestor, and this has been established beyond a doubt. It is apparent from your post that you are completely unacquainted with the last 50 years of research into our origins. Are you interested in learning about it? If so I will bring you up to speed.

What missing links do you think we need? The evidence is in. Sorry, you're wrong. Would you like me to post pictures of hominid skulls and skeletons, so you can see the basic similarity? Or have you already made up your mind to disregard what we've found, to look right at a big fat elephant and deny that it's there?

So, what do you think of the reconstruction of a cro-magnon man? Still denying that he's human?


Intentionally Blank
Am I arguing evolution. NOT>....Just arguing. Have to admit we definately need our lizard brains.:bow:

So what the heck are you saying then? Your post denied that humans are descended from apes [actually we are a species of ape.] Is that your position or isn't it?


Well-Known Member
So what the heck are you saying then? Your post denied that humans are descended from apes [actually we are a species of ape.] Is that your position or isn't it?

Actually we are a species of hominid, but then the differences between hominids and apes are probably insufficent enough to warrant seperate taxonomical distinctions, ie genus.

Hominids are basically just apes that are fully bipedal, but different scientists argue over the details...


Well-Known Member
Am I arguing evolution. NOT>....Just arguing. Have to admit we definately need our lizard brains.:bow:

We certainly do need our reptile brains, the reptillian cortex, this controls your most basic emotions, hungers and instincts...


So what the heck are you saying then? Your post denied that humans are descended from apes [actually we are a species of ape.] Is that your position or isn't it?

Am I not bowing down to your superority and knowledge in the human race or not. I sure am. Watch again closely. Well said. :bow:

I guess I am talking more spiritual where we should at least be all brother and sisters and really I guess we are. My brother is the horse, my sister is the eagle, my mother is CHEETA. We ARE all related. I see that now. Hooray for the unshakable race of humanity.


Intentionally Blank
It's not about me, budha, it's about the truth. I am very concerned with the truth, and try to prevent people from spreading disinformation, especially on the internet, where unsuspecting people may read it.


Well-Known Member
It's not about me, budha, it's about the truth. I am very concerned with the truth, and try to prevent people from spreading disinformation, especially on the internet, where unsuspecting people may read it.

The following must have been created specifically with you in mind, auto.



It's not about me, budha, it's about the truth. I am very concerned with the truth, and try to prevent people from spreading disinformation, especially on the internet, where unsuspecting people may read it.

OH Puleeze....nobody ever listened to me before. I doubt they are going to suddenly start now. I'm starting to suspect you have no since of humor. Camacamacamacama
camacamacaa-maa-ahhh. Loved the post. Me thinks I dunno the truth. UH OH!

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Tau said:
All the hominid bones we have we have found so far older than homo sapien would fill only one or two tea chests...
Untrue, there are plenty of bones. We even have nearly complete skeletons.
Turkana boy (H.erectus/ergaster) for instance

Lucy herself is 40% complete (mirror the missing pieces and she is nearly 80%)
There are more than a dozen near complete H. neanderthalensis (nine from Shandar alone).
4,000 bones from at least 28 individual H. heidelbergensis from Sima de los huesos in Spain.

Thats just scratching the surface. I could make a monster of a post out of this if I wanted.

There is no lack of hominid remains. Naturally there can always be room for more. :cool:



Enlightner of the Senses
Halcyon of course coding will be unique per species....this is not a retroviral coding...it is not like any kind of virus...yet it has arrived in the human genome ONLY, no other species, as if it was a retro virus, it is much more like bacterial RNA as I said earlier..how would it be puzzling if we knew it was a retro virus...?

Forget I said it, it doesnt matter...

How about mitochondrial DNA? The ATP producing organelle of our cells has its own genetic code, in addition to the cells nucleus. Its from a past event in evolution, where a cell phagocytosed a bacteria, and it somehow got incorporated into the cell in a beneficial fasion.


Well-Known Member
The question "how did humans evolve" is not nearly as interesting as the question of how
our intelligence evolved. For example, was it the development of a voice box capable of making
more that grunts and moans that led to higher forms of communication, which led to increasing brain size, or was it the brain increasing in size itself that led to higher intelligence, or what is some othe agent?


Active Member
The question "how did humans evolve" is not nearly as interesting as the question of how
our intelligence evolved. For example, was it the development of a voice box capable of making
more that grunts and moans that led to higher forms of communication, which led to increasing brain size, or was it the brain increasing in size itself that led to higher intelligence, or what is some othe agent?

Way to go.

The mechanism had not been described since the math to evolution had not been perfected in current physics. The progression has no place to describe in the current math hence why the 'creationist' suggest evolution contradicts entropy (2nd law/Newton). (another thread)

But to observe your post and how you recognize how intelligence evolved, then the real funny one is to literally recognize how knowledge evolves.

As for all that bone debate about man's evolution, it seems rarely do the humble of knowledge ever regress back to the ignorance of beliefs.

Just as each man is nourished by mother earth each will return and to suggest we are not evolved from our predecessors is as rude as slapping your parents for giving you your hair color.

Each gift of evolution since the beginning of time is within your lineage, honor them and then if there ever was a break you would not be here. SO when you look in the mirror, see the lion, the tree, the monkey and the beast that isolates mankind from nature, the selfishness within our own minds.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Painted Wolf. I thought their was something fishy with that "no bones" thing.

There is nothing fishy, Painted Wolf is mistaken, there are not that many pre hominid bones that predate the homo family, just a few bits here and there, we have to make decisions on what the complete remains would look like but whatever....

When you don't believe in human evolution anyway I fail to see why you are thanking Painted Wolf?


Well-Known Member
Painted Wolf I meant predating the Homo family not just sapien....my fault...whatever.