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how did intellegent life start?

there is no theory of biology, we know biology works. there is a theory of evolution, we dont know it works, but there are many people that believe that the theory of evolution is as close as youre going to get to reasonable, in their minds. i have no problem with whatever anyone believes or doesnt believe.
i understand that biology is not evolution, proponates of evolution only state that biology is how evolution works.
evolutionist state that evolution is the evolving of animals characteristics, to better than what they were before.
life, at whatever state it was in, had to start somewhere. creationist will be quick to say that god started life and created and sustains everything. i get what creationists are saying, i'm just not so sure they are correct.
i also dont agree with evolutionists concerning the evolving of things, but i do understand the concept of what they are saying.
i have not heard how evolutionists or biologists believe life started. i also havent heard a good explaination of how intelligent thought came to be, except i have heard one evolutionist say that it came into being, by way of biology, because it was a step in the evolving of animals (including humans) so they could better adapt to their enviornment......i do not believe that.
i have also heard christians say that god created life, in its present intelligent form, to praise him, and or to serve him.
is there any idea's, other than christian idea's, of how intelligent life started?


there is a theory of evolution, we dont know it works,

this is either a lie or false information

i also dont agree with evolutionists concerning the evolving of things

evolution is based on facts

i also havent heard a good explaination of how intelligent thought came to be, except i have heard one evolutionist say that it came into being

that is abiogenesis not evolution. If you search abiogenesis on youtube you can get a decent enough education to gte the jest of it

how intelligent life started?

abiogenesis is how life started.


Active Member
There's the idea that intelligent aliens came and either bred with homonids or they geneticly engineered them. But I always want to ask, where did the "aliens" get their intelligence?


Premium Member
this is either a lie or false information

evolution is based on facts

that is abiogenesis not evolution. If you search abiogenesis on youtube you can get a decent enough education to gte the jest of it

abiogenesis is how life started.

Brings me to a question does life = intelligence or is intelligence different from life.


Well-Known Member
Incorrect. Here's two improvements over common assumption to aid in shared understanding. Rather than "survival of the fittest," think non-survival of the least fit. Rather than "free will," think decision space. The size of human decision space is a function of evolution, and it goes like this - at least according to an hypothesis I favor. Our common monkeylike ancestor found itself in an overpopulated environment (forest) and "mutated" by taking to the plains. The obvious advantage is more room and less competition, the obvious disadvantage is "here there be tygers," predators, in a word. Over the course of time, monkeys who could stand up to look over the tops of the high grasses were more prevalent than their hunched fellows, not because "evolution selected for upright monkey," but because tyger selected against hunched monkey by converting him into energy. But it was behavior derived from decision space that provided impetuous for evolutionary mutation and not the other way around. This is the common misconception that runs through e vs c arguments.

For a link between bipedal motion and processing power, feel free to research all the fun and games roboticists have had trying to devise a walking robot. So called intelligence is more an example of overcompensation than design even in its origin. The immature bipedal form needs the large brain to coordinate muscle and balance, but once the trick is mastered, there is a young monkey with more smarts than sense. Try to tell me how that's ever changed...

What's the problem with humans? We're bored, and we have no natural predators. In evolutionary terms, there is a natural duality between the environment as a whole and an individual as a member of a species. In physical terms there is the Second Law, commonly misconstrued to be the opponent of evolution. It isn't, conservation law and entropy can explain all; this is no exception. For simplicity, assume Nature is a conservative ol' grandma that spent billions of years evolving dust into man, and does not wish to go back to the drawing board, as it were. Furthermore, think of writing data to disc; does it not require more energy to erase that disc? Eventually, entropy will erode that disc as surely as entropy will make the earth part of the corona of the future red giant that is currently yellow, and responsible for all this mess...

I digress. There is no agency in evolution, and such would only impose limits based upon the decision space of that agency. That is the kind of thinking that makes assumption in violation on entropy and conservation. The true assumption is one many people are already cognizant of: on the eighth day, man created god. Why? Originally, because we could, to explain natural phenomenon and to provide comfort; covering all from lightning strikes to a dead monkey. And what happened? Evolutionary consideration took over. Why did the prince of peace bring peace? Because war complicates commerce. Why did we develop commerce? Because we could; in our boredom, with our evolved excess of decision space, we developed agriculture. There's your special - the first tool used by this once monkey to become this bored man was science - read, unnatural - and with a single step, twelve thousand years of journey. What god have to say about agriculture? A whole lot, for a supposedly almighty fellow. Why is god still around? Can you count to seven billion? Mother Nature never would have, but man got creative, instituted the so-called moral practices of humanitarian and peace, and here we are, arguing nonsense, because we're bored.

So, no. Evolution explains everything, even god.

Which is recycled rant, but in the spirit of evolution; this morning I found myself saturated with unprocessed rant energy, and this arose without direction...


There's the idea that intelligent aliens came and either bred with homonids or they geneticly engineered them. But I always want to ask, where did the "aliens" get their intelligence?

the alien stuff is bogus for mankinds origin

no where in the last 7milion years is there any indication of anything out of the ordinary from nature alone


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
Some creatures have sharp teeth and claws, some are fast, some are strong, others are intelligent. The main thing is whether the environment provides a reproductive advantage in intelligence. That is the nature of life...it fills niches, like fire engulfing tinder. If the environment provides the kindling, the flame of intelligence will emerge. Surely the Greeks were correct, fire is the element of life!


Well-Known Member
Define "Intelligent".

How about, that which has evolved to push the seed of life out of the gravity well? How about some of Gaia taking a spin with Voyager, someplace that is other? Otherwise, fail. Because, yeah, I'm kinda intelligent, but this (cough, cough) Christian society? I got, a, suicide, b, mass murder, or c, take a walk towards my Gwynnies... which is a definite sign that the fleas are starting to die on the carcass of hope in the closet.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Intelligence evolved because every successive step which came closer to intelligence provided enough of a survival advantage that those genes were passed along to the next generation. In other words evolution.


slow walker
Intelligence evolved because every successive step which came closer to intelligence provided enough of a survival advantage that those genes were passed along to the next generation. In other words evolution.

Yep. As life became more complex and / or the environment it found itself in posed novel challenges, it was a case of adapt or die. With the evolution of primitive neurons and a processing centre, life could be better placed to solve the problems it faced, which is a significant factor in the definition of intelligence.


Well-Known Member
Intelligence evolved because every successive step which came closer to intelligence provided enough of a survival advantage that those genes were passed along to the next generation. In other words evolution.

No way. This is a rush job. Monkeys in the grass, bipedal motion? I mean, maybe; but today? How is this parade of malice, ignorance, and discontent lined in ranks, doing the chaotic two-step? Somewhere, somehow, there was predator and batphone, out of the loop? I don't know, man; but I crashed my simulator. Much better being evil, rant like a toon, when the stupid brain is running film
I'll do you one better. How does life start? Meaning this. When a woman gets pregnant the sperm and egg combine to form a baby eventually. So how are the bones formed? Where do the eyes come from? Where is the hair at in the sperm and egg that in 9 or so months a baby comes out with it on it's head? After intelligent answers to these few questions than you can begin to answer the more complex question of where the intelligent life started at.

As for me and my Israelite family, we will just live with this answer while you work on yours.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

John 8:32thecomforter.info
i also havent heard a good explaination of how intelligent thought came to be, except i have heard one evolutionist say that it came into being, by way of biology, because it was a step in the evolving of animals (including humans) so they could better adapt to their enviornment......i do not believe that.

why not?
I'll do you one better. How does life start? Meaning this. When a woman gets pregnant the sperm and egg combine to form a baby eventually. So how are the bones formed? Where do the eyes come from? Where is the hair at in the sperm and egg that in 9 or so months a baby comes out with it on it's head? After intelligent answers to these few questions than you can begin to answer the more complex question of where the intelligent life started at.

As for me and my Israelite family, we will just live with this answer while you work on yours.

Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

John 8:32thecomforter.info

good answer, i like uncomplicated.