In your understanding, how did the universe come to be?
When I think about this question I have to remind myself to not think of the universe as something "out there". The cosmos in Greek thought was not like what we imagine today as the stars and galaxies and whatnot. Rather they considered it as all that exists, which includes all of those things that pertain to our existence; consciousness, awareness, thought, mind, feelings, societies, culture, natural systems, and the whole gambit.
It was an all-encompassing view of Creation, or the Kosmos as they termed it. Our adaptation of that term to mean stars and galaxies misses that understanding of the Universe. That tends to reduce our thinking to more harsh dualistic terms today, excluding ourselves from the Universe.
With that in mind, the question can be asked this way. How did I come into being. How did everyone of us with our minds come into being? Why am I? Why do I exist? And the like.
My thoughts to that, are ever-adapting.
I think in the simplest, existential terms, perhaps theological terms is Love. I see all of existence, the whole Kosmos as the Greeks called it, as an expression of being. What the mechanics of how that materializes into being, through the processes of evolution, all the way from particles and atoms, to the muscles of the face on a child smiling at the beautiful sky on a sunny morning, are great inquiries of the mind to inform and entertain itself about the world it lives within.
But ultimately, that's just like a child discovering the parts of his body in an attempt to understand what and who it is. It's the same thing, just at a more sophisticated level, beginning using the mouth to investigate its world, to using math and telescopes to expand upon that quest for self-knowledge.
I think the only way to really understand the Universe, is to find it within ourselves living right there inside of us. We are after all, 14.5 billion years of evolution alive and breathing and sharing our thoughts on a computer screen with one another. If we truly want to understand the universe, we need to understand who and what we are from the inside, not just biting my hand with my mouth to discover that.
What insights I've personally gathered in that discovery is that we come from Love, as an infinite wellspring of Life, Light, and Joy. So from a holistic perspective, the Kosmos or the Universe, which is us as well as everything else, arise from that fully transcendent, and absolutely immanent __________. Call that what every word you want to attempt to capture that meaning. But that is an experienced reality of that All, to give it a word.
How the planets and whatnot were formed, I defer to science.
Was it created*? If so, by what?
Transcendent Love.
I should add though, it's good to not think of creation as an event in the past. That implies that this is a static world, which it is not. The real truth about creation, is that it is continuous. It is not a past activity, but a present reality in every unfolding moment. It's all just reforming and evolving patterns, or habits of nature. But everything dies and is recreated constantly. Nothing is static, except the dead.
This is why we can actively see what's going on right now through investing within our own nuclear furnace inside of us. We can look directly into the sun and see it, but not without the price of loss of self.