BTW, we also know that sometimes Protestants destroyed Catholic and Jewish books/documents:
List of book-burning incidents - Wikipedia
Religious tolerance is a recent phenomenon, and I grew up in a time when it was significantly less so, hearing on a regular basis about the "evils of the papists", both from the pulpit at my Protestant church and also from even my own parents. Imagine my parents' chagrin when I married an observant Catholic, but they quickly fell in love with her as I did, and they even significantly moderated their view of the RCC.
When I taught a comparative religions class for a couple of years, the anti-Catholic bigotry coming from so many of my students was astounding. I would tell some of my fellow staff members that I quickly learned that my main objective at the beginning of the course to try and keep the Baptists and Catholics from killing each other, but it's the former of those two who were overwhelming the antagonists.