To oversimplify, it's what science studies. It's the world external to the self, which we understand first by our genetic equipment for responding to it, and second by our senses.Is there such thing as objective existence? Certainly I have never seen any.
That will only rarely be a relevant question, but in general, the view that most accurately reflects / corresponds with / conforms to reality will be the truth. (Truth of course isn't absolute ─ it's our best honest opinion at the particular time.)Two people will experience the same thing differently. Which is objective truth?
We also subjectively experience an objective reality ─ the air we breathe, the chair we sit on, the keyboard I'm typing on, and so on.We experience a subjective reality.
You've never experienced air? A chair? You have no parents? Never owned a suit, a car, a book? Really? Where do you think the words you're reading come from? You think your dinner was imaginary? Your partner, your friends, are figments of your brain?Why dwell on some imaginary objective reality which nobody has ever experienced
You refute yourself by posting here, don't you? Or are you the first strict solipsist I've ever met?