@sun rise below, reminds us of two things: a) when it comes to thought experiments in the field of ethics, they differ from reality in that any aspect of
urgency is removed and b) in decision-making, we are limited to assessing outcomes from the aspect of
In real life, the degree of immediacy in an action, defines whether it justifiably can be classed as a
moral choice or simply is a matter of
instinctive reaction to circumstance.
Often, the ethical aspect of an action is established
in hindsight. Still, it is far from irrelevant, as our judgement of it has great impact, both on our perception of the agent
and on our perception of the consequences of the event in question.
If nothing else, thought experiments in the field of ethics let us know what we would ideally
liked to have done in a given situation, thereby showing us our moral standpoint.