Looking back at your post here, let me ask you a question in ref to evolution, and the theory of. There is no mention of God being involved in the situation, is there?
Indeed there isn't. Just like in all other scientific theories, gods don't show up in the evidence, so gods aren't part of the equation.
I mean it appears to be a godless type of theory, as if God were not involved in any sort of activity regarding the various forms of life on the earth,.
Just like Germ theory of desease. Gods don't appear to be involved in any sort of activity regarding infectious deseases caused by germs either. Or like in plate tectonics theory. Gods don't seem involved in any sort of activity regarding geological stuff either.
What's the point?
Does the theory offer any possibility that God is involved in the 'making,' (or evolving) from beginning to current times?
Every theory is open for any factor that can't be shown to have any sort of role or impact. Evolution, plate tectonics, relativity, germs, atoms,.... whatever can be shown to be part of the equation, will be included as a variable with the value that the evidence supports.
Or is it just by nature (however that's explained) that living forms came about?
We only have evidence of a natural process. And it seems sufficient to explain the facts.
Does that mean there aren't "unnatural" things at play?
It just means that the natural explanation is sufficient and that there's no evidence of unnatural things going on.
That is one question I have about the theory
That question was NOT about the theory of evolution.
It was more about religious beliefs then anything else.
, including the so-called evidence of the theory in reference to fossils and dna, basically the entire theory.
How you think that question concerned the evidence for the theory, is mindblowing to me.