I've seen Christians say a lot of negative things about Mary, at least they say negative things about the Mary that the church believes in.
Well, I don't think I have. Of course, Mary, with her ancient Hebrew upbringing would find the church's beliefs in her repulsive.
Actually, the Bible does indicate that there is a heaven.
Abraham was interacting with the rich man. Both were dead.
The dead Martyrs in Revelation were asking God for vengeance. They were still alive in spirit.
I stopped in the middle of your post because I get the impression your not paying attention to what I'm actually saying. Maybe your projecting criticisms you are accustomed to against the church and responding to that instead of what I actually say.
I've never said heaven doesn't exist. I said Jehovah God created heaven for himself and his angels and that flesh and blood can't enter heaven. Mary's Assumption was in the flesh, which is contrary to scripture. Not that that means anything to you, I'm just saying. The illustration Jesus gave on Lazarus and the rich man wasn't a factual account, only an illustration. Jesus later said that no man had ascended to heaven except he who descended from heaven, and that in spirit form not the flesh.
Also, the Bible does not say that if a practice is not found in the Bible, it is false.
Again, why invoke the meaning of the Bible when it means absolutely nothing to you? Deuteronomy 18:10-12 forbids those who would inquire of the dead. Also see Isaiah 8:19. If the Bible teaches that when you die that's it, you are dead, no part of you called the soul or otherwise, lives on in heaven or on earth that means that the people who you are praying to, i.e., dead "souls" in heaven are either a product of your vivid imagination or, demonic.
I pray to "God the baby killer", because I hope he will be kind to people.
I'm also not so sure he is the mass murderer that scripture says he is. Just because an ancient text says something doesn't make it true.
What else do you have to go on?
the way you talk doesn't even indicate that you are open to the possibility that you are wrong.
The same could be said of yourself. But, I can be wrong. I'm not likely wrong about the bloody history of the church, or Christendom as far as that goes. I'm not likely wrong about the information I gave on the false claim that the Bible is a Catholic book. It's canon was agreed upon and historically commented upon at least 400 years before the Catholic Church was propped up by apostate sun worshipers. I'm not wrong about the church burning translations, burning translators at the stake, prohibiting the Bible from getting in the hands of the common folk.
And once again, the Christian Bible was a Catholic book Century after Century after century. Protestantism was invented by men in the 16th century. It did not exist prior to that.
God clearly wanted the Catholic Church to have the power it has.
No he didn't, although I can see how you would think so, given your estimation of God.
Besides, I'm not sure that the Catholic church is correct in everything it teaches.
Who is correct in everything they teach? No religious organization or individual. Aside from Jesus Christ. That isn't realistically expected of anyone or any organization.
I actually have a repugnance for the vast majority of Catholics.
My hatred of the church doesn't extend to a hatred of Catholics. I do marvel at their willingness to support the type of organization it is and always has been. Those remaining silent in the face of that kind of ugliness is shameful, but I don't hate anyone.
And even if asking souls in heaven is false ( because there are no souls in heaven), there is still nothing in the New Testament that condemns it.
and if you read the Old Testament in proper context, the Old Testament does not condemn it either.
There's no point in you and I arguing about these things. We are so far apart we are not really able to see one another.
Just tell me, if you would please, what you get out of your fascination with the dead, with saints, and with the catholic church? I know you've mentioned really liking mass and I know you have mentioned feeling some sort of comfort or relief from confession. Of course, you know, don't you, that you could confess to any friend or trusted one with the same effect, as saying "40 hail Mary's" and whatever.