This is one of the things that I do. Listen to the Wind, consult with the Moon, take in the radiance of the Sun. Sometimes, something more formal like practicing divination. Divination done right isn't so much about fortune telling as it is about introspection. Whether or not one believes divination is communing with the gods or not, it's an effective tool to get you thinking critically and reflecting.Would you think it’s odd if I suggested to seek wisdom and direction from God? I believe God knows us better than we know ourselves and has a better plan for our lives than we can figure out on our own.
Sometimes I even introduce a basic divination technique to students who meet with me. They maybe think it is a little silly, but it's a good quick self-check.
Get yourself some dice or a coin. Ask a basic yes or no question then assign which faces of the dice or which side of the coin is a yes or a no. Roll the dice or flip the coin. Next, pay attention to how you feel about the result. It is not actually the result itself that is telling you what you should do (usually). It is how you feel about how that coin landed or how those dice rolled. It helps you get in touch with yourself. If you really wanted to see a "no" to that coin flip and got a "yes" you'll experience upsetness and maybe even anger. That tells you what you should do. Sometimes you'll even feel the answer in your gut before you flip the coin at all... and you know what you should do without needing to do the toss. Personally, I only use this method of divination for more facetious things like "I'm not sure I really feel like going out to eat today, but what do you think?" type of questions... haha.