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How do you know Jesus is love or God gave his only begotten son out of love?

Mr. Ed

I am skeptical that Jesus loves me. Where is the proof? Sure some people claim Jesus as lord and savior however, to my understanding it is said but I cannot prove that Jesus loves me. Without faith how can I support the notion god gave his only son to save the world from sin.

Faith is a broad stretch of imagination that many people claim as true. Christianity and the Bible support each other in the greatest hoax known to mankind. Many years I tried to make Christianity work for me but I wasn't really happy but I kept up appearances by acting Christian.
What is next? It is not written that anything is next for me as far worshipping another god or joining another spiritual calling. The problem with where I am now is most don't think like me thus making religion a lonely place to be.


Veteran Member
I am skeptical that Jesus loves me. Where is the proof? Sure some people claim Jesus as lord and savior however, to my understanding it is said but I cannot prove that Jesus loves me. Without faith how can I support the notion god gave his only son to save the world from sin.
I don't think about whether Jesus loves me since that is not a teaching of my religion, the Baha'i Faith. However, it is a teaching of my religion that God is All-Loving, and that God loves evereyone, which would include me. I don't care if God loves me since I do not feel a need for God's love, but I question the claim that Christians and Baha'is make, that God is Love/All-Loving, so I started a thread about that a few weeks ago:

There is no way to prove that Jesus loves you or anyone else, and there is no way to prove that God is Love or All-Loving. As such, it is a faith-based belief, based solely upon Scriptures.
Faith is a broad stretch of imagination that many people claim as true. Christianity and the Bible support each other in the greatest hoax known to mankind. Many years I tried to make Christianity work for me but I wasn't really happy but I kept up appearances by acting Christian.
What is next? It is not written that anything is next for me as far worshipping another god or joining another spiritual calling. The problem with where I am now is most don't think like me thus making religion a lonely place to be.
I hear your pain. Religion is also a lonely place for me since I do not share one of the the most important beliefs of my fellow believers, namely that God is All-Loving. The main reason I question whether God is All-Loving is because of all the suffering in this world. Why would an All-Loving God create a world knowing there would be so much suffering? There really is no answer to this question, only the religious apologetic that suffering is beneficial for us to help us grow spiritually, but that doesn't work for me. I don't believe that suffering is beneficial for everyone ans even if it is beneficial for some people it is cruel, not loving.


Veteran Member
@Mr. Ed asked:

How do you know God gave his only begotten son out of love?

It makes no logical sense to believe that God gave his only begotten son out of love.

For one thing, God does not have a son since God is not a human. Jesus is only the Son of God in a figurative sense. Jesus is a Son in relationship as to His Father, who is God.

Secondly, what did God give that showed love? Sacrifice demonstrates love, but it was Jesus who sacrificed Himself on the cross, not God.

Thirdly, even if the Christian claim that God gave His only son out of love is true, if Jesus rose from the dead, as Christians believe, how was that a sacrifice on the part of God? Jesus never died, except for a few days before he rose from the dead. If Jesus lives, what did God sacrifice?


Active Member
Christianity and the Bible support each other in the greatest hoax known to mankind.

Anyhow, the answer is that you are here and that is the proof. In other words, you were reincarnated and given another chance at Salvation.

Yes, the Bible teaches reincarnation, but the Church hides this to keep power and control.

Most folks leave Christianity because of the false teachings of 'infinite torments' or 'annihilation'. Not sure if that was a factor in your decision.
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Well-Known Member
I am skeptical that Jesus loves me. Where is the proof? Sure some people claim Jesus as lord and savior however, to my understanding it is said but I cannot prove that Jesus loves me. Without faith how can I support the notion god gave his only son to save the world from sin.

Faith is a broad stretch of imagination that many people claim as true. Christianity and the Bible support each other in the greatest hoax known to mankind. Many years I tried to make Christianity work for me but I wasn't really happy but I kept up appearances by acting Christian.
What is next? It is not written that anything is next for me as far worshipping another god or joining another spiritual calling. The problem with where I am now is most don't think like me thus making religion a lonely place to be.
I think that astrology is a slightly greater hoax, but I wont quibble. Both are in the top ten.


Well-Known Member
I am skeptical that Jesus loves me. Where is the proof? Sure some people claim Jesus as lord and savior however, to my understanding it is said but I cannot prove that Jesus loves me.
I think the love of Jesus is shown in that he declared the message that is in the Bible. That message can cause great change for better and I think that is a great sign of love from him.

Jesus answered him, “Most certainly, I tell you, unless one is born anew, he can’t see God’s Kingdom.” Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?” Jesus an-swered, “Most certainly I tell you, unless one is born of water and spirit, he can’t enter into God’s Kingdom. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Don’t marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’
John 3:3-7
But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to be-come God’s children, to those who believe in his name: who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
John 1:12-13
It is the spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life.
John 6:63