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How Do You Know What Is Evil?


Forum Relic
Premium Member
Which makes me ask how is a third party to know who was told the "good". How is it an abomination for you and good for another when each is a revelation from ther Holy Ghost? Each of you have the same access to God and each tells a different story.

The thought is that you deny the Holy Ghost speaking a message of love.

Pah made a good point in this post. How do we know who is right and who is wrong?

I classify evil as intentional harm and wrong doing both mental and physical.

In another thread I said that things such as incest and homosexuality were not evil.
While I wouldn't participate in these activities, I certainley don't consider them "evil"
I was then essentially told I was evil and so was my "spirit." Even though thinking otherwise went against my spirit, moral fiber, concious, whatever you want to call it.

Am I wrong?

My question is how would you guys gauge evil? How would you measure evil? Would you base evil on what religious texts defines as evil? Would you use your feelings and intuition? Or would you use something different? Would you ever consider love and compassion evil? Is evil relative to the individual?

I'm interested to hear from theists and non-theists


Well-Known Member
You don't know. Not unless you're willing to take someone else's word for it (and many people do). But most of us muddle through alright. I'm not sure I believe in evil, per se, but I do believe that actions can be morally wrong. Intentional (and sometimes unintentional) and unnecessary harm definitely make up most of it. That and not paying your debts.


Well-Known Member
I would qualify evil as surrendering to your base desires to the detriment of others, though it is often hard to spot the true motives of other people. It is hard to describe without a circular definition. I use a combination of religious texts and intuition in my everyday life to reveal all the good and evil around me. I also believe it is the action that is evil, not the individual (although, I admit I sometimes forget to make that distinctions in my posts--please call me on it so I can more effectively work towards being a better person!).


Glass half Panda'd
well, i think that if you can pick something apart logically, and try to think objectivley whether the action is going to aid you or harm you in some way, then you can classify them as right and wrong....

I think there is such a thing as "evil" only ignorance. (unfortunatley that leads to mistakes, and is sometimes called evil, or sin....imo)


Active Member
Well, quite simply my idea of evil is if one of Nietzsche's "super men" were to intentially creat the civilization that made them "super men," or if another attempted to change that environment in such a way as to do an evil act. These evil acts are defined as controling to comit intentianal acts of violance ---starting a war. It could be changing human nature. War acts, intentional acts of violence aside from in self defence. Most things that Kant said were evil in his Was Soll Ich Tun? Philosophy ---a great majority of it.


Mister_T said:
In another thread I said that things such as incest and homosexuality were not evil.
While I wouldn't participate in these activities, I certainley don't consider them "evil"
I was then essentially told I was evil and so was my "spirit." Even though thinking otherwise went against my spirit, moral fiber, concious, whatever you want to call it.

Am I wrong?

My question is how would you guys gauge evil? How would you measure evil? Would you base evil on what religious texts defines as evil? Would you use your feelings and intuition? Or would you use something different? Would you ever consider love and compassion evil? Is evil relative to the individual?

That's a good question. A difficult question, but a good one none the less!

Perhaps the toughest thing when it comes to answering such a query is the making myself and my feelings clear. I could give examples of what I thought was evil (such as rape and murder) and set them against things I believe to be that of good (making love; Neil Young LPs) -but that doesn't quite cut it now, does it?

To use your example, I don't believe homosexuality is evil. Lets get that opinion of mine straight as it's likely to come up time and time again.

Incest, on the other hand, I think is wrong. Wrong in the very sense of the word. It may not be evil, in the grandest notions, as reasons behind it are themselves beyond my reckoning. But I think it is shocking and wrong.

Evil exists in the mind of man outwith science and religion. It can not really be defined or measured from where I see it. 'Tis the difference between a man kicking his dog thrice daily, and a certain Austrian gentleman invading Poland. Both are undeniably evil, in one way or another, leaving it a matter of scale.

I think that I will indeed have to think a little more about this, in order to reply again when I've got a better idea of what I'm trying to say.


The Devil's Advocate
Mister_T said:
I classify evil as intentional harm and wrong doing both mental and physical.

In another thread I said that things such as incest and homosexuality were not evil.
While I wouldn't participate in these activities, I certainley don't consider them "evil"
I was then essentially told I was evil and so was my "spirit." Even though thinking otherwise went against my spirit, moral fiber, concious, whatever you want to call it.

Am I wrong?

My question is how would you guys gauge evil? How would you measure evil? Would you base evil on what religious texts defines as evil? Would you use your feelings and intuition? Or would you use something different? Would you ever consider love and compassion evil? Is evil relative to the individual?

I'm interested to hear from theists and non-theists
I don't think that a harm needs to be intentional to be evil. Evil can be done unintentionally out of ignorance. To me, things like institutional racism, sexism, classism, etc are evil. Often these are not the result of anything intentional but they in the grand scheme of things cause more harm than personal intentional racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.

To define evil, I first have to explain that for me, we are all interconnected with each other. The Spirit/God is what sustains our existence and binds us together. Ultimately, we do not exist except as part of the interconnected web and "independence" is an illusion (maya).

That said, for me, anything that isolates us from the interconnected whole is evil. Any time we view ourselves as separate from "Other." Only when we view ourselves as seperate can we hurt someone else, deceive someone else, take unfair advantage of someone else, hold a grudge against someone else.

Spirit connects/brings together. Anything that disconnects/breaks asunder is evil.

That said, I don't know about the incest, Mister_T :areyoucra


Forum Relic
Premium Member
I don't know about the incest, Mister_T
Incest, on the other hand, I think is wrong. Wrong in the very sense of the word. It may not be evil, in the grandest notions, as reasons behind it are themselves beyond my reckoning. But I think it is shocking and wrong.
That's my feeling on the subject. It's gross and the very thought of it is beyond my comprehension. but evil...well I wouldn't go that far. It's definitley not something I would ever do.


Well-Known Member
Mister_T said:
Am I wrong?
I believe you are... but I would never suggest that anyone ignore his/her conscience:

When he listens to his conscience, the prudent man can hear God speaking.

.... so if you continue to be told you are "wrong" by followers of your own faith, you might begin to ask yourself if maybe you are in error. Conscience needs to be formed... educated... and if you fail to do so, I believe that to be one of the most "evil" things a person can do in this world.

All with Peter to Jesus through Mary,


Forum Relic
Premium Member
Scott1 said:
I believe you are... but I would never suggest that anyone ignore his/her conscience:

When he listens to his conscience, the prudent man can hear God speaking.

.... so if you continue to be told you are "wrong" by followers of your own faith, you might begin to ask yourself if maybe you are in error. Conscience needs to be formed... educated... and if you fail to do so, I believe that to be one of the most "evil" things a person can do in this world.

All with Peter to Jesus through Mary,

Well see here's the thing, I thought just like the "followers" at one point in my life. And for the life of me, I just couldn't maintain the same attitude that they had. It didn't feel right. I stepped back and looked how they acted and how they treated people with different beliefs. Catholic, Morman, Islam, different denominations within their own religion, etc. It didn't sit right with me.

So at this point I'm kinda in limbo, when it comes to follwers. I share the same beliefs with them as far as God is concerned, but anything beyond that is nada.


Well-Known Member
Mister_T said:
I stepped back and looked how they acted and how they treated people with different beliefs. Catholic, Morman, Islam, different denominations within their own religion, etc. It didn't sit right with me.
There is a big difference between people who might be a bit intollerant towards other faiths and your seeming inability to find evil in almost anything.

Peace be with you brother... but be carefull... the Holy Spirit is unity, and the farther a person goes off on their own, the farther they are away from God.



Forum Relic
Premium Member
Scott1 said:
There is a big difference between people who might be a bit intollerant towards other faiths and your seeming inability to find evil in almost anything.

Peace be with you brother... but be carefull... the Holy Spirit is unity, and the farther a person goes off on their own, the farther they are away from God.

Whoa cowboy. I never said they were evil. I just said I can't think like them.

And I always try to have unity with people.
But now we're getting off topic.

Evil. What is it?


The Devil's Advocate
Mister_T said:
But now we're getting off topic.

Evil: What is it?
Mister_T, perhaps if you defined what you think evil is it would show Scott that you actually are able find evil in some things.

To define evil is to be able to say what is permissible and why, and what is not permissible and why. I admit that I did not read the original thread that spawned all this, but I think Scott's main concern is that he thinks you find everything permissable. Surely that is not the case?


Forum Relic
Premium Member
lilithu said:
Mister_T, perhaps if you defined what you think evil is it would show Scott that you actually are able find evil in some things.

To define evil is to be able to say what is permissible and why, and what is not permissible and why. I admit that I did not read the original thread that spawned all this, but I think Scott's main concern is that he thinks you find everything permissable. Surely that is not the case?

Evil ,in my opinion, is when other people are hurt or taken advantage of for selfish gain. Rape, murder,etc. People who are selfish and only care about themselves and could give a crap about anything or anyone else. The most important thing is having their needs met. Even if it's at the expense of others. That's evil to me.

People are telling me that certain lifestyles, such as incest and homosexuality is evil. I'm failing to see the logic in that. Obviously these things don't fit in with my perception of evil.

I'm just trying to see how others perceive evil and try and learn from what they think.

My apologies if my posts are unclear. It's been a long day. :coffee:


The Devil's Advocate
Mister_T said:
Evil ,in my opinion, is when other people are hurt or taken advantage of for selfish gain. Rape, murder,etc. People who are selfish and only care about themselves and could give a crap about anything or anyone else. The most important thing is having their needs met. Even if it's at the expense of others. That's evil to me.

People are telling me that certain lifestyles, such as incest and homosexuality is evil. I'm failing to see the logic in that. Obviously these things don't fit in with my perception of evil.

I'm just trying to see how others perceive evil and try and learn from what they think.

My apologies if my posts are unclear. It's been a long day. :coffee:
Sorry Mister_T, it's been a long day for me too. After I posted, I saw that you did include a one sentence description of what you consider to be evil in your OP. But your elaboration does clear things up for me. Thanks.

I think we're largely in agreement. For us, ethics is humanist based, not rule-based. And as such, homosexuality certainly isn't evil. But I still don't agree with you about incest. What about the harm to any potential children resulting from incest? And if a parent raises a kid that is sexually atracted to the parent, can you seriously say that the parent has raised a healthy, well-adjusted, individuated kid? How can a well-adjusted, individuated person be attracted to his/her sibling?


Evil is intentionally chosing something when you know it's not right. There is a fine line tho. A schizofrenic serial killer who is caught in a world of dimentia within his own mind is NOT evil... just mentally disturbed. Often times they don't know that what they are doing is wrong.

A person who is sane of mind who is a serial killer is definitely evil. The stigma against murder is so strong in societies world wide that it's hard to be able to justify with yourself murdering numerous people without a damn good reason.


Citizen Mod
How Do We Know What Evil Is?
Write the word evil on a piece a paper, now hold it in front of a mirror to receive your answer.


what is evil?
evil is an idea, an abstract. it has no substance, it has no set boundaries, and it has no rules. it cannot be measured. in essence evil does not really exist.
the things that people perceive as evil are different from person to person, no matter how religious they are, or what god they do or do not believe in. one person may see a war as the most evil form of social behavior on earth, the person next to them might see war as benevolent commandment of god, the next person in line might see it as something that has to be done to survive and has no moral reprecussions, and the list goes on.

so who really decides what is evil? the Holy Spirit? Allah? God? Buddha? any other diety from the infinite list of dieties?
i dont think so. i think all evil is, is a form of social expression. people either gravitate to others that think the same way they do or seek out those that think differently and try to influence those people to their way of thinking. it is simply a learned social behavior that people use to judge who they want to be around. nothing more, nothing less.



Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
What is Evil ? Something that you intuitively know is wrong and will detract from your oneness with God.