How can you possibly know whether or not your are saved? (specifically, saved from going to Hell)
Surely you don’t find out until it’s too late?
It would be nice of God to give us some indication before we die, a means of knowing whether or not we are saved, so we know either to change our ways or carry on as we were
Dear EDDi
I have never really thought of myself as
saved, but your OP has made me reflect somewhat...
Because, I do feel that I was given heavily impacting “indication” that I had been leading a very bad life.
It was many years ago now and I will not bore you with details, but I’d say that hell and heaven exist in a specific state of mind/consciousness.
I think that everyone - believers
and non - upon physically dying, encounter this state and that some people, for reasons unknown to me, encounter it a-priori.
It is a state where we are ”shown” what impact the priorities we lived by and the choices we made, had on everything/everyone as a whole.
For me, it was most certainly a state of hell (bare in mind that prior to falling into it, I had never even thought of myself as wrong - let alone
bad. On the contrary; had you asked, I would probably have described myself as a
good person). It was very slow, emotionally vivid and painful and nothing was ever the same again. It changed everything about me and that, in turn, changed the entire context of my life (and that of my nearest and dearest).
Then, almost a year ago, I was run over by a car and, as I was lying on my back on the asphalt, my mouth had filled up with blood. I realised that I could die there and was surprised by the beautiful sense of complete peace and serenity within me. I just remember thinking: “it is okay; if I die right here and now, all is as it should and I am at peace.” It felt as though I was smiling.
I don’t think that was heaven. I think heaven is more elaborate than so. But I do believe it confirmed that I lead a better life now than 15 years ago.