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How do you think other RFer's sound?


You know, I tink dat frum now on wve shud alwvays tayph *** wve spick our wvurds. Dat wvay, dere wvill nevur be any confushin about our particular accents.

Me, for exemple, I wvill sound in your hids as I really do if I tayph like dis. Must of duh time, as you see, dere is not really a very beeg defrance but sometime it can be very strong.


De most important ting for you to do wvhen you are trying to understand my accent is, ah... not to spick it slowly. :) Read fest, like you yourself are spicking. lol Den you got it.


Active Member
Djamila said:
De most important ting for you to do wvhen you are trying to understand my accent is, ah... not to spick it slowly. :) Read fest, like you yourself are spicking. lol Den you got it.

That’s funny...My wife is from Holland yet she has no accent what so ever...Her family on the other hand, their English is very difficult to understand at times...The way you just typed the last few posts sounds the way that they pronounce certain words...


Well-Known Member
kiwimac said:
New Zealanders tend to sound a little like Australians but we have shorter vowels than them (UH-UH, I SAID VOWELS!)

They've measured differences in the Sydney accent since so many Kiwis settled here. Thunks fehr the steeet cred bro'.:yes:


I been told that people can't really place my accent. They never believe I grew up in a small 400 person town in west texas. When I was young and beginning to talk I spent alot of time with my grandparents. My Grandfather is from Wisconsin but spent most of his life in Japan and my Grandmother is from Holland. So I have a very unusual speech pattern that totally doesn't fit where I'm from. The texas draw does come out every now and then, and I stop and tell myself "wow that really sounded like a hick, you really are from texas". :D

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
That does sound interesting, Monat! I'd love to hear your voice first hand, since I have trouble envisioning what it might sound like!

Thanks for the link, Lux!


Veteran Member
Feathers in Hair said:
That does sound interesting, Monat! I'd love to hear your voice first hand, since I have trouble envisioning what it might sound like!

Thanks for the link, Lux!
I've heard Meggie's voice, because she called me once. :) And I very much appreciate that sweet voice of hers.


Proud to be a Sinner.
Ozzie said:
They've measured differences in the Sydney accent since so many Kiwis settled here. Thunks fehr the steeet cred bro'.:yes:

Well i know my accent is constantly changing, as is my vocab and mannerisms.

It is very dependent on those i have around me.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
I'll give 50,000 points to anyone who can correctly identify my accent, and 10,000 to anyone who can write a sentence in the accent of my home town (Barnsley - and that and my actual accent are not the same).


Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
i cant break that southern drawl no matter how hard i try.:(

Why in the world would you want to do that!? I love my accent(though not quite as deep as GA, I have a drawl, and, a bit of kentucky twang)

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
*nods eagerly* I think accents are wonderful! Try to hang onto it as much as possible!

Having been born in Chicago and raised by Michigan parents in South Carolina, I tend to see myself as 'accentless'. When I'm angry, my voice seems to go just ever so slightly Southern, but it's a kind of unplacable elongated vowel and clipped sylables type of thing that only my sister and I seem to share in all the world.


Veteran Member
JamesThePersian said:
I'll give 50,000 points to anyone who can correctly identify my accent, and 10,000 to anyone who can write a sentence in the accent of my home town (Barnsley - and that and my actual accent are not the same).

Hmmm, trying to think back on the pictures I've seen of you so I could possibly identify your accent...

Would have to fish through the post a pic thread....

James the Persion definitely tells us your not a native Englishman...

Let me guess, Pakistan ???

Been to London and saw a lot of people from India there. It's sort of seems like a popular place for Muslims also, but you're not Muslim so we can possibly rule out you being from Iran or Iraq or any other Muslim country and you're definitely not Arabian because God is forbidden in that country...

Hmmm I'll go with Pakistani Indian...;) Just kidding.....

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
FFH said:
Hmmm, trying to think back on the pictures I've seen of you so I could possibly identify your accent...

Would have to fish through the post a pic thread....

James the Persion definitely tells us your not a native Englishman...
You're right that I'm not native, but you're being lead up the garden path by my username. My ethnic background is very much European, it's just that my patron saint is the Great Martyr St. James the Persian.

Let me guess, Pakistan ???
Way off. As I said, too far east. Having said that, I don't actually think I have much of a foreign accent. Apparently I occasionally phrase things in a non-English way, but I grew up here so the influence of my parents is slight.

Been to London and saw a lot of people from India there. It's sort of seems like a popular place for Muslims also, but your not Muslim so we can possibly rule out you being from Iran or Iraq or any other Muslim country and your definitely not Arabian because God is forbidden in that country...
Yeah, London and Barnsley are pretty different, though. Barnsley has a significant eastern European minority (Poles, former Yugoslavians, Russians and Albanians mainly) but almost no Asians. Barnsley also pretty flippings small, unlike London.

Hmmm I'll go with Pakistani Indian...;) Just kidding.....
No, you definitely need to be looking for something more English (but nobody's going to get it so you might as well give up).



Veteran Member
We all ear in YUtah don't talk funny no more. Cuz we iz all done lost are acceints long while ago. Back when we started ridin' dem dare cars to work, just a few ears back, when dey outlawed dem dar buggies and carryages on account of dem dar smelly yorses and da poop droppins' day left be'yind on da pavement out ear...


Veteran Member
Okay I'll go with my first instinct, which was Irish or Scottish then lad...

But then again I'm trying to picture your pic in the post a pic thread and If I recall right you did look very European, possibly Yugoslavian or Romanian or Latvian. I worked with a Yugoslavian for years and so I would say you looked a bit like him so I'm tempted to say Yugoslavian. I also worked with a native of Egypt and he was Greek Orthodox and I would put you possibly in that catagory, but maybe not so much Egyptian but Yugoslavian or even Russian or Armenian. Possibly Armenian....

Hmmm you say you are a Romanian orthodox though, but that would be too easy. How about Amsterdam/Holland...

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
FFH said:
Okay I'll go with my first instinct, which was Irish or Scottish then lad...

But then again I'm trying to picture your pic in the post a pic thread and If I recall right you did look very European, possibly Yugoslavian or Romanian or Latvian. I worked with a Yugoslavian for years and so I would say you looked a bit like him so I'm tempted to say Yugoslavian. I also worked with a native of Egypt and he was Greek Orthodox and I would put you possibly in that catagory, but maybe not so much Egyptian but Yugoslavian or even Russian or Armenian. Possibly Armenian....

Hmmm you say you are a Romanian orthodox though, but that would be too easy. How about Amsterdam/Holland...

OK, my ethnic background is Czech and German and I look like my Czech family (so Yugoslav's not really too far out and I have been mistaken for a Romanian or Moldovan more than once). The foreign phrasing and particularly idioms I occasionally use are decidedly German, though. None of this is going to help you identify my accent, though (and nor will knowing that I grew up and live in Yorkshire).



Veteran Member
Been through England but it's been too long and can't remember all the places. It's all on video and would have to go back and review, but we've seen the white cliffs of Dover (Dova as they say) the "Lake" district...Clavelle I think is how you spell it....Stratford Upon Avon (town with Shakespeares thatched roof house) Liverpool and on and on but the most memorable area was when we went up into the highlands of Scotland/Edinburough/Edinberg or however you spell it... Such deep green grass mile after mile with white sheep to contrast it all I have never seen before, accept while in Switzerland and Japan gets pretty green too...

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
FFH said:
Been through England but it's been too long and can't remember all the places. It's all on video and would have to go back and review, but we've seen the white cliffs of Dover (Dova as they say) the "Lake" district...Clavelle I think is how you spell it....Stratford Upon Avon (town with Shakespeares thatched roof house) Liverpool and on and on but the most memorable area was when we went up into the highlands of Scotland/Edinburough/Edinberg or however you spell it... Such deep green grass mile after mile with white sheep to contrast it all I have never seen before, accept while in Switzerland and Japan gets pretty green too...

You were actually (and quite inadvertantly) pretty close with one of those places. There's a reasonably good chance that you even have my school (which is where I lost the Yorkshire accent and gained another) on video, even though I doubt that you would have realised that that was what it was.



Veteran Member
OK, my ethnic background is Czech and German and I look like my Czech family (so Yugoslav's not really too far out
Actually the guy I identified you with that I worked with for a few years was Czech and not Yogoslavian now that I think of it and he used to always talk of Amsterdam and Czechoslovakia as cheap places to live, but this was like ten years ago...

I can hear his accent to this day it sort of had a dutch ring to it... He would say things like there (dare) isn't a lot of jobs there (dare) in Amsterdam and Czechloslovakia thats (dats) why I came to Utah for (fer/fur) the (da) jobs and to try to save some money to send back home to my family. Other than that he seemed to have perfect English and I'm exaggerating the accent a bit, it was only slightly different compared to other European and eastern European accents...