I think the earth is billions of years old..
Look at the age of the dinosaurs.
Mesozoic - Wikipedia
Ancient Aliens is still crap.
That's good that you see as I see.
That the earth is billion of years old and not
6000 years old.. at lease we're on the same page on this one
So seeing that the earth is billion of years old..this out dates us human beings..
Which brings us to Adam and Eve being on earth 6000 years ago.
The dinosaurs were on earth way before Adam and Eve ever came into existence..
So what man was on earth at the time of the dinosaurs?
This man is what the Bible calls
"The Celestial man" of the heavenly.
Being the angles of God. Which are not of flesh and blood..
The man of the earth Adam and Eve.
This man the Bible calls
"The Terrestrial man" of the earth of flesh and blood.
Don't get me wrong,. I too was in your shoes not seeing how the dinosaurs bones how could they fit inside of the earth of
6000 years old...
It took me a number of years and research of digging to finally to realize that there was a time before this age that we live in..
The earth age of the dinosaurs..
Which the " Celestial man lived along with the dinosaurs...
Alot of people can't see beyond our time back to the earth age of the "Celestial man" and dinosaurs.
Here's a question that stumps alot of people and including alot of Christians.
Who exactly built the Egyptian pyramids.
Now the scientist and archaeologist say there is no way of carbon dating the stones of the Egyptian pyramids.
So who built them and when?