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How do you view your salvation?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I posted this in scriptural debate section (Galations 2:20); but, I found I'm really looking for personal rather than scriptural perspectives of how Christians of all denominations view their salvation. I'm also not looking at interpreting scripture.

What brought me to the Catholic Church three years ago before I stopped practicing was this verse: "I have been crucified In Christ. Nevertheless, I live; yet, not I, but Christ lives in me. The life which I live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself up for me." ~Galations 2:20

It made me think of what Christianity was really about. When someone comes to Christ they have to be crucified In Him in order for Him to "save you." What I found out was I was using Christ so that I will not look at the sins I have committed but to look to establishing a better relationship with Christ's Father as Christ said we needed to do through His Word.

I have heard people say "Christ died for me so I have no sins -- I am not held guilty for the sins I have committed and will commit--" Then I think that Christ died for them but they do not die In Him? It's like letting Christ do the dirty work and you don't have to do a thing.

What do they do for Jesus to return the favor of what He did for them?

I always wondered how Christians view their salvation in Christ; because if they do not believe they have to do anything in Him, thereby not needing to be crucified in Christ, how are they saved? Faith is not an action. So having faith in Christ is like saying I have faith in my Mother, I love her dearly, she has taken care of me; but, I will not help her out in my health because she's "got it covered."

I know there is a lot of scripture that talks about salvation and talks about how we are saved. I'm looking for personal views and/or testimonies of how you, as a Christian, came to Christ--how you interpret salvation?

Also, for Christians who do not believe Jesus is God, how do you view your salvation in Christ? Can a human save you from your sins or does Jesus have another aspect of Him instead of being a deity that makes Him and His claim worthy of you believing He saved you?
33 O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!

34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?

35 Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?

36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

How do I view my salvation? Christ in me is the hope of Glory. Glory is how God manifests Himself and He has chosen to manifest Himself in me. Yes I have been crucified, but have you ever considered that the only form of capital punishment that a person cannot do to himself is a crucifixion?

Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
I posted this in scriptural debate section (Galations 2:20); but, I found I'm really looking for personal rather than scriptural perspectives of how Christians of all denominations view their salvation. I'm also not looking at interpreting scripture.

What brought me to the Catholic Church three years ago before I stopped practicing was this verse: "I have been crucified In Christ. Nevertheless, I live; yet, not I, but Christ lives in me. The life which I live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself up for me." ~Galations 2:20

It made me think of what Christianity was really about. When someone comes to Christ they have to be crucified In Him in order for Him to "save you." What I found out was I was using Christ so that I will not look at the sins I have committed but to look to establishing a better relationship with Christ's Father as Christ said we needed to do through His Word.

I have heard people say "Christ died for me so I have no sins -- I am not held guilty for the sins I have committed and will commit--" Then I think that Christ died for them but they do not die In Him? It's like letting Christ do the dirty work and you don't have to do a thing.
Yes, there is a trend in modern Christianity to ignore self-denial. Christ has paid the price for us, it is often said that God's grace is free, but it is not cheap! Salvation isn't about a free ticket to go to heaven and helping us deal with feeling guilty, but allows the Christian to "deny himself and take up his cross". (Matthew 16:24) It allows us to live by the Spirit, freed from slavery to sin and to serve God as one of His sons.

What do they do for Jesus to return the favor of what He did for them?
Well, nothing we do could ever adequately repay the incredible price God has paid for us, but I agree that out of sheer gratitude our lives should be reformed and devoted to Him.

I always wondered how Christians view their salvation in Christ; because if they do not believe they have to do anything in Him, thereby not needing to be crucified in Christ, how are they saved? Faith is not an action. So having faith in Christ is like saying I have faith in my Mother, I love her dearly, she has taken care of me; but, I will not help her out in my health because she's "got it covered."
Faith is about belief, and trust, yes. We trust in what Christ is done. It goes further than that though, it's also about accepting Jesus as Lord and repentance. It's not just saying "Yeah Jesus I believe you've got me covered". It's about saying "Jesus, I'm a sinner, I can do no good without you, by your grace I turn away from my sins, and I believe in you and accept you as Lord." What does it mean to accept Jesus as Lord? It means submitting to Him as the sovereign Lord over their lives, over everything they do.

Faith is often simplified to mean some kind of mental assent, just an intellectual affirmation, but it's so much more than that, the Apostles preached time and time again in the book of Acts of the Lordship of Jesus and believing in that.

I know there is a lot of scripture that talks about salvation and talks about how we are saved. I'm looking for personal views and/or testimonies of how you, as a Christian, came to Christ--how you interpret salvation?
I have believed in Jesus honestly for as long as I can remember, though of course in varying degrees. As I grew older I remember saying various prayers saying I'm putting my trust in Him, etc.

Lots of people remember exact dates when they were saved, I cannot, though I do believe we are saved once and for all and cannot lose that salvation. Jesus paid for the sins of those whom the Father has given Him, and will not lose them.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Thank you for the well thought out reply. I don't know if saying I've been crucified in Christ would be the same as I put my trust in Him. I always wondered how people thought about that, their salvation. I mean, my mother saved my life; I put my trust in her hands. I would die for her. That is the key "I would die for her." Likewise, if I still was practicing Christian, I would die for others just as Jesus died for me. I don't see that line of thinking from many Christians. I always thought maybe they had a different perspective of how they are crucified in Christ... or do they believe their trusting in Him and repentance is equal to being crucified in Him?

Yes, there is a trend in modern Christianity to ignore self-denial. Christ has paid the price for us, it is often said that God's grace is free, but it is not cheap! Salvation isn't about a free ticket to go to heaven and helping us deal with feeling guilty, but allows the Christian to "deny himself and take up his cross". (Matthew 16:24) It allows us to live by the Spirit, freed from slavery to sin and to serve God as one of His sons.

Well, nothing we do could ever adequately repay the incredible price God has paid for us, but I agree that out of sheer gratitude our lives should be reformed and devoted to Him.

Faith is about belief, and trust, yes. We trust in what Christ is done. It goes further than that though, it's also about accepting Jesus as Lord and repentance. It's not just saying "Yeah Jesus I believe you've got me covered". It's about saying "Jesus, I'm a sinner, I can do no good without you, by your grace I turn away from my sins, and I believe in you and accept you as Lord." What does it mean to accept Jesus as Lord? It means submitting to Him as the sovereign Lord over their lives, over everything they do.

Faith is often simplified to mean some kind of mental assent, just an intellectual affirmation, but it's so much more than that, the Apostles preached time and time again in the book of Acts of the Lordship of Jesus and believing in that.

I have believed in Jesus honestly for as long as I can remember, though of course in varying degrees. As I grew older I remember saying various prayers saying I'm putting my trust in Him, etc.

Lots of people remember exact dates when they were saved, I cannot, though I do believe we are saved once and for all and cannot lose that salvation. Jesus paid for the sins of those whom the Father has given Him, and will not lose them.

Gilberto Alicea

Just looking to help people understand God Kingdom
Premium Member
I think what's important here is to understand the meaning of his death he died to bring back the kingdom to earth .when Adam disobey God he can no longer duel with Man because of their desobidience so God Imediately promise the evil one that he will crush his head he's authority by having a child of his own spirit true a Virgin Mary who will over come the world temptation and laid his life down for all of humanity .This is why we need to by faith accept jesus and repent of our sins this means to change your ways and to live life as he command if you sin don't feel left out come back to God and agreed that you understand that you have done wrong and he will forgive you again and again Jesus is God in the flesh he laid he's life so that we can be clean .he was the sacrifice for humanity he who belive in him will have eternal life. He told us to seek first the kingdom and righteousness.