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How does god talk to you?


Jesus in me
Read Ex. 33:11,18-23. Hear it seems that God spoke directly to Moses. Sometimes in the Hebrew Scriptures it seems that a person is speaking to God Himself, when it is really an angel representative of God, Gen 18:1-3,13,22-31, Acts 7:30,53-Ex 32:7-16.
During what is called the Mosaic Despensation, God acted differently toward His people than He does today. Today there are no real Theophanies, as in early days.
Today God speaks by His word, The Bible. It was very interesting to me to hear that in other countries, when people have been shown Bible truths, the people sometimes said; This is the mouth of Jehovah. Jehovah is the personal name of the only true God, The Almighty God who created all things.
Consider Matt 6:8, which says that your Fasther knows what you need before ever you ask Him. Within the Holy Scriptures are the answers to every one of mans problems. Of course some of the things we have today were not discovered or invented in the days that the Bible was written. There are, what is called in Theology, Recursive definitions or Principles. This means that the things written in the Scriptures can be applied to todays problems. It just takes a study of God's word to apply the principles correctly.
God's word is an Omnibus, it covers everything we will ever encounter.

This is one of those things that sounds as though it ought to be true like "God helps those who help themselves" but neither is in the Bible. God tells us what we need to know when we need to know it. The Bible is an example of that. That is why we see progressive revelation in the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Who in the bible did God speak directly to - aside from Jesus? I do know a vision would appear to some - burning bush, Arch Angel Gabriel. I don't understand why they consider someone to be schizophrenic or mentally ill when they are experiencing an accepted phenomenia from the bible and just know that it's morally wrong to comply?

God speaks to me in the ONLY way that He speaks to anyone today, by His Holy Scriptures, The Bible. Notice that the Bible says that God knows what you need before you ask Him, Matt 6:8. God's Holy Spirit acts in a way called Pajanism, which means that the Spirit calls to your mind the best scriptural means to deal with any problem. The problem here is; the Spirit can only help you to recall scriptures that you are familiar with. The Holy Spirit does NOT put into your head information that God has put in His word, John 14:26 It is up to everyone to learn God's word!!! then the Holy Spirit can bring back to you God's words that will help you in your particular problem.
God is NOT using powerful works today, in fact God warns that claimed powerful works are from Satan, 2Thes 2:8-12, Matt 7:21-23.
Powerful works in the first century were given to get Christianity started. The Jews had been under the Mosaic Law Covenant for over 1,500 years, so they needed something very powerful and different to impress upon the Jews that God was starting a new WAY, Christianity. Christians were, after the death of Jesus, God's chosen people. The Jews had rejected Jesus, and killed him, God's ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, John 1:18. The only way to please God after that was to look to Jesus as the only way to God, Acts 4:12, Acts 13:38,39.
The only way that the pewerful gifts of the Spirit COULD BE PASSED ON TO OTHER PEOPLE WAS BY THE LAYING ON OF THE HANDS OF THE APOSTLES, Acts 8:14-20.
Paul said that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit would cease, 1Cor 13:8-10. The Powerful Gifts of the Spirit ceased at the death of John, the Apostle, around the end of the first century.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
God speaks to me in the ONLY way that He speaks to anyone today, by His Holy Scriptures, The Bible.

That may be your god, but most gods speak to people directly, through immediate experience of the deity. That is to say that "god" is a word some people use to refer to the experience that takes place when subject/object perception ceases while experiencing continues.


Question Everything
Although Heavenly Father sometimes communicates through dreams, visions, visitations, ministering angels, audible voice, etc. etc. the most common form of communication is through our conscience and through the Holy Spirit.

Conscience – that inner voice which allows you to discern between right and wrong, comes from Christ. It is the light of Christ which instills in the minds of all humanity an understanding of right and wrong. Our conscience is personal guidance for our specific circumstances and opportunities. How do we know these thoughts guiding us in what is right and wrong come from God? Consider a typical thought – the nagging feeling that you need to call your mom, or the bright idea that it might be nice to fill up the gas tank for your spouse – then you sit there and fight with the idea “but I just called my mom, the tank is not really that low, I don’t have enough time to fill up the tank” – you argue with it, don’t want to do it… Our carnal mind argues against it, does not come up with the ideas. The idea is given to us, and then we argue/fight it. The good ideas that we usually ignore/rationalize away/fight against – these good ideas come from God. This applies to everyone - no matter what religion, race, creed, political view. Everyone has a conscience, every recieves direct guidance from God, that is, if they learn how to listen to it.

Guidance from the Holy Spirit is the next level up, the next form of communication… we can talk about that too if anyone is interested? Our conscience – our personal Jiminy Cricket so to speak – is a good place to start in any event, as all of us have experienced this type of guidance (but perhaps have not recognized where it comes from)

God, Access to
(see also Prayer)
Gen. 5:24 Enoch walked with God
Gen. 6:3 (Moses 8:17) My spirit shall not always strive with man
Gen. 18:22 Abraham stood yet before the Lord
Gen. 39:2 Lord was with Joseph
Ex. 3:8 I am come down to deliver them
Ex. 6:3 I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac
Ex. 25:22 I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee
Lev. 9:5 congregation drew near and stood before the Lord
Deut. 4:29 if ... thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him
2 Chr. 15:4 when they ... sought him, he was found of them
Job 27:9 Will God hear his cry when trouble cometh upon him
Ps. 82:1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty
Prov. 1:28 shall they call upon me, but I will not answer
Isa. 1:15 many prayers, I will not hear
Isa. 9:12 his hand is stretched out still
Isa. 55:6 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found
Isa. 59:2 your iniquities have separated between you and your God
Jer. 11:11 though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken
Jer. 29:13 ye shall seek me, and find me
Micah 3:4 shall they cry unto the Lord
Zech. 7:13 they cried, and I would not hear
Matt. 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you
John 14:6 (D&C 132:12) no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
Acts 17:27 they should seek the Lord, if haply they might
Rom. 10:12 Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him
Heb. 10:22 Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith
Rev. 3:20 open the door, I will come in to him
2 Ne. 26:13 manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him
2 Ne. 26:33 inviteth them all to come unto him
2 Ne. 28:32 if they will repent and come unto me
Alma 34:17 begin to call upon his holy name
D&C 29:11 For I will reveal myself from heaven
D&C 84:88 I will be on your right hand and on your left
D&C 88:63 Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you
D&C 93:1 shall see my face and know that I am
D&C 97:16 my presence shall be there, for I will come
D&C 110:4 I am your advocate with the Father
D&C 112:10 Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand
D&C 132:49 thy God, and will be with thee even unto the end
Moses 7:4 Lord ... talked with me ... face to face
Abr. 3:11 Abraham, talked with the Lord, face to face
See also Isa. 5:25; Rom. 2:11; 3 Ne. 11:20.
(Topical Guide | GGod, Access to:Entry)
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Jesus in me
God speaks to me in the ONLY way that He speaks to anyone today, by His Holy Scriptures, The Bible. Notice that the Bible says that God knows what you need before you ask Him, Matt 6:8. God's Holy Spirit acts in a way called Pajanism, which means that the Spirit calls to your mind the best scriptural means to deal with any problem. The problem here is; the Spirit can only help you to recall scriptures that you are familiar with. The Holy Spirit does NOT put into your head information that God has put in His word, John 14:26 It is up to everyone to learn God's word!!! then the Holy Spirit can bring back to you God's words that will help you in your particular problem.
God is NOT using powerful works today, in fact God warns that claimed powerful works are from Satan, 2Thes 2:8-12, Matt 7:21-23.
Powerful works in the first century were given to get Christianity started. The Jews had been under the Mosaic Law Covenant for over 1,500 years, so they needed something very powerful and different to impress upon the Jews that God was starting a new WAY, Christianity. Christians were, after the death of Jesus, God's chosen people. The Jews had rejected Jesus, and killed him, God's ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, John 1:18. The only way to please God after that was to look to Jesus as the only way to God, Acts 4:12, Acts 13:38,39.
The only way that the pewerful gifts of the Spirit COULD BE PASSED ON TO OTHER PEOPLE WAS BY THE LAYING ON OF THE HANDS OF THE APOSTLES, Acts 8:14-20.
Paul said that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit would cease, 1Cor 13:8-10. The Powerful Gifts of the Spirit ceased at the death of John, the Apostle, around the end of the first century.

There is no biblical proof of this and my experience is different.

You have no biblical proof of this either. John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
The verse does not say that the Paraclete will only bring things to your remembrance but that He will also teach us all things.

You are claiming that those who serve Jesus with all their heart and soul and mind are coming from Satan! That sounds like an accusation from Satan to me. And the pharisees made the same claim about Jesus, do you agree with them too? II Thes.2:8 And then shall be revealed the lawless one, whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth, and bring to nought by the manifestation of his coming; 9 even he, whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
There is nothing in this passage about Christians. The fact that the lawless one can use signs is not a sign that Christians can't or are from Satan. Mat 7:21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works?
This is not saying that true Christians can't use signs but only that pretend Christians can use signs but God will not acknowledge them or save those who are depending on works instead of on Jesus for salvation.

This is an opinion and not biblically provable.

This is just more BS. The biblical passage you used does not support an only concept.

Try reading your Bible. I Cor 13:10 but when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away. This prophecy is not fulfilled until Jesus returns.
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Jesus in me
That may be your god, but most gods speak to people directly, through immediate experience of the deity. That is to say that "god" is a word some people use to refer to the experience that takes place when subject/object perception ceases while experiencing continues.

I don't agree with your definition. My definition is anyone with supernatural power. That is why people viewed Paul as a god because He was able to do supernatural things. I suspect you are talking about meditation but that does not necessarily lead to contact with a god. Contact with a spiritual being is not the same thing because that spirit might not have spiritual powers. Also remember that Satan is a god, so there is no guarantee that just any spirit will be good and the reality is that there is none good but God.


Jesus in me
Jesus told me to become a Hindu Mormon Jain Baha'i.

That reminds me of the couple in Maine who claimed that God told them to roast their baby in an oven.

However I would be fascinated to hear your story of how this could actually (as you think) happen.

The Bible is clear. There will be many claiming to be Jesus and I don't doubt for a minute that an untoward spirit could make the same claim.


I know I"m bumping this a little, but I'm really intruiged:

If there are many spirits claiming to be Jesus, how can you use 1 John 4:3 as a test to see which spirits are genuine? And what about all the forefathers' visions? And all the communication with the prophets? Surely those spirits didn't acknowledge Jesus, who had yet to be born?

It is said in some Jewish traditions that the prophets heard G-d speaking to them in their own voice.


Jesus in me
I know I"m bumping this a little, but I'm really intruiged:

If there are many spirits claiming to be Jesus, how can you use 1 John 4:3 as a test to see which spirits are genuine? And what about all the forefathers' visions? And all the communication with the prophets? Surely those spirits didn't acknowledge Jesus, who had yet to be born?

It is said in some Jewish traditions that the prophets heard G-d speaking to them in their own voice.

The test is for what spirit is not of God, ie if it doesn't confess Jesus it is not. However that still doesn't guarantee that it is of God. With the risk of being misled there is no wonder that many Christians would rather stick with scripture. There are other tests such as the spirit displaying spiritual fruit. God's voice also should be consistent with His voice inthe Bible.

The test is for those in the future not those in the past. The test for a prophet was that his prophecies came to pass.


1.The test is for what spirit is not of God, ie if it doesn't confess Jesus it is not. However that still doesn't guarantee that it is of God. With the risk of being misled there is no wonder that many Christians would rather stick with scripture. There are other tests such as the spirit displaying spiritual fruit. God's voice also should be consistent with His voice inthe Bible.

2.The test is for those in the future not those in the past. The test for a prophet was that his prophecies came to pass.
(I've numbered your reply so I don't have to try to match your awesome colour-coding. Hope you don't mind!)

1. OK, so that test isn't conclusive if the spirit DOES confess Jesus, but it helps you weed out the bad ones who don't. Gotcha.
2. Do you know what tests were used in the past, or is that knowledge lost now?


Jesus in me
(I've numbered your reply so I don't have to try to match your awesome colour-coding. Hope you don't mind!)

1. OK, so that test isn't conclusive if the spirit DOES confess Jesus, but it helps you weed out the bad ones who don't. Gotcha.
2. Do you know what tests were used in the past, or is that knowledge lost now?[/quote]

Yes. And that doesn't preclude the possiblity of God speaking to someone but just brings into question how one can be sure it is God.

Chances are that the prophets weren't around to verify that all their prophecies came to pass. Someone had to say "The word that he spoke from the Lord came true so lets include this in the Bible. We don't have much info on how that came to be. The Bible is a book of books. In earlier times those books existed as separate texts very much as the books of the New Testament weren't put together into one book until well after they were written.


Jesus in me
Perhaps I can explain this. For the Christian the Spirit of God is availabe through the Paraclete with which Jesus identifies the Father and Himself. So if another spirit comes along saying it is not Jesus then it is another spirit. So if the spirit of Julius Ceasar wants to talk to me I will simply tell him to take a hike. The Bible tells us to have nothing to do with familiar spirits.

When I was doing jail ministry there was a Muslim man who was found guilty of stabbing his wife to death with an ice pick. He said that his dead wife talked to him. That is a familiar spirit and it was quite possibly a demon because demons like to masquerade as familiar spirits.
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Jesus in me

Perhaps my wording confuses you. Let's look at a few scenarios.

1. A spirit comes and doesn't mention Jesus but does mention God. Since there is no mention of Jesus there is no way to tell if that spirit is from God or not.

2. A spirit comes and identifies itself as God and Jesus. This is most likely the spirit of God becasue it confesses Jesus.

3. A spirit comes along and says it is from God, so you ask it if itis Jesu and it says, no. This is not a spirit of God.