Jesus in me
Read Ex. 33:11,18-23. Hear it seems that God spoke directly to Moses. Sometimes in the Hebrew Scriptures it seems that a person is speaking to God Himself, when it is really an angel representative of God, Gen 18:1-3,13,22-31, Acts 7:30,53-Ex 32:7-16.
During what is called the Mosaic Despensation, God acted differently toward His people than He does today. Today there are no real Theophanies, as in early days.
Today God speaks by His word, The Bible. It was very interesting to me to hear that in other countries, when people have been shown Bible truths, the people sometimes said; This is the mouth of Jehovah. Jehovah is the personal name of the only true God, The Almighty God who created all things.
Consider Matt 6:8, which says that your Fasther knows what you need before ever you ask Him. Within the Holy Scriptures are the answers to every one of mans problems. Of course some of the things we have today were not discovered or invented in the days that the Bible was written. There are, what is called in Theology, Recursive definitions or Principles. This means that the things written in the Scriptures can be applied to todays problems. It just takes a study of God's word to apply the principles correctly.
God's word is an Omnibus, it covers everything we will ever encounter.
This is one of those things that sounds as though it ought to be true like "God helps those who help themselves" but neither is in the Bible. God tells us what we need to know when we need to know it. The Bible is an example of that. That is why we see progressive revelation in the Bible.