There is something that I don't understand in the Bible Vassal: The book of Genesis.
This throws up the argument of Creationism or, the spin version; Intelligent Design. I have not researched this fully but I am aware of conflict in the school system in some of the states in America over the right to teach this belief, and not just with scientists but with other Christians (I hate labelling people. Labelling IMO promotes difference and that is a bad thing).
So what we have is essentialy two interpretations of the Bible:- one that believes that the world is around 6 thousand years old and was created by God in 6 days and one that choose to ignore this. I don't believe that this type of conflict is healthy Inky. What I see is the division of the people and a danger for predjudice - focusing again on the differences in people (a bad thing) giving rise to the potential for a scond Dark Age (if you take it to it's logical conclusion, although I accept that this is an extreme logical conclusion).
Yes, creation is one subject that has different interpretations, however, if you pay attention to detail in Genesis you can see the Bible does not support the idea that Earth was created in 6 24-hour periods. Many people just look at the word day and try to argue that this automatically means 6 24-hour periods, but if you look at the other meanings of the word it can also refer to a general period of time. The Bible clearly describes God letting the universe develop on its own, such as seen here:
Genesis 1:11-12 (NASB) 11Then God said, "Let the Earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them"; and it was so. 12The Earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind; and God saw that it was good.
Notice how it says God said, Let the Earth sprout vegetation
and The Earth brought forth vegetation. And it also describes the vegetation yield seeds and reproducing, which obviously takes more than 24 hours, yet for some reason many Young Earth Creationists like to use the argument He could have made the plants grow at an accelerated rate if he wanted to, and yes, he could have, but that isnt what the text says. Neither the Biblical text nor science support the idea the the Earth was created in 144 hours (six days).
If there are peple in the world that are willing to interpret the Bible in such a literal way, is there not a danger that these people could commit murder by stoning or enslave their neighbours as is shown in Leviticus using the Bible as their defense? Will you or I stand by and permit it in the name of the Bible? It strikes me that the Bible is a dangerous book in the hands of these people.
I don't wish to scaremonger but I think it highlights the serious question of interpretation.
Anyone who reads and understands the Bible knows that the Old Testament is no longer in effect. It was given to the nation of Israel while they were in the Promised Land. The entire Old Testament is a foreshadowing of the Messiah, and the New Testament is the fulfillment of these things.
Under the Old Testament the Israelites had to sacrifice animals for each sin, and under the New Testament Jesus blood forgives sins. Under the Old Testament the Israelites had a high priest that would intercede between them and God, and under the New Testament Jesus intercedes for us. When the Israelites came out of Egypt they made a Golden Calf and worshiped it, so God sent poisonous snakes upon them. Then God told Moses to make a bronze pole with a bronze snake on it, which formed the shape of a cross, and any Israelite who looked at it after being bitten by the snake was healed. In John 3:14 Jesus references this event saying that he must be lifted up just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, showing that he is now what we look to when we sin. There are many more examples of such things, but I'm sure you get the idea.
The harsher punishments in the Old Testament were to show how much God cannot tolerate sin. Since no one can live up the standards of God, he made a new covenant under which we can be forgiven through faith, but only if we are truly sorry for what we have done. The New Testament constantly talks about how people are now justified through faith, and not by being a perfect follower of the law.
But keep in mind that the vast majority of Christians understand that the bible stories are STORIES: that they are metaphorical in nature and speak to the origins of man's attitude and spirit, not to the historical origins of man's physical existence.
The stories are not metaphorical, they are historical. Though God did guide the events to symbolize the old and new relationship between God and man, the events did happen. Even if you dont believe the Bible is true, there is no way you can read the Bible and see that it claims to be a book that shows historical interaction between God and man. I don't see how you can be a Christian and also believe that nothing in the Bible actually happened, that's just self-contradictory.