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how does the christian coalition score your congressman?


Following Christ
pah said:
...Like it or not folks, middle of the road Christianity will join the Christian liberals and non-Christians as suppressed peoples when the power is completely held by this minority. Freedom of religion may be the last to go but it is as certain to be lost as will sexual and reproductive freedoms....
A little hyperbole never hurt anybody. ;)

While this scenario is possible, it is highly unlikely. What is more likely to happen is moderate Christians are convinced to 'come under' the 'umbrella' of 'religious protection' as 'offered' by the Republican party, while the Democrats have no clear message in rebuttal.

Please note the use of quotes and remember we are talking in the hypothetical. If a challenge to 'Under God' in the pledge or a similar case comes up which the Republicans could use to galvanize middle of the road Christians, however, it could happen.

BTW...my Congressman, David Scott scored a 33%.


Veteran Member
As we go into the voting season I wanted to pull this thread to the forefront...depending on your theory of the USA as a theocracy.


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
As we go into the voting season I wanted to pull this thread to the forefront...depending on your theory of the USA as a theocracy.

Mine, Tom Tancredo scored 100!

Thats not why I like him though, When the rest of congress hates you, even your own party, you know you are doing something right!


Done here.
My Congressman, Joe Wilson, scored a 92. :mad:

My former Congressman (when I lived downtown), Jim Clyburn, scored an 8. :clap


Done here.
Melody said:
Why am I not surprised mine scored a 90. This is the same person who responds to my letters with objection to some policy or other with a "thank you for letting us know how well we're doing." <sigh>
The late Strom Thurmond's office was very conscientious about replying to letters. Of course, the reply was likely to be like this:
Dear William,

Senator Thurmond appreciates your taking the time to write on the very important subject of X.

Senator Thurmond is very concerned about X, and is very interested to hear of your support of X. Senator Thurmond is firmly committed to doing everything in his power to fight against X.

Thank you for writing.


Well-Known Member
How is this for personal correspondance with your Senator

In 1991, Kerry voted against authorizing the use of force in the Persian Gulf. Yet he now claims that he fully supported Operation Desert Storm, but voted against it only because he wanted the first President Bush &#8220;to take a couple more months to build the support of the nation.&#8221; At the dawn of that war, Kerry warned that the elder Bush&#8217;s &#8220;unilateral&#8221; action constituted a &#8220;rush to war&#8221; that might lead to &#8220;another generation of amputees, paraplegics, burn victims.&#8221; &#8220;Is the liberation of Kuwait so imperative that all those risks are worthwhile at this moment?&#8221; he asked rhetorically. Eleven days later, he wrote a letter to a constituent explaining that he opposed military action and preferred to give economic sanctions &#8220;more time to work.&#8221; Nine days after that, however, he wrote to the same constituent and said that he &#8220;strongly and unequivocally supported President Bush&#8217;s response to the crisis.&#8221;


Veteran Member
Kev, the Christian coalition is a collection of churches that are actively pushing for a theocracy where the Christian laws (aka the 10 commandments) and religion rule the goverment. Right now our goverment is semi-secular and before the CC's reign it was largely secular. The scorecard is from the CC's website and is agenda's that the CC feels are mandated by God. They include anti-abortion bills and anti gay bills amoung other provisions. For every vote that goes the CC's way on the bils they are feel are critical the congressman or senator scores a percentage point based on the number of important bills to them. In addition to their victories in congress according to theocracywatch.org 42 % of senators scored a 100 (perfect score) on their scorecard in 2004.

In the audio section of Theocracywatch.org website the first link gives a great intro towards the theocrazation attempts of the CC:

2) http://www.theocracywatch.org/


Veteran Member
Idaho - Otter - 92
Simpson - 75

Not suprisingly, Idaho, well, IMO, is just an extension of Utah.


Well-Known Member
robtex said:
Kev, the Christian coalition is a collection of churches that are actively pushing for a theocracy where the Christian laws (aka the 10 commandments) and religion rule the goverment. Right now our goverment is semi-secular and before the CC's reign it was largely secular. The scorecard is from the CC's website and is agenda's that the CC feels are mandated by God. They include anti-abortion bills and anti gay bills amoung other provisions. For every vote that goes the CC's way on the bils they are feel are critical the congressman or senator scores a percentage point based on the number of important bills to them. In addition to their victories in congress according to theocracywatch.org 42 % of senators scored a 100 (perfect score) on their scorecard in 2004.

In the audio section of Theocracywatch.org website the first link gives a great intro towards the theocrazation attempts of the CC:

2) http://www.theocracywatch.org/

Understood, I definately do not agree with their complete agenda, but I am not afraid they like my congressman. The CC had the most clout during the Reagan years, and I dont think those years were overly oppressive


Well-Known Member
Hah! Mine (well, actually, he's not mine anymore) scored 100...he's also now in jail for 8 years 4 months after accepting a huge amount of bribes, somehow I figure this would lower his score. Oh, Mr. Cunningham :p


Well-Known Member
Ick, my Congressman for my home district (Petri), unsuprisingly scored a 92. But I live in a conservative district. And I'll be voting against him soon enough.