Cult Survivor/Fundamentalist Pentecostal Apostate
It's just a question, and this thread is not intended to fall into the throws of interfaith debates. These are very personal questions that each of us can answer to ourselves and we truly can't have an answer outside of ourselves that is truly intrinsic.
MY ANSWER is, I rather tire of the theist mumbo jumbo that tells me that I believe there is no value here without a deity or a hereafter. Nothing could be further from the truth! I see life as precious; and further, I see this life as the only life we have, and ever will have. No, we are not "specially created"; but everything came together just the right way at this very time to make me .... well ... me! That means that I am fortunate to be here. I see, I hear, I breathe, I think, I feel; and these precious experiences (even the painful ones) cause me to to feel fortunate to be here and to have these experiences. Regardless of where it came from, life is a really cool gift!
I feel the same way for my fellow man; each of us are lucky to be here because things came together just the right way to make them ... them!
So, because we are so lucky to be here, and because this is the only life we will ever experience, may as well make it the best life we can live! Now, I live with the pain of regret and I wish that on nobody; so I cherish morality, kindness, compassion. We can't have the best life we can possibly live if we are out and about doing harm to our fellow man or thumbing our nose at the laws that govern our societies.
And when we offer kindness and compassion to others, we do something amazing; we make better, not just a life, but the only life another living creature or person will ever, ever have!
That's my answer; and now, it's your turn. How does your religion (or lack thereof) affect the meaning or value you place on human life?
MY ANSWER is, I rather tire of the theist mumbo jumbo that tells me that I believe there is no value here without a deity or a hereafter. Nothing could be further from the truth! I see life as precious; and further, I see this life as the only life we have, and ever will have. No, we are not "specially created"; but everything came together just the right way at this very time to make me .... well ... me! That means that I am fortunate to be here. I see, I hear, I breathe, I think, I feel; and these precious experiences (even the painful ones) cause me to to feel fortunate to be here and to have these experiences. Regardless of where it came from, life is a really cool gift!
I feel the same way for my fellow man; each of us are lucky to be here because things came together just the right way to make them ... them!
So, because we are so lucky to be here, and because this is the only life we will ever experience, may as well make it the best life we can live! Now, I live with the pain of regret and I wish that on nobody; so I cherish morality, kindness, compassion. We can't have the best life we can possibly live if we are out and about doing harm to our fellow man or thumbing our nose at the laws that govern our societies.
And when we offer kindness and compassion to others, we do something amazing; we make better, not just a life, but the only life another living creature or person will ever, ever have!
That's my answer; and now, it's your turn. How does your religion (or lack thereof) affect the meaning or value you place on human life?