So I'd like to be able to show the sick suffering poor tortured souls that God loves them. The first obstacle is the fact that God refuses to speak up to them. God hides himself. Would a God who loves people hide himself from them and refuse to speak up and leave people tortured and confused?
The world is tortured, sick, and confused. It would be nice if there was some evidence to leave people that they can turn to God and God will protect, provide, and be faithful to his word. I pray to God unceasingly for guidance and am left sick and confused. Reading the Bible just causes more confusion and anger and makes me want to puke!
How hard is it for God to simply demonstrate that his word is true and that he cares about people and will enlighten them, guide them, heal their wounds? Why is it that one person seeks the truth and winds up Catholic, another person seeks the truth and winds up a Jehovah's witness, another person seeks the truth and winds up Eastern Orthodox, or some other denomination? People are reading the same book and praying to the same God, while winding up with opposite beliefs.
I can't tell you how many people have read the Bible and come to believe the Catholic church is the whore of Babylon... others read the same book and give a Biblical defense of why the Catholic church is the church that Christ founded.
At this time, how does a person know who to listen to? I go to God , and he seems to tell me that the Holy Spirit guides the church councils and established the church as the authority to settle disputes about faith and morals. Yet so many Bible Christians tell me the church is evil, Pagan, and the religion of Satan and the Antichrist.
In the end, I'm just going to have to follow my conscience, because God isn't giving clear answers.
All this time I could be following the whore of Babylon, the religion of Satan.
Which would mean the very Bible these people cherish, they got from the whore of Babylon, because for quite a few centuries there were no Protestant churches.
If God let the world be deceived by this satanic whore, how am I supposed to place my trust in such a God? He failed to guide the church, and the Bible contradicts itself.
Who does a person listen to?
My heart tells me to listen to the church , because Christ said Upon This Rock I build my church and the gates of Hell shall not Prevail against it.
There is an unbreakable chain of popes that dates back to the first century. Protestantism began in the 16th century. How am I supposed to believe the Protestant faith is the true faith when God waited so many centuries to establish a Protestant church?
If God wants me to be a Protestant, then which of the thousands of denominations doesn't preach error?
How am I supposed to tell anybody that God loves them, when God does such a pitiful job of shepherding his flock? Turn to God for answers and get silence. How has this God shown himself to be trustworthy?
How has God shown you he loves you?
If you were going to tell a chronically sick tortured soul that God loves them, what would you provide them as evidence for this claim? All the evidence suggests otherwise.