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How has the world changed since you were a child?


Active Member
You guys make me feel ancient

Party line phone
Three day festivals
Rock and roll


Wonder Woman
In the neighborhood I grew up in there were only a few houses (on the edge of town) and still lots of open space and wooded area. Now all filled in with trimmed lawns and modern-looking houses. :( I miss my bare-foot running areas.

Everyone knew each other, the kids all played together and ran all over, no one locked their doors, kids in and out of everyone else's houses, no cell phones to track the kids down. We all just meandered back home around dinner time on our own. :p

Me Myself

Back to my username
In the neighborhood I grew up in there were only a few houses (on the edge of town) and still lots of open space and wooded area. Now all filled in with trimmed lawns and modern-looking houses. :( I miss my bare-foot running areas.

Everyone knew each other, the kids all played together and ran all over, no one locked their doors, kids in and out of everyone else's houses, no cell phones to track the kids down. We all just meandered back home around dinner time on our own. :p

Yu can run barefoot wherever you want! :D

Barefoot running - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Wonder Woman

No I cant! :sad: Not wherever I want! They don't exist anymore. The fields and hills that were my childhood stomping grounds, the old tree that still had the remains of an old treehouse, the old remains of what use to be a fence with a huge lilac bush where the ground behind was covered with flowers that I would lay in and hide away for what felt like hours. All nicely manicured lawns and A-frame and contemporary houses now. :(

Me Myself

Back to my username
No I cant! :sad: Not wherever I want! They don't exist anymore. The fields and hills that were my childhood stomping grounds, the old tree that still had the remains of an old treehouse, the old remains of what use to be a fence with a huge lilac bush where the ground behind was covered with flowers that I would lay in and hide away for what felt like hours. All nicely manicured lawns and A-frame and contemporary houses now. :(

If you dont find something positive now you will leave me sad :(


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The middle class in America has been decimated since I was a child. One person's income no longer typically supports a family. Many kinds of jobs that once supported a family no longer fully support even a single worker.

The US has fallen to last place among industrialized nations in upward social and economic mobility since I was a child.

On the other hand, the overall crime rate has declined, as has the teen pregnancy rate. Early childhood education is more popular these days than it was when I was a child. And electronics of every description are cheaper and more plentiful.

But, overall, I would say the trend that future historians will most concern themselves with a hundred years from now is the decline and abolition of the middle class -- and the subsequent devolution of the United States into a quasi-third world country.


Wonder Woman
If you dont find something positive now you will leave me sad :(

:p Well, that's just the nostalgia setting in. Of course a lot has changed since I was a kid. Several people have mentioned prices of things, like gas and more. Or the increase in TV channels.

Technology has taken such a huge boost since I was a kid. It's amazing the leaps we've made in such a relatively short time. From feeling "privileged" to have a Commodore 64 and 128D and an Atari and Colecovision (because weren't they just the height of technology coolness then :p ) to everything that we can do and dream of now. Shoot, we get the newest thing, have it for a couple months, and it seems it's already outdated. We can do so much now, stuff only imagined on things like Star Trek. I swear...Gene Roddenberry was a visionary.
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
There used to be an amazing annual lightning storm that heralded in the end of summer. I had a great view of it from my house.

Now, due to climate change, it doesn't happen anymore.

Furthermore, the summers 'round here have been lasting longer with winters only lasting from mid-December through mid-January, and the rest of the year being very warm and dry. Wasn't like that when I was a kid. Heck, I got caught in an amazing storm once while walking home from High School.

Oh, and people got a lot bigger for some reason. :shrug:


New Member
Facebook, Facebook, Facebook! Let's not forget twitter!

I grew up where television was at it's prime... so much nostalgia. Now it's all garbage on air these days.
Gaming was simple and it was games like Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64. Fun, challenging, and not too addicting. Now I find gaming addiction so much more common, in young adults too.
It seems like everything has moved to an online world. It even seems like Youtube has more viewers than television now.

Oh, and everyone has their eyes glued to their phone every 2 minutes.
The world is certainly a different place.

Maybe it's just my perception, but people seemed friendlier back then. Television and movies were better. Personal Computers were just entering the market, and they cost $3000. The first computer I remember seeing was in my school; it was a 16-bit rig that had 8MB of RAM, 25 MHz, and 500 MB of hard disk space.

There's a lot of other things. Food was better as well.
It seems, that people are not as important to my perception, as they were. They don't want to be important to perception, as they appreciated. This is a practical situation, which they want to fight, in themselves. Seems, children don't need conflict, and because they are averse to it, people befriend them. Any conflict with an adult, and the adult laughs it off, and it seems that the child is happy again, after, because of the way the adult deals with it.