I had lived for many years without having faith in the things I mentioned. Believe it or not, when we live in a paradigm in which we think these things are "false", that really is how we experience the world. At least it was that way for me. Once life became so unbearable that I could not longer live that way, I had to finally make up my mind to place my faith in those things, and then I had to learn from others how to live by that faith, until the "evidence" that you mentioned began to become evident to me in my life.
Now days, for me, it is as you say: I can see and feel and participate in the benevolence of existence, in values, like humility and honesty, and in the brotherhood of man. But it was not always like this. When I didn't believe in these things, I couldn't experience them in my life as anything but a "sham" of some kind. They weren't real to me. It was a horrible way to live.