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How is coming from dirt better than coming from an ape?

Me Myself

Back to my username
Like i said i don't think it refers to mud *dirt mixed with water* and it also contains water and blood..

But if we would discuss the first human created yes i think all three scriptures agree on this. I also said i prefer coming from that then a ape who eats hes own bugs and poo's himself and sniff buts of other monkeys.

Besides many humans eat bugs, they are nutritive. Pooing oneself, all of us have done, when we were babies.


Well-Known Member
Besides many humans eat bugs, they are nutritive. Pooing oneself, all of us have done, when we were babies.

Lol your just replying in the sack of arguing but fine i will reply we don't eat bugs that live on us, nor do we poo on ourself and play with it when we are mature (only if your mental ill).

There is no debate here since religious people who either belief in Genesis or the Quran do accept that the first man was created and wasn't simply evolved.

So your question should have be: What do you prefer believing in coming from a ape or a god?

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
I cannot count the number of times that I have been reprimanded by evolutionists by saying that evolution says that man came from monkeys or apes and now an evolutionists says it. Wow. Let me reprimand that OP that evolution doesn’t say that man came from apes, it says that we came from an ape like creature. Not that I think there is much difference, but it does feel good to do the reprimanding this time.

Anyway, apes are animals, humans are not. I wish people could see the difference, but alas, I am doomed to debate people that can’t see the differences from humans and animals and even call humans animals. How can a person that considers humans to be divinely different and created in the image of God debate with a person that thinks we are just animals? The starting points are so far apart that it is useless most the time to even debate questions that the OP is asking.

I will give it a shot but I don’t see much hope of a logical debate on this. The question is how did man become a living soul? One answer is the breath of life from God, the other answer is “it happened we just have to figure out how it did naturally”. And that is the real question and difference, divine, supernaturally or natural, not dirt or ape. And please don’t tell me that evolution could be from God unless you can show me that in a science book.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Lol your just replying in the sack of arguing but fine i will reply we don't eat bugs that live on us, nor do we poo on ourself and play with it when we are mature (only if your mental ill).

There is no debate here since religious people who either belief in Genesis or the Quran do accept that the first man was created and wasn't simply evolved.

So your question should have be: What do you prefer believing in coming from a ape or a god?

Both :)


I cannot count the number of times that I have been reprimanded by evolutionists by saying that evolution says that man came from monkeys or apes and now an evolutionists says it. Wow. Let me reprimand that OP that evolution doesn’t say that man came from apes, it says that we came from an ape like creature. Not that I think there is much difference, but it does feel good to do the reprimanding this time.

Anyway, apes are animals, humans are not. I wish people could see the difference, but alas, I am doomed to debate people that can’t see the differences from humans and animals and even call humans animals. How can a person that considers humans to be divinely different and created in the image of God debate with a person that thinks we are just animals? The starting points are so far apart that it is useless most the time to even debate questions that the OP is asking.

I will give it a shot but I don’t see much hope of a logical debate on this. The question is how did man become a living soul? One answer is the breath of life from God, the other answer is “it happened we just have to figure out how it did naturally”. And that is the real question and difference, divine, supernaturally or natural, not dirt or ape. And please don’t tell me that evolution could be from God unless you can show me that in a science book.

This was a long winded way of saying "magic".


Veteran Member
This is not even a debate of wheter it is true or not, it is just an honest curiosity of why do you think it is so low to come from a less evolved species in opposition to coming from dirt or mud?

I mean, many religious people believe in evolution(actually, we are the majority), so either if God decided to use dirt or an ape as raw material to do something more to his image it still comes from God.

What is your problem with apes?

They are at least smarter than dirt.

And funnier :D

Just saying. Weird stuff

excellent observation....

actually, to twist this around a little....(only cause its fun to;))
we are all made of stardust...even the apes



Well-Known Member
I cannot count the number of times that I have been reprimanded by evolutionists by saying that evolution says that man came from monkeys or apes and now an evolutionists says it. Wow. Let me reprimand that OP that evolution doesn’t say that man came from apes, it says that we came from an ape like creature. Not that I think there is much difference, but it does feel good to do the reprimanding this time.

Anyway, apes are animals, humans are not. I wish people could see the difference, but alas, I am doomed to debate people that can’t see the differences from humans and animals and even call humans animals. How can a person that considers humans to be divinely different and created in the image of God debate with a person that thinks we are just animals? The starting points are so far apart that it is useless most the time to even debate questions that the OP is asking.

I will give it a shot but I don’t see much hope of a logical debate on this. The question is how did man become a living soul? One answer is the breath of life from God, the other answer is “it happened we just have to figure out how it did naturally”. And that is the real question and difference, divine, supernaturally or natural, not dirt or ape. And please don’t tell me that evolution could be from God unless you can show me that in a science book.

What's a soul?

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
This was a long winded way of saying "magic".

Is this a short way of saying, that if a Christian evolutionist says that God was involved, it is accepted, praised, and touted to other Christians, but when a Christian creationist says God was involved, it is scorned?

Me Myself

Back to my username
I cannot count the number of times that I have been reprimanded by evolutionists by saying that evolution says that man came from monkeys or apes and now an evolutionists says it. Wow. Let me reprimand that OP that evolution doesn’t say that man came from apes, it says that we came from an ape like creature.

I am completely aware of that. I was just kinda symplifying it :D.

Not that I think there is much difference, but it does feel good to do the reprimanding this time.

ah well! Then you did gain something out of it! :D

Anyway, apes are animals, humans are not. I wish people could see the difference, but alas, I am doomed to debate people that can’t see the differences from humans and animals and even call humans animals. How can a person that considers humans to be divinely different and created in the image of God debate with a person that thinks we are just animals?

Well, both monkeys and dirt come from God anyways. I am not debating wheter we come from God or not.

I am simply saying that apart from coming from God, I also come from years of evolutionary refinement.

The aim of the thread was light hearted since it's conception but I do admit obvious sensationalism is obvious. It is a game of my mommy is better than yours. Kinda serious debate will come (that's why I didn't put it in the jokes seection) , but do realize which our mommys are here:

"My" "mommy" is a divinely transformed ape that became human. (okay, ape-ish)

"Your" "mommy" is divinely transformed dirt that became human.

Given our mommies here, it is a very lighthearted discussion. I am merely saying it is curious to believe that dirt is superior than a monkey. Both dirt and monkeys are below humans, but come on! My mommy is tottally better than yours! I mean, My mommy can AT LEAST do something about it's bugs!

The question is how did man become a living soul? One answer is the breath of life from God, the other answer is “it happened we just have to figure out how it did naturally”. And that is the real question and difference, divine, supernaturally or natural, not dirt or ape. And please don’t tell me that evolution could be from God unless you can show me that in a science book.

If you don't wanna read that, don't click the spoiler.

I have no reason to believe evolution is not from God :shrug: . Evolution has full science backing it up. Just because science hasn't found God doesn't mean I must throw all science out. If these were your position you wouldn't be able to see this message or type back.


Is this a short way of saying, that if a Christian evolutionist says that God was involved, it is accepted, praised, and touted to other Christians, but when a Christian creationist says God was involved, it is scorned?

You never even came close to answering the op. Which is " How is coming from dirt better than coming from an ape?"

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
It's a straightforward question and is quite pertinent to understanding the difference between a scientific endeavor or relying on religion.

So what's a soul?

Scientific endeavors always start with a presupposition of a religion, either the Bible or naturalism along with The Origin of the Species. We all know by now that Christians were instrumental in starting and developing the field of science because if God is a God of order then the universe will have a certain order and constants to it that can be studied and then experiments on the constants can be done and duplicated.

However if we start with an ever changing environment, which evolution says we have, then science would be no good. So the fact that science is even possible, invalidates the naturalistic starting point. However let’s forget all of that for now so that I can answer you question, because I am a fair, reasonable and caring person, not an animal that would just look at you as food, which evolution says is true.

The soul is my immortal essence. With modern resuscitation techniques and also modern ghost hunters, people are seeing into the next life more frequently. We can’t get around the fact that there is life after death and the soul is what carries us on to our final destination, mine being with Jesus in Heaven.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
You never even came close to answering the op. Which is " How is coming from dirt better than coming from an ape?"

It would probably be better if you just said that you don't accept my answer which is divine or natural. You want it both ways. You want Christians to accept that God used evolution, yet you still want it to be a natural process. You want it to be a choice between divine and divine, but that would mean that, under your rules, it would be magic or magic, or natural or natural.

Why don't you take a pick. First tell me which one that God did, dirt or ape? Then maybe I can explain it better. If you say both then it is magic or magic and they should both be scorned according to the "god did it" rules.

Me Myself

Back to my username
If it make you feel better, we do come from dirt, but it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the evolution line. Like when we were bacteria and stuff. Then other animal thingys. Then Ape-ish animals. Then us.

Man of Faith

Well-Known Member
If it make you feel better, we do come from dirt, but it is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the evolution line. Like when we were bacteria and stuff. Then other animal thingys. Then Ape-ish animals. Then us.

And you bought that hook line and sinker. :facepalm:


Well-Known Member

Like i said your being childish and this is no debate.
Since you already know that people who either belief in Genesis or the Quran already belief that the first human was created.

I hope this topic gets closed or ignored.


Active Member
Like i said your being childish and this is no debate.
Since you already know that people who either belief in Genesis or the Quran already belief that the first human was created.

I hope this topic gets closed or ignored.
After all questioning is not allowed. :)

Me Myself

Back to my username
Like i said your being childish and this is no debate.
Since you already know that people who either belief in Genesis or the Quran already belief that the first human was created.

I hope this topic gets closed or ignored.

I don't even understand your respose.

You made a question, I answered it.

they believe the first human was created from dirt, yes. I claim we were created from ape-like creatures.

Sciences supports the latter. I am merely saying I don't understand why some people feel it is degrading to come from a lesser species even when this is said to them by another theist. If you see the OP, it is mostly about people who believe in God but believe in evolution (which actually means most people...)

I am merely pointing at that it doesn't make much sense to ridicule the raw material. End of the day, we were made from God (or not, but the OP is mostly assuming this and this would not really be the subject of the debate) and God either used dirt or a lesser specie as base material form to create the human. If you even want to critique the raw material, why would you say dirt is BETTER than an actual thinking being? That is pretty much the OP.