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How is the Bible the Word of God?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Okay. I think I put this in the right forum. It has to do with religion.

Anyway, I was thinking. When I think of the "Word of God" I think of Jesus' message to His believers and those He said His Father sent Him to save. His message--the words--are the Bible. Since Jesus is said to be God, it is God's words as well.

However, when I think of God I do not think of His message written in a book. God (or so have you) speaks to us through our heart, minds, and souls. The Bible (and any other Abrahamic scripture: Quran and so forth) is more the message written through the hearts of the people who believed in Him. It is "their words; their testimonies" not God's.

Of course, there is opposition with this statement. I do not think of God as a person, so Him having a full conversation written or spoken with me and anyone else in our native tongue is foreign to me.

"God" has no language. He has no tongue. He is the spirit or mystic law imprinted in our hearts that motivates us to fulfill our calling and purpose in life. We are born through the Spirit, live by it, and die by it to live the next stage of life in a continuous cycle.

Who can ever limit "God" by language alone.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think we have a Christian Mystic here.

His message--the words--are the Bible. Since Jesus is said to be God, it is God's words as well.
Are you talking about the whole Bible, or just the New Testament?
Most of the Bible seems to have nothing to do with Jesus.


The Bible contains credible statements that are consistent with scientific discoveries.

The Scripture predicted that the earth is round before science confirmed it. “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in” (Isaiah 40:22). The book of Isaiah was written about 2500 years ago.

More can be read from this book:

Understanding Prayer, Faith and God's will (Understanding Prayer, Faith and God's Will


well the "Word of God" has different layers of meaning..

It can relate (1) to the "Logos" which was mentioned in the opening lines of the Gospel of John..and this also can relate to the opening verses of Genesis... "God said..Let there be light" and so on.

The word of God can also mean (2) the revealed word of God... so when the Prophets received revelation it was the "Word of God".

The Bible in my view contains the word of God and is inspired. But it also can be inaccurate as to history or science... It's not a science or history text.. by itself however it is important to study because it has been a long influence in Western literature, art and culture.

I believe the revealed Word of God appears on the stage of history from time to time. The Qur'an is a repository of the Word of God .


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Hummmm????? The Bible is supposed to be consistant in theme from beginning to
end. The book spans about 6,000 years of mans history.
If it is indeed consistant from beginning to end then I'd suspect some devine
assitance. The writers of the various documents in the Bible are alleged to be
inspired by God. The writer being only the vessel thru whome God works.
I've found inconsistancies in my reading if the Bible, various translations, and if I do a little digging I find passages mistranslated. When corrected things do go together.
I'm no expert, only one trying to understand.
I am one that does not believe that Jesus was God in the flesh.
That is very controversial and up the the believer to sort it out.
English common law is based mostly in the Bible as is most laws in this country.
I feel the Bible is the "owners manual" for dealing with humans. There is nothing that is not
beneficial contained in the Bible.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Bible contains credible statements that are consistent with scientific discoveries.

The Scripture predicted that the earth is round before science confirmed it. “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in” (Isaiah 40:22). The book of Isaiah was written about 2500 years ago.

More can be read from this book:

Understanding Prayer, Faith and God's will (Understanding Prayer, Faith and God's Will
The Bible also contains assertions that are completely in-credible or absurd, and interpreting "circle of the Earth" to mean a spherical planet floating in space is a bit of a stretch.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The Bible contains credible statements that are consistent with scientific discoveries.

The Scripture predicted that the earth is round before science confirmed it. “He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in” (Isaiah 40:22). The book of Isaiah was written about 2500 years ago.

More can be read from this book:

Understanding Prayer, Faith and God's will (Understanding Prayer, Faith and God's Will


Where is above located on a spherical earth?

Why not use ball as previously mentioned in Isaiah?

Sounds more like the earth is akin to a paper plate with a cover placed over it. It's easy to be above something like that.


Well-Known Member
However, when I think of God I do not think of His message written in a book.

Since God does not 'speak', the Word of God assumes a human element. I think that's why we refer to the biblical authors as inspired. Few have a mystical experience, Abraham, Moses etc., and communicate that experience in a language familiar to that which can be grasped by others.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
A Christian Mystic? That's a first I've gotten. The whole Bible. We can take Jesus out of it.

I think we have a Christian Mystic here.

Are you talking about the whole Bible, or just the New Testament?
Most of the Bible seems to have nothing to do with Jesus.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Christians are no different than Moses and Abraham. Some people do have experiences that another person may not believe is true or think as abnormal. However, their words and testimonies are not the word of God--even though they too come from God? How does history make people in the pasts, their testimonies the "word of God" and not of people today?

Still, I gear towards biblical authors were inspired by God (just as Christians are today). To see it as the Word and our testimonies today as just words confuses me.

Since God does not 'speak', the Word of God assumes a human element. I think that's why we refer to the biblical authors as inspired. Few have a mystical experience, Abraham, Moses etc., and communicate that experience in a language familiar to that which can be grasped by others.
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Veteran Member
many see it as the word of god because they were told that, I don't see it as his words, I see it as someone's else's words, words that they were inspired to write, just as any of us can be inspired to write words, and many words of today are far greater than the old so called scripture words.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I guess I side with number 2. Although I don't believe that the God's revelation is only held in the books of the Bible. Especially, when the Bible was put together as to what is inspired and what is not. How does one decide what is inspired by God? How can anyone judge another person's accuracy of their experience with God? From Abraham, to Muhammad, to Joe Smith living next door to me; who can judge?

well the "Word of God" has different layers of meaning..

It can relate (1) to the "Logos" which was mentioned in the opening lines of the Gospel of John..and this also can relate to the opening verses of Genesis... "God said..Let there be light" and so on.

The word of God can also mean (2) the revealed word of God... so when the Prophets received revelation it was the "Word of God".

The Bible in my view contains the word of God and is inspired. But it also can be inaccurate as to history or science... It's not a science or history text.. by itself however it is important to study because it has been a long influence in Western literature, art and culture.

I believe the revealed Word of God appears on the stage of history from time to time. The Qur'an is a repository of the Word of God .

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
many see it as the word of god because they were told that, I don't see it as his words, I see it as someone's else's words, words that they were inspired to write, just as any of us can be inspired to write words, and many words of today are far greater than the old so called scripture words.

True, true. However, that last part, I think a lot of people wrote different inspired things not all biblical, like poetry, that someone next door couldn't write just as well. Other than that, I like.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Hummmm????? The Bible is supposed to be consistant in theme from beginning to
end. The book spans about 6,000 years of mans history.
If it is indeed consistant from beginning to end then I'd suspect some devine
assitance. The writers of the various documents in the Bible are alleged to be
inspired by God. The writer being only the vessel thru whome God works.
I've found inconsistancies in my reading if the Bible, various translations, and if I do a little digging I find passages mistranslated. When corrected things do go together.
I'm no expert, only one trying to understand.
I am one that does not believe that Jesus was God in the flesh.
That is very controversial and up the the believer to sort it out.
..No, not really. If anything as you get closer to the original sources in regards to the Torah, it becomes almost incompatible with the New Testament.


Veteran Member
Okay. I think I put this in the right forum. It has to do with religion.
Anyway, I was thinking. When I think of the "Word of God" I think of Jesus' message to His believers and those He said His Father sent Him to save. His message--the words--are the Bible. Since Jesus is said to be God, it is God's words as well.
However, when I think of God I do not think of His message written in a book. God (or so have you) speaks to us through our heart, minds, and souls. The Bible (and any other Abrahamic scripture: Quran and so forth) is more the message written through the hearts of the people who believed in Him. It is "their words; their testimonies" not God's.
Of course, there is opposition with this statement. I do not think of God as a person, so Him having a full conversation written or spoken with me and anyone else in our native tongue is foreign to me.
"God" has no language. He has no tongue. He is the spirit or mystic law imprinted in our hearts that motivates us to fulfill our calling and purpose in life. We are born through the Spirit, live by it, and die by it to live the next stage of life in a continuous cycle.
Who can ever limit "God" by language alone.

Well, according to Scripture, who created language?
Who gifted Adam with language ?
The Holy Bible sort of makes God ' a God of Words '- Psalm 119 v 105
Hebrews 9 v 24 makes God a person. A spirit person in the heavens- 1st Kings 8 vs 39,45,49
Jesus never claimed to be God. Gospel writer John in writing Revelation referred to Jesus [ Rev. 1 v 5; 3 v 14 ] as the beginning of the creation by God.
According to Scripture God had No beginning because God is from everlasting- Psalm 90 v 2
So, Jesus was Not before the beginning as God was before the beginning.
According to Rev. 3 v 12 the resurrected heavenly Jesus still thinks he has a God over him.
The ' next stage of life ' according to Matthew 25 vs 31,32 is that we are nearing the soon coming ' time of separation ' on earth when humble ' sheep'-like people can remain alive on earth and continue to live on earth right into the start of Jesus' coming 1000-year kingdom rule over earth, or over earthly subjects of God's kingdom.- Psalm 72 v 8


Veteran Member
..No, not really. If anything as you get closer to the original sources in regards to the Torah, it becomes almost incompatible with the New Testament.

Don't we find the Genesis ' tree of life ' for mankind returning for mankind at Rev. 22:2 ?


Veteran Member
I guess I side with number 2. Although I don't believe that the God's revelation is only held in the books of the Bible. Especially, when the Bible was put together as to what is inspired and what is not. How does one decide what is inspired by God? How can anyone judge another person's accuracy of their experience with God? From Abraham, to Muhammad, to Joe Smith living next door to me; who can judge?

How did Jesus decide ?
Jesus believed Scripture is religious truth - John 17 v 17
Jesus often prefaced his statements with the words, " it is written " meaning already recorded or written down in the old Hebrew Scriptures as the basis for his beliefs or teachings.
Jesus chose gospel writer John as on of his apostles.
That would then include the writings of John.
John [ Rev. 1 v 1 ] wrote Revelation
2nd Timothy 3 vs 16,17 says all Scripture [ Holy Bible ] is inspired by God.