with the possible exception of tolerating, or even recommending, slavery and the slaughtering of little babies.
- viole
Indeed. When the walls of Jerico fell every living thing was slaughtered.
Men, women, children, sheep, goats, babies, everything that breathed was slaughtered.
And Battles B.C. are full of accounts of ruthless slaughter done by "god's chosen people" committing what we would today consider war crimes at the very least.
We cringe at the terrorists actions of islamics, like the recent senseless murders in Pakistan, but that is mild compared to the actions of the "chosen" people who wiped out entire cultures.
From a military viewpoint killing ALL your perceived enemy makes stratigic sense.
No enemy, left alive, no sons & daughters to revenge the death of of family members, no hope of resurrecting a culture deemed unfit for some reason, no one ever at your back because you erased them from the face of the earth.
That kind of action flies in the face of what Jesus preached.
So I sometimes wonder,............ o.k., often wonder, which Jehovah was in charge in Moses' time, and which Jehovah was controling things in Jesus' time.
" I am a jealous god", and " I am a god of infinate love and forgiveness" seems to contradict.
I'm a Christian, I study everything I can get about the Bible and the Christian religion.
I believe; I love the Jesus story, don't believe in the trinity, want to blieve "god" is mercifull, loving, kind, forgiving, and so on, but who is "god", which god do we have today? How can god change from
"kill everything, everywhere" to
"don't you dare hurt a fly, don't hurt one another, turn the other cheek, forgive everyone, everything, for anything, because I sent my only son to die for your sins". Huh?
I want to believe, I want to understand the apparent skizophrenic god of the O.T.
to the all loving god of the N.T.
Understand my confusion? Can anyone help me resolve the various god's in our Bible?
I've been at this Bible study thing over 15 years ane still can't reconcile the O.T. god with the N.T. god and all the god personalities in between.
I've even studied with a J.W. family, nice, wonderful, loving people, well veresed and trained in biblical history, have valid sounding reasons for not joining our military, not observing X-mass, easter, etc, not playing sports, not furthering education past high school, and other differences twixt them & the "world" but even they can't satisfy my curiosity & inquisitive nature.