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How is the Bible the Word of God?


Veteran Member
Depends on what translation you decide to read of that acid-laced fever dream.

Can you find any translation which shows differently ? Gen. 2 v 9; Rev. 22 v 2
Revelation is a revealing. The book of Revelation is a revealing or the happy ending for us.
As with the rest of Scripture, Revelation has corresponding reference verses or passages.

Jesus, as Prince of Peace, by the words from his mouth [ Isaiah 11 vs 3,4; Rev. 19 vs 11,15 ] will rid the earth of the wickedness thus paving the way for Peace on Earth among men of goodwill.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Can you find any translation which shows differently ? Gen. 2 v 9; Rev. 22 v 2
Revelation is a revealing. The book of Revelation is a revealing or the happy ending for us.
As with the rest of Scripture, Revelation has corresponding reference verses or passages.

Jesus, as Prince of Peace, by the words from his mouth [ Isaiah 11 vs 3,4; Rev. 19 vs 11,15 ] will rid the earth of the wickedness thus paving the way for Peace on Earth among men of goodwill.
...My bad, I was thinking of another portion of Revelations. I do not believe it to be prophecy(not a Christian, just an scholarly interest) but you are right, it does mention the Tree of Life by name.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
How did Jesus decide ?
Jesus believed Scripture is religious truth - John 17 v 17
Jesus often prefaced his statements with the words, " it is written " meaning already recorded or written down in the old Hebrew Scriptures as the basis for his beliefs or teachings.
Jesus chose gospel writer John as on of his apostles.
That would then include the writings of John.
John [ Rev. 1 v 1 ] wrote Revelation
2nd Timothy 3 vs 16,17 says all Scripture [ Holy Bible ] is inspired by God.

Jesus didn't put the Torah together. Jesus didn't write the New Testament either. The Church put together which books were inspired and which aren't. There are many inspired books (say the gnostic ones) that mention Jesus and yet they were deemed not inspired. Also, the Books of the Catholic Bible that is not in the Protestant Bible: Who decided that the Catholic books aren't inspired?

The Bible prove true. So using the Bible to answer this question can't work because it will always promote itself. In general, who decides what books are inspired--and how are those books God's actual words rather than the words of authors that were inspired by God (not God's ghostwriter)?


Veteran Member
Jesus didn't put the Torah together. Jesus didn't write the New Testament either. The Church put together which books were inspired and which aren't. There are many inspired books (say the gnostic ones) that mention Jesus and yet they were deemed not inspired. Also, the Books of the Catholic Bible that is not in the Protestant Bible: Who decided that the Catholic books aren't inspired?
The Bible prove true. So using the Bible to answer this question can't work because it will always promote itself. In general, who decides what books are inspired--and how are those books God's actual words rather than the words of authors that were inspired by God (not God's ghostwriter)?

It is the ancient manuscripts which decide and support Bible canon.
The apocryphal books simply exclude themselves by being out of harmony with the ' 66 ' books of Bible canon. The '66' have corresponding or parallel reference verses and passages showing the internal harmony among its many writers.

Although Jesus did Not write, or put the Torah together [ nor the Christian Scriptures ] Jesus often prefaced his statements with the words "it is written" meaning words already written down in the old Hebrew Scriptures thus basing his beliefs and teachings on the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus even quoted or referred to the Hebrew passages as the final authority on matters to Satan at Luke chapter 4.


Veteran Member
...My bad, I was thinking of another portion of Revelations. I do not believe it to be prophecy(not a Christian, just an scholarly interest) but you are right, it does mention the Tree of Life by name.

Revelation is made up of 16 different visions, or very-vivid word pictures. The cross-reference verses or passages found in some of the preceding 65 Bible books [ especially Daniel ] helps us discern Revelation's vivid picture. Also, please remember the setting or time frame of Revelation [ 1 v 10 ] is set for our day or time fame and not for the long past centuries.
Global Peace on Earth is coming.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Revelation is made up of 16 different visions, or very-vivid word pictures. The cross-reference verses or passages found in some of the preceding 65 Bible books [ especially Daniel ] helps us discern Revelation's vivid picture. Also, please remember the setting or time frame of Revelation [ 1 v 10 ] is set for our day or time fame and not for the long past centuries.
Global Peace on Earth is coming.
And that is where you lose me. The imagery is so vague that I promise you I could use it to describe the events of any major historical event. The Hundred Years War, the Thirty Years War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Wars of German Unification, the Russo-Japanese War, the First World War, the Second, the Korean War, so on and so on ad infinitum.


Admiral Obvious
How is the Bible the Word of God?
The Bible is the "Word of God" because the Bible says the Bible is the "Word of God".

Edit note: fixed quote box
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Well-Known Member
Still, I gear towards biblical authors were inspired by God (just as Christians are today). To see it as the Word and our testimonies today as just words confuses me.

As it refers to the word of God, revelation closed with Jesus. There will be no new revelation.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Clearly the Bible was written by people, as are all religious documents. We can only speculate about where these people got their inspiration from.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
The bible is a collection of books. When you say 'the bible' to me, it is a generalization that doesn't allow for further discussion of the separate books, that's all.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Books that are not in harmony with scripture doesn't exclude whether or not it is inspired. I mean, the Quran is the inspired Word of Allah while my book My Sister's Keeper (which is inspiring and good by the way) is not a inspired book in a religious context.

Jesus referring to Hebrew scriptures still doesn't say those scriptures are God's Words rather than inspired by the authors who wrote it.

There's got to be a concrete answer as to why one book is inspired and why one book isn't and how. Harmony between all books does not make a book inspired or not.

It is the ancient manuscripts which decide and support Bible canon.
The apocryphal books simply exclude themselves by being out of harmony with the ' 66 ' books of Bible canon. The '66' have corresponding or parallel reference verses and passages showing the internal harmony among its many writers.

Although Jesus did Not write, or put the Torah together [ nor the Christian Scriptures ] Jesus often prefaced his statements with the words "it is written" meaning words already written down in the old Hebrew Scriptures thus basing his beliefs and teachings on the Hebrew Scriptures. Jesus even quoted or referred to the Hebrew passages as the final authority on matters to Satan at Luke chapter 4.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
As it refers to the word of God, revelation closed with Jesus. There will be no new revelation.

We only know that because whoever put the canon together decided to put revelations in while taking other books and inspired works out since its not in harmony with the scripture. Organization and harmony doesn't make a book inspired. There could be many, I should say there are many inspired books from people who are writing from their experiences from God just as Moses and the Apostles. What makes their testimonies any different than Paul's and John's et cetera other than time period and harmony with other books?


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
with the possible exception of tolerating, or even recommending, slavery and the slaughtering of little babies.


- viole
Indeed. When the walls of Jerico fell every living thing was slaughtered.
Men, women, children, sheep, goats, babies, everything that breathed was slaughtered.
And Battles B.C. are full of accounts of ruthless slaughter done by "god's chosen people" committing what we would today consider war crimes at the very least.
We cringe at the terrorists actions of islamics, like the recent senseless murders in Pakistan, but that is mild compared to the actions of the "chosen" people who wiped out entire cultures.
From a military viewpoint killing ALL your perceived enemy makes stratigic sense.
No enemy, left alive, no sons & daughters to revenge the death of of family members, no hope of resurrecting a culture deemed unfit for some reason, no one ever at your back because you erased them from the face of the earth.
That kind of action flies in the face of what Jesus preached.
So I sometimes wonder,............ o.k., often wonder, which Jehovah was in charge in Moses' time, and which Jehovah was controling things in Jesus' time.
" I am a jealous god", and " I am a god of infinate love and forgiveness" seems to contradict.
I'm a Christian, I study everything I can get about the Bible and the Christian religion.
I believe; I love the Jesus story, don't believe in the trinity, want to blieve "god" is mercifull, loving, kind, forgiving, and so on, but who is "god", which god do we have today? How can god change from "kill everything, everywhere" to "don't you dare hurt a fly, don't hurt one another, turn the other cheek, forgive everyone, everything, for anything, because I sent my only son to die for your sins". Huh?
I want to believe, I want to understand the apparent skizophrenic god of the O.T.
to the all loving god of the N.T.
Understand my confusion? Can anyone help me resolve the various god's in our Bible?
I've been at this Bible study thing over 15 years ane still can't reconcile the O.T. god with the N.T. god and all the god personalities in between.:eek::confused:\
I've even studied with a J.W. family, nice, wonderful, loving people, well veresed and trained in biblical history, have valid sounding reasons for not joining our military, not observing X-mass, easter, etc, not playing sports, not furthering education past high school, and other differences twixt them & the "world" but even they can't satisfy my curiosity & inquisitive nature.
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Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
We only know that because whoever put the canon together decided to put revelations in while taking other books and inspired works out since its not in harmony with the scripture. Organization and harmony doesn't make a book inspired. There could be many, I should say there are many inspired books from people who are writing from their experiences from God just as Moses and the Apostles. What makes their testimonies any different than Paul's and John's et cetera other than time period and harmony with other books?

"Whoever put canon together" was pagan emporer Constitine, the Roman leader who "won" a civil war in Rome citing "Jesus" as the power behind his victory.
That's a gross over simplification of course.
Constitine organized a counsil of Christian leaders, called "bishops" in Nicea about 325 A.D. They brought all the known collection of writings and they with Constitine
organized what we call the Bible. A collection of works, mostly letters writen by
special men who were someone directed by god to write what they wrote.
Works not conidered "holy" or "inpsired" were destroyed.
The "book" we call Revelation was writen, (we think) by a fellow named "john" of Patmos. Patmos was an island of political prisoners of the Roman Empire.
If "john" was the apsostle John he would have been about 92 when Rev. was writen.
It's debated yet today if Revelation belongs in the Bible.
Beats me. I remain confused.
One wonders what historical works were destroyed by Constitine and fellows that could prove invaluable today.
We get the Nicene (sp?) Creed from the Counsil of Nicea circa 325 A.D.


Well-Known Member
"Whoever put canon together" was pagan emporer Constitine, the Roman leader who "won" a civil war in Rome citing "Jesus" as the power behind his victory.

I think you give Constantine much to much credit. He called the Council for the Church to resolve the dispute over Jesus' divinity.
Christianity was divided as to whether Jesus was the same or similar substance with the Father. The division among the Christians
meant disunity within his empire.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
I think you give Constantine much to much credit. He called the Council for the Church to resolve the dispute over Jesus' divinity.
Christianity was divided as to whether Jesus was the same or similar substance with the Father. The division among the Christians
meant disunity within his empire.

Geeeee, I only know what I read & appreceate very much other views, opinions, & accepted dogma.
Notice I didn't capitilize "god" as I mean no disrespect to "god(s)" or believers thus won't use the proper noun by capitizing the word god. (G)
I pray I'm not comitting an offense against anyones "god" or a real God.
Who wants to insult God? Superstitious? Well, maybe, but I'd rather not be found on God's bad boy list.
After all I'm trying hard to understand the concept of God and why He would on one hand let pagans be slaughtered in the O.T., yet merciful in the N.T. & include us gentiles in His love & mercy.
See what I mean?
I notice as I've gotten older (68) and more crippled and dependant on pain meds just to get around, that my spelling is often off. I have 2 degrees and now forget how to spell some things so please let no be afraid to mention a mistake.
Else I won't know what I do wrong you see?
The staff her has been very good at contacting me with an air of correction:eek: as my posts might seem a bit inflamitory yet I mean no harm.


Veteran Member
I think you give Constantine much to much credit. He called the Council for the Church to resolve the dispute over Jesus' divinity.
Christianity was divided as to whether Jesus was the same or similar substance with the Father. The division among the Christians
meant disunity within his empire.

Divisions among genuine ' wheat ' Christians or division among Christians and non-Christians ?
To unite the empire, the growing false ' weed/tares' Christians [ Acts 20 vs 29,30 ] could now join in the Saturnalia fun festival under the guise of the Saturnalia now being Christ's birthday. Plus the triad of false non-Christian gods could be placed in line with a false god for so-called Christianity or the birth of Christendom. Even the pagan ' Tau ' would now stand for Christ by lowering the "T" cross beam.
Plus, who set up 'Sun'day [ Not 'Son'day ] as a day of rest for all except farmers?
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Veteran Member
Clearly the Bible was written by people, as are all religious documents. We can only speculate about where these people got their inspiration from.

But we do Not have to speculate where Jesus got his inspiration from - John 17 v 17
Jesus often prefaced his statements with the words, "it is written...." meaning already written down in the old Hebrew Scriptures.

The Holy Scriptures have corresponding or parallel cross-reference verses and passages showing the internal harmony among its many writers. That is why Jesus could base and teach his beliefs by subject or topic on those old Hebrew Scriptures.


Veteran Member
And that is where you lose me. The imagery is so vague that I promise you I could use it to describe the events of any major historical event. The Hundred Years War, the Thirty Years War, the Napoleonic Wars, the Wars of German Unification, the Russo-Japanese War, the First World War, the Second, the Korean War, so on and so on ad infinitum.

You're not alone in your ^above^ thinking. The time frame of Revelation is set for ' our day ' [ Rev. 1 v 10 ] thus we would be dealing with wars connected with the time of Rev. 17 vs 8-11
the political ' beast', so to speak, that ' was and is not ' proved to be the League of Nations.
....and 'yet is' present proves to be the United Nations or the 8th king of verse 11.