Veteran Member
"The only merit those ideas have is they are not yet proven impossible to a certainty."I see it is technicality day. Technically there is only theory, nothing is known. Let's establish what I mean since this discussion is between you and I when I say theoretical. I mean conclusions or models that the evidence does not make probable. The evidence does make this universes being finite very probable. The evidence does not make multi-verses very probable because there is virtually no evidence. I believe the evidence makes evolution highly probable, but I think the conclusions that naturalism explain genetic reality alone to be theoretical. Though I would come closer to believing we have evidence that does justify evolution being responsible for all genetic change than I do the evidence suggesting that there is anything before the bib bang or beyond this universe. The only merit those ides have is they are not yet proven impossible to a certainty. Does that at least clear up the distinction made by MY use of the word theoretical?
Couldn't the same be said about the existence of the supernatural, as our inability to disprove completely or provide an alternative natural explanation for certain things is claimed to provide some kind of evidence in favor of it?