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how many gods?

The Hammer

Premium Member
there are polytheistic religions, like hinduism and paganism. but how many are the gods? is it possible to know the number, or the answer is just ''many gods''?

n+1 Gods. All of the ones you can think of, and then 1 more.
There is one God in 3 persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How is it possible to be God but not fully and definitively involved in creation. We all know we have bodies, and religious people know about the soul. But where do goodness and moral identity and standards come from, the spirit. The only God that explores these 3 parts to a human being is Yahweh.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
There is one God in 3 persons. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. How is it possible to be God but not fully and definitively involved in creation. We all know we have bodies, and religious people know about the soul. But where do goodness and moral identity and standards come from, the spirit. The only God that explores these 3 parts to a human being is Yahweh.

Do you consider the Trinity to be polytheism?