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How many languages...


Well-Known Member
My native language, a combination of English, Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino that comes from living in an unusually isolated community and family for my formative years, is my most fluent.

I speak English with complete fluency, but have some difficulty with slang. I have an advanced knowledge of Spanish, though not perfect fluency. I have a smattering of modern Hebrew, perhaps enough to hold a short conversation in a modern context, though I read classical Hebrew with near fluency and understand almost all religious terminology.

I also have a decent understanding of Yiddish and Ladino, though can speak neither language to any considerable degree.

I have a pretty good understanding of classical Latin, and I have a relatively good reading, though not speaking or listening, understanding of French and German.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
i have a smidgen of French,German,Spanish and Italian and i always try to brush up on the language of the country i'm visiting on Holiday.
French is my favourite and i could listen to a French Women like Catherine Deneuve talking even if she was reading the grocery list.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
My native languages are Portuguese and English. My family is Portuguese but I was born and raised in Canada and grew up learning both languages at once.

I learned French in school too (because it's mandatory in Canada). I am currently taking Latin in school. Because I am familiar with the romance languages, understanding Spanish and Italian and even a little Romanian comes really easy.

So that's...English, Portuguese, French, Latin, Italian, Spanish and Romanian, in order from most comfortable to least comfortable in speaking.


I was taught english, german and french (Besides my own dutch ofcourse)
I can still speak english, and most conversations in german go pretty well. Mainly because german sounds pretty much like dutch btw..
Once I noticed that French people refuse to help you in english even though they know the language, I instantly dropped all knowledge of french and never spoke it again :p
Besides, and I know many people will not agree, I really think french sounds disgusting.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Once I noticed that French people refuse to help you in english even though they know the language, I instantly dropped all knowledge of french and never spoke it again :p

Really? In my experience, they speak English unless you speak French extremely well. When I've been there, I've spoken French, only to have them speak English to me 80% of the time. And I speak French pretty well.


Really? In my experience, they speak English unless you speak French extremely well. When I've been there, I've spoken French, only to have them speak English to me 80% of the time. And I speak French pretty well.

Well, I have only been to france 3 times.. And 3 times with no luck.. :sad:
I was taught english, german and french (Besides my own dutch ofcourse)
I can still speak english, and most conversations in german go pretty well. Mainly because german sounds pretty much like dutch btw..
Once I noticed that French people refuse to help you in english even though they know the language, I instantly dropped all knowledge of french and never spoke it again :p
Besides, and I know many people will not agree, I really think french sounds disgusting.

I have heard other people have the same experience as you did, but I have never experienced it,any French people I have met have been very patient with my super dodgy accent and diabolical pronouciation, maybe they just hate the Dutch, do you think ?

I on the other hand don't mention that I speak french and understand differing ammounts of other languages, even my employers don't know, and I work in the tourist industry,:p I love eavesdropping on ignorant people who assume you don't speak their language and sometimes will after they have been ******** and complaining or scheming in front of me, start speaking to them in their own language, I know it is mean but damn if it ain't funny as.


I have heard other people have the same experience as you did, but I have never experienced it,any French people I have met have been very patient with my super dodgy accent and diabolical pronouciation, maybe they just hate the Dutch, do you think ?

In my view it is not possible to hate the dutch :p
Besides, whenever I go to a foreign country I do not even speak dutch. I always start in english.
In my view it is not possible to hate the dutch :p
Besides, whenever I go to a foreign country I do not even speak dutch. I always start in english.

But sweetheart you know we can tell the moment you open your mouth :)


Racist viewz, I haz them :D


But sweetheart you know we can tell the moment you open your mouth :)
Well, let's just say that my english is a lot better than some old dutch guy you see on tv speaking enlish or so.. I grew up with your language. In fact, in my youngest years the only thing I watched were english/american cartoons :p

No kidding, as kid you learn a lot from movies and series.. Way more than from english class..
You will certainly be able to hear that I am not english, but will a frenchman????

Ah, now we see the problem. ;)
Lol.. :D


Tu Stultus Es
My high school French is weak so starting a conversation in english was the lesser affront for me. I had no problems speaking to people in France as most were polite and understanding. Then again this was at the height of the election and the French bombarded us with questions about Obama and Palin. :sarcastic

I remember very little of the French and German I took in school. Most of my Japanese was picked up from pop culture and all of my Spanish from just living in a California. Spanish language Sesame Street is awesome. :yes:


Well-Known Member
Filipino- my own language
English- It's the universal language, come on!
Latin- I got interested, so I studied about it.
Italian- because I have relatives in Italy
Spanish - same reason why I studied Latin
Aramaic- just a little
Arabic- my father works in Saudi Arabia.
Japanese- because of anime


My family is Armenian/Georgian, but I was raised using more Armenian than Georgian. I can speak Georgian if I have to, but I can't read or write it. I was raised in Jerusalem so I speak Hebrew fluently. When I was 10 I decided that I wanted to learn Arabic and I became fluent, then at 13 I wanted to learn Spanish. There was this Spaniard woman that moved next to us with her family and I hanged out with her sons just becuase I wanted to learn Spanish, I became fluent. My Spanish is 10000000% better than my english I find it easier even though people say otherwise..
AND finally, I took some english classes in college, and that's about it.

So I can speak,read, and write,the first 3 in no particual order Hebrew, Armenian, Arabic,Spanish and English.

I don't count Georgian becuase I cant read or write it. Oh and I attempted to learn French but I did not like it.


Active Member
I can speak

Russian- I was born there and lived there until 9 yrs old.
English- came to New York when I was nine and still live here.
Farsi- my family speaks farsi at home, so as most Jews from Caucus mountains.
Hebrew- I learned it during my yeshiva days, can read, wright and understand it when being spoken to me but can't speak, not much practice.


The Heretic
Gibberish-First language
English-Second language, I'm pretty dang fluent
Pig Latin-Third Language
Esperanto-I'm only a beginner, it's a pretty easy language.

I know a few phrases in Swedish, as my mom is from there.

I really want more Swedish, Japanese,Spanish and Hebrew.


New Member
I can speak:

Finnish - My native language
English - Learned in school & Internet
German - School, some games (ET..)
Swedish - School