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How Much Longer?

Green Kepi

Active Member
How much longer do you think sites/forums such as this can exist before 'some' Federal Judge or the UN for that matter...shuts it down? Just wondering?


this site will never get shut down because everyone here is so damn stoic( just like the rest of the world) . you'd have to be a threat to the powers behind the fed judge ie the illuminati and by whats been released on the net so far (which points out that people are always 100 steps behind them and the fact that in the last 10 years so much has been levelled at so many organisations they control that i dont think they care...in a nutshell you have nothing to fear....

Green Kepi

Active Member
Why would a federal judge or the UN bother to shut down this site?

Why? Because…

Granted, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."

However, hard at work are many and their supporters who have been attempting to forcefully retract this internationally recognized right.

The United Nations is also a target of radical efforts to limit freedom of expression.

Without calling names, certain groups have attempted to codify limits on speech in a proposed non-binding resolution “combating defamation of religions,” which singles out certain religions in particular.” The draft was prepared by Pakistan — a country with an appalling record when it comes to restrictions on religious freedom.

Last year the U.N. Human Rights Council adopted a resolution against "defamation of religion", calling on governments around the world to clamp down on cartoonists, writers, journalists, artists and dissidents who dare to speak up.

On-going things like these are why I asked this question….


Rogue Theologian
Why? Because...
Last year the U.N. Human Rights Council adopted a resolution against "defamation of religion", calling on governments around the world to clamp down on cartoonists, writers, journalists, artists and dissidents who dare to speak up.

On-going things like these are why I asked this question….

I heard about this on a Christian radio broadcast.

I am concerned about the freedom of speech.
Expression is human....altogether human.

However, humans can be less than humane...less than kind.
Speech often precedes poor behavior.
So...halt the speech...and maybe the poor behavior won't happen.

However again...
There is no manner of lawmaking (speech) that can do so.
No one collection of people should expect to quell the opposition.
Previous attempts seem to aggravate, and then the oppositions flourish.

It seems also....in the face of being told...'no'...
The item to be silenced, begins to shout all the more.

As when the Carpenter entered the city, and the crowd did welcome Him...
the pharisees did object.
And they were warned...
"I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."