To be fair, Jesus isn't all that kind in the NT, himself. He makes demons go into a herd of pigs which run off a cliff (animal cruelty), he curses a fig tree (that's just mean), he's rude to his mother, he tells a parable that ends with a command to bring disobedient people to him and kill them in front of him, he encourages self-mutilation, he encourages apocalyptic end of the world beliefs, he tells his followers that they must love him more than their own parents and children (that's extremely dysfunctional), he encouraged his followers to leave their families behind and follow him (that's abandonment), he told a person who had to bury his father to forget about that and join his traveling cult, he's racist towards non-Jews who approach him for help and only helps them after they degrade themselves before him, etc.
The actual Jesus of the Gospel stories is more akin to Charles Manson, David Koresh or Jim Jones than the sanitized, romanticized version we're used to hearing about. No surprise that many of these modern cult leaders either claim to be the second coming of Christ or are heavily influenced by him. He's a prototypical narcissistic charismatic cult leader with a megalomanical bent who encourages his followers to disassociate from society and their own families and formed a sort of traveling commune (creates an insular setting of reinforcement of belief that often turns into a trap), the world outside of the cult is to be shunned as it is viewed as being under the influence of an evil force (promotes paranoia and distrust of outsiders and outside points of view), he taught that the end of the world is nigh and was supposed to have happened at any moment (promotes more paranoia and fanaticism), malevolent spiritual beings are believed to be around every corner (promotes delusion), sick or ill people were believed to be possessed by demons (promotes delusion and a shunning of actual medicine), etc.
If Jesus was wandering around today, we'd think he was a crank. Most of us would, anyway.
It makes me recall a funny memory. One time I was in line at the store and I was wearing one of my Charles Manson shirts and this dude says to me "Jesus loves you". I just chuckled. I should've responded with "Jesus is just the world's best known cult leader" and/or "Charlie and Jesus are more far more alike than you think".