So at the moment with the current rise in the cost of living right now, folks are becoming anxious about budgeting needs. Spending a lot more on basic groceries have caused some to deliberately cut down on medicine, Doctor visits etc. (Likely those on the private system specifically, everyone else are probably just heeding the national calls to only go to the doctor/hospitals for dire emergencies due to our medical staff being a little bit too overwhelmed at the moment.)
But even after the increase, the medicinal costs still pale in comparison to what I’ve heard from my American brethren. At least I think so.
So I’m curious, if you don’t mind. Have you ever avoided the doctor due to a fear of the cost?
How much did your last visit cost you, if you don’t mind disclosing.
Ever wanted to go to a specific doctor due to them being cheaper only to find they’ve gone on holiday?
And what was you last visit like?
Serious? Frivolous? Dire? A last resort?
My last visit to the docs was of my own stupid making and honestly kind of dumb overall.
I had just recently got a piercing at the top of one ear and accidentally (read drunkenly) put on an extra backing onto said earring. Well I wake up the next morning only to find to my horror that said earring has sunken through my cartilage.
So I race over to my family GP, tell the nurse at the reception and they manage to find a GP who happened to come in early that day. Had to get a tetanus shot and got a weeks worth of antibiotics to be safe. I think it was 12 - 14 bucks AUD all up.
What about you?