My aggressive side is occasionally, well, overzealous. I am always more than happy to escalate any arguement, and I am not adverse to seeing if I can drop kick someone's skull over the nearest 7-11. It's a genuine curse. Throw a bad temper on top of it, and you get me. I do my best to control it, but every now and then that little evil genie-in-a-bottle pops out and I flip my lid. And I always claim the moral high ground, even when I'm punching an old lady in the mall. Seriously. Dropped her husband, too.
In my experience, I feel and behave that way if I am not genuinely serious about finding a solution to some issue. Of course, given my nature, that's more often than it probably should be, but when I really am serious about finding a solution -- such as in a conflict with my main client -- I tend to stay very focused on results.