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How Scared of Terrorism Should You Be?


Veteran Member
How Scared of Terrorism Should You Be? - Reason.com

...a rough calculation suggests that in the last five years, your chances of being killed by a terrorist are about one in 20 million. This compares annual risk of dying in a car accident of 1 in 19,000; drowning in a bathtub at 1 in 800,000; dying in a building fire at 1 in 99,000; or being struck by lightning at 1 in 5,500,000. In other words, in the last five years you were four times more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a terrorist...

...Ohio State University political scientist John Mueller and Mark Stewart, an engineering professor at University of Newcastle in Australia recently estimated that the U.S. has spent $1 trillion on anti-terrorism security measures since 2001 (this figure does not include the costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan). Assuming that 2,300 Americans might have been killed by terrorists inside the United States, this implies a cost of more that $400 million dollars per life saved. Typically when evaluating the costs of protective regulations, federal government agencies set the value of a life at about $9 million.

However, terrorism is especially frightening (that’s why they call it “terrorism”), so the average citizen might want to spend double the usual amount to prevent a death. But still suggests that on a reasonable benefit-cost basis public and private spending is 20 times too much to prevent deaths from terrorist attacks. Now let’s retrospectively add the tragic 3,000 deaths from the 9/11 attacks to take into account the remote possibility that terrorists might be able to pull off another similarly spectacular assault; that still means that nearly $200 million is being spent per plausible life saved...

Startling conclusions. Thoughts?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The only way the terrorists can win is if enough people become panicked by them. Which is exactly what happens time and again. Hence, you have people who want to give up basic rights and liberties on the basis that they have one chance in twenty million of being killed by a terrorist.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
Seems like drunk driving is a much bigger problem than terrorism, if we put the money into installing breathalysers tied to the ignition switch on every car, we would save more lives and save more money.....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The direct effects of violent terrorism don't worry me at all. But the secondary effect of financial collapse does concern me greatly. The 9/11 disaster was the beginning of the crash which the media finally noticed in 2008. It dang near wiped me out. Things are still dodgy.


Veteran Member
The direct effects of violent terrorism don't worry me at all. But the secondary effect of financial collapse does concern me greatly. The 9/11 disaster was the beginning of the crash which the media finally noticed in 2008. It dang near wiped me out. Things are still dodgy.
I think you can blame the economic terrorists in Wall Street for that one.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I think you can blame the economic terrorists in Wall Street for that one.
No, it's far far broader than that. There are many risk factors, including the unholy relationship between government & Wall St, but the trigger for the crash was the twin towers falling. Instantly, I saw the business community contract, which collapsed the commercial real estate rental market, which led to workers losing wages, which lead to the housing market crash, which led to the lenders (including banks) failing. No single risk factor caused it, but the biggest volatile factor is fear following a major terrorist attack...hence, it is a trigger.


Veteran Member
No, it's far far broader than that. There are many risk factors, including the unholy relationship between government & Wall St, but the trigger for the crash was the twin towers falling. Instantly, I saw the business community contract, which collapsed the commercial real estate rental market, which led to workers losing wages, which lead to the housing market crash, which led to the lenders (including banks) failing. No single risk factor caused it, but the biggest volatile factor is fear following a major terrorist attack...hence, it is a trigger.
Well, I'll defer to your knowledge of business matters.




Oldest Heretic
On a scale of everything, Terrorists have very much more to fear than us.
The likelihood of them being killed or imprisoned is far far higher.
That balance is worth preserving.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
A person can almost accept that people die when hit by lightning.
It's unacceptable for 12 cartoonists to be slaughtered by gunfire.
We all know an earthquake can kill thousands but we don't set well with
terrorists flying aircraft into the Twin Towers.
Death by accident just isn't the same as calculated mass murder.
The mudering muslim brothers chose to martyr themsleves after murdering the 12.
A further waste of life.
It's particularly repugnant when murder is done in the name of a god by worhipers of that god.
That is what the difference is between an act of god and acting in behalf of a god.
This terrorism in Europe is going to get even uglier, the loss of life will increase, all because of satire.
It's unacceptable for a devout worshiper to know that worshiper exploded him/her self in the act of commiting mass murder.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The only way the terrorists can win is if enough people become panicked by them. Which is exactly what happens time and again. Hence, you have people who want to give up basic rights and liberties on the basis that they have one chance in twenty million of being killed by a terrorist.
Even if the risk was significant, as cliche as it sounds, it's better to die standing than to live kneeling.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member

Curse you! I was thinking that as I was reading down! Of course we know that was artistic license, but we won't tell anyone (oops! :eek:). :D

Seriously, it's true. Worrying about something will not change it. That's what terrorism is... living in constant paralyzing fear. Sorry, 'tis not for me.