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How Should the Wealth be Redistributed?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
How should the wealth be redistributed? Should the wealth of the middle classes be redistributed to the upper classes like conservatives prefer? Or should the wealth of the upper classes be redistributed to the middle classes like liberals prefer? You decide!


All the Wealth should be redestributed to me.

Especially now.

Then I'll simply give back what I don't need.

I like it.
Who'se running on that campaign promise?


I can hardly imagine any of the struggling middle class
wanting their hard earned money to go to those who already have more than they need.

It makes no sense. do people really want that?

By (the wording of) your question Phil, I thought this was in the jokes section.

It hardly seems like a serious question. :shrug:
ya know?


Let's go racing boys !
How should the wealth be redistributed? Should the wealth of the middle classes be redistributed to the upper classes like conservatives prefer? Or should the wealth of the upper classes be redistributed to the middle classes like liberals prefer? You decide!
I would say it depends on which class your in as to how you would want it done ;) I do feel very liberal today however......:D So give me my wealth.......


Well-Known Member
Seriously, wealth redistribution to me means that social services are available to those who need it. All people should have at least the following:

(a) Roofs over their heads.
(b) Food in their bellies.
(c) Health care.
(d) Education.

Certainly there are others, but these things constitute the bare minimum. I don't know one country that redistributes wealth in such a way as to make these things happen, and the only thing standing in the way is greed, justified by whatever ideology.


Well-Known Member
there should be a max of 50 mil anyone could own any higher then that and it should be redistributed to the middleclass, large part of the problems arise because rich people lost there control and started trowing money away for ridicules things ( 40 mil for a painting etc.)


Question Everything
In 2007 the Church responded to
major earthquakes in 5 countries,
massive fires in 6 countries,
hunger and famine in 18 countries,
and flooding and severe storms in 34 countries.
In total the Church and its members responded to 170 major events—nearly one every two days for the entire year. It was a busy year with many opportunities to serve.

In addition to responding to natural disasters, we undertook thousands of public health initiatives during the year.
Over 1 million people benefited from Church-sponsored clean water projects in 25 countries.
More than 60,500 people received wheelchairs in 60 nations. Early this year Sister Burton and I, with the South America North Area Presidency, participated with the First Lady of Colombia in a wheelchair presentation. Tears came easily as receivers and their caregivers expressed their appreciation. In 11 countries, over 54,000 individuals now enjoy improved vision. Over 16,500 health-care professionals in 23 countries were trained in infant neonatal resuscitation; they, in turn, will train many others. In a quest to eliminate measles, 2.8 million children and youth in 10 countries received immunizations. The combined effects of these outreach endeavors directly touched nearly 4 million people in 85 countries.... etc. etc.
LDS.org - Ensign Article - And Who Is My Neighbor?

All voluntarily given.
No stealing from anyone involved.


Seriously, wealth redistribution to me means that social services are available to those who need it. All people should have at least the following:

(a) Roofs over their heads.
(b) Food in their bellies.
(c) Health care.
(d) Education.

Certainly there are others, but these things constitute the bare minimum. I don't know one country that redistributes wealth in such a way as to make these things happen



Well-Known Member
how bout if u make over a million in a year, the govt takes 50%. if u make >10 million the govt takes 75%, and if u make more than 100 million the govt takes 90%. It makes absolutely no sense that we have a culture which rewards such destructive behavior as how CEO's are rewarded, e.g. the AIG exec who made 280 million over 2 years while his practices caused AIG to suffer 100 billion in losses. Or the CEO who sends all their jobs over seas, then eliminates jobs here thus reducing overhead and making their profits look higher. When in fact they have just reduced the average salary of americans who were buying their product, and now cant afford it. (e.g. general motors)


Lord of the Badgers
Seriously, wealth redistribution to me means that social services are available to those who need it. All people should have at least the following:

(a) Roofs over their heads.
(b) Food in their bellies.
(c) Health care.
(d) Education.

Certainly there are others, but these things constitute the bare minimum. I don't know one country that redistributes wealth in such a way as to make these things happen, and the only thing standing in the way is greed, justified by whatever ideology.
:clap I couldn't have put it any better myself, frubals to you old bean!


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Seriously, wealth redistribution to me means that social services are available to those who need it. All people should have at least the following:

(a) Roofs over their heads.
(b) Food in their bellies.
(c) Health care.
(d) Education.

Certainly there are others, but these things constitute the bare minimum. I don't know one country that redistributes wealth in such a way as to make these things happen, and the only thing standing in the way is greed, justified by whatever ideology.
How did I miss this post?

Alas, the system (curse the system!) will not allow me to frubal you again. Have a hug instead. :hug:

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
How should the wealth be redistributed? Should the wealth of the middle classes be redistributed to the upper classes like conservatives prefer? Or should the wealth of the upper classes be redistributed to the middle classes like liberals prefer? You decide!

Anyone who has built a good fire knows that it's the small pieces that create the biggest amount of fire. If the government would have given that money to the poor and middle class, they would have spent it and thus giving the economy a huge serge. Why we even tax the poor and the elderly is a mystery to me.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
All voluntarily given.
No stealing from anyone involved.

The sooner you learn that your life and quality of life depends on the lives and quality of lives of those around you -- that you are, whether you want to see it or not, living in a society rather than living as naked savage alone in the woods -- the sooner you learn that, the sooner you might come to realize you owe something to that society -- something more than your hysteria and spittle.