But it wasn't a close call when the accepted beliefs were codified. And look what happened, monotheism, Jesus as equal to God through the trinity. If the 'intent' was to make Jesus God, they could have just either declared Jesus as sole Deity, or expressed Oneness Doctrine. They did neither. The intent was not 'over-Deification', it was rationalizing Deification.
The Argument was far more esoteric than that and far more complex and there were far more arguments and players.
The basic argument was the nature of Jesus, and if his nature was the same as God, how could that be shown to be monotheism. The second aspect was the subordination of Jesus to God. This was all second to third and fourth century argument as during the first century few people thought Jesus was GOD anyway.
Even today if you ask a man in the street if Jesus is God they will likely answer is no. And if you ask those who answer yes, to explain it, they can not.
My own view...... is that Jesus is the Son of God and is subordinate to God. This positions Mary as Jesus mother, not the mother of God. I think that would be the position of a large majority those early first century Judo-Christians as well.
It was the rationalizations/ inventions of the later centuries that got us into the illogical mess we find today.
Christians worship God not Jesus or Mary, They do so in the fashion taught by Jesus.