Absolutely no arrogance ego or want to do any of this, personally….yet it is written of me that we must do this, and so to stand against so much prophecy on my own part is not acceptable in God’s eyes, so to stand against the whole world in the process is small in comparison.
Would much rather fight (scriptural sense) with everyone here, then fight with my own conscious of not doing so when I die again.
Really you should enquire of all the prophecies, before you dismiss why this is being asked or spoken as such and not be so arrogant to ignore clear signs.
If you miss the Fig and then the day comes, how will you get oil, when we ask?
Would much rather fight (scriptural sense) with everyone here, then fight with my own conscious of not doing so when I die again.
Really you should enquire of all the prophecies, before you dismiss why this is being asked or spoken as such and not be so arrogant to ignore clear signs.
If you miss the Fig and then the day comes, how will you get oil, when we ask?