This is probably worth it's own discussion. But, me, I hate my given birth name, my best friend hates her name, and I know some others that hate their name. Sometimes people do research online by visiting forums and presenting as regular member. It's also an issue of privacy, and being able to control how much information we disclose to others. We have no right to privacy in America, but if we cut corporate lobbyists out (especially those who push for the end of net neutrality) then we'd probably have a unanimous bipartisan decision to amend the Constitution to grant privacy as a right. But there is no profit in privacy.
I've worried about more than a few members here. In America I can say pretty much anything, and the absolute worst that can happen is I'll get banned. Many members, even within RF rules, could end up in jail or dead if they were forced to use their real name.
You don't care about firings? As in, not caring that hiring/firing can revolve around social media use? Why should they have that sort of power over anyone? Granted, being on social media at work is on thing, but other than that they are not on company time.
And why is knowing who is slamming you so important? Someone bad mouthed you. Often that's a fight not worth pursuing.
In the US you have freedom to change your name, and it can be done multiple times.