Eastern Orthodox
A person full of LOVE.
How would you describe your notion of an ideal adult human?
That is, if someone were to ask you to describe the sort of adult human that you thought would be most likely to live a good life (such as a happy, a purposeful, a self-fulfilling, or a spiritual life), then how would you answer them?
Under the best conditions possible (best possible society, best possible government, etc), roughly what percentage of people do you think could attain to, or realize your ideal?
If you cannot come up with a single description that would fit all your notions of ideal adult humans, then maybe you can state as many of those notions as you'd like.
I would describe my ideal adult human as a strong individual (mainly, reasonably or justly confident, and someone who thinks for his or herself) who is at least competent at managing their ego (their "psychological self"), and who as fully as possible develops their talents and abilities while behaving in socially and environmentally responsible ways.
I don't know how many people could attain that under ideal or best conditions, but I'd guess a majority.