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Human Cloning


Active Member
We have the ability to create a human. We have been given the knowledge to create a life from next to nothing. We can alter the DNA anyway we chose and make that human look the way we want them to look. So, What's the hold up? Why is everyone so scared to clone a human? I don't see a problem with letting them do it, do you?


Superabacus Mystic
Is this hypothetically, or in reality? Because we have pretty much no control over DNA, and no artificial womb.


Premium Member
We have the ability to create a human. We have been given the knowledge to create a life from next to nothing. We can alter the DNA anyway we chose and make that human look the way we want them to look. So, What's the hold up? Why is everyone so scared to clone a human? I don't see a problem with letting them do it, do you?

I think you give us to much credit.:areyoucra


Active Member
We have cloned animals a few times, go ahead look it up. They can make artificial wombs just as they have before, again go ahead look it up. They believe they can clone a human by the same process, but there is a law preventing sceintist from doing it. The human clone is just thier theory but the rest they've proved!


Premium Member
We have the ability to create a human. We have been given the knowledge to create a life from next to nothing. We can alter the DNA anyway we chose and make that human look the way we want them to look. So, What's the hold up? Why is everyone so scared to clone a human? I don't see a problem with letting them do it, do you?

Which type of cloning do you want. Reproductive I'll assume. We do not make it from nothing we have to use the reproductive cells of one individual with cells from the individual we want to clone and combine them in a way where the cells conform to the individual we want. We then insert it into another individual to provide for its growth till birth.

None of this is next to nothing and we can't just simply alter DNA. Secondly you are not producing a clone but a geneticly similar individual. Life experience will result in a completely different individual. Think of identical twins are they both the exactly the same as they develop.

What advantage is there to cloning over natural birth? I see none other than just doing it as you say. As it is right now we would be more interested in reducing population growth not expanding it.

For animals for food it is even a negative. The cloned animals being genetically similar could easily get a disease and all die out at once. Natural method produces the best diversity.


Active Member
Which type of cloning do you want. Reproductive I'll assume. We do not make it from nothing we have to use the reproductive cells of one individual with cells from the individual we want to clone and combine them in a way where the cells conform to the individual we want. We then insert it into another individual to provide for its growth till birth.

None of this is next to nothing and we can't just simply alter DNA. Secondly you are not producing a clone but a geneticly similar individual. Life experience will result in a completely different individual. Think of identical twins are they both the exactly the same as they develop.

What advantage is there to cloning over natural birth? I see none other than just doing it as you say. As it is right now we would be more interested in reducing population growth not expanding it.

For animals for food it is even a negative. The cloned animals being genetically similar could easily get a disease and all die out at once. Natural method produces the best diversity.

So that small little cell that has been changed a little is what you call life? You have the abilty to make another person no egg no sperm. A simple cell from the dirt and can make that in to man. A man of his own thoughts and not connected mental at all? Why don't they just go ahead and find out? What's the problem taking this risk?


Active Member
I mean really science continues to offer therioes of where we came from and who we are, but no facts.
But, if they cloned a person from a cell of a living person and they didn't have the same thoughts. So what they grow up a different person. But, if they grew up knowing the same things as that other person. Then we could ask any question we want, without theories. I'd like some fact, so common let's do it!


We have the ability to create a human. We have been given the knowledge to create a life from next to nothing. We can alter the DNA anyway we chose and make that human look the way we want them to look. So, What's the hold up? Why is everyone so scared to clone a human? I don't see a problem with letting them do it, do you?

But why would you want to do that? There's a reason that we haven't done that. Why would you want to mess with human life?

People don't want to clone a human because they're scared of what they'll get, its a gamble. It could come out completly wrong and messed up (movie Splice much? lol)

And I just think that there are some things that are not to be messed with, we have to draw the line somewhere. My line is messing with stuff (human life to be exact) that should just be left alone, its worked fine all along so why mess?


Hamburgler Extraordinaire
This may be a bit off topic, but I heard that there are some Japanese scientists who are planning to try cloning a mammoth within the next five years or so.


This may be a bit off topic, but I heard that there are some Japanese scientists who are planning to try cloning a mammoth within the next five years or so.

See? That is messed up. Why would they wanna do that? Like what if it goes insane and like attacks everyone? lol

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
ok... so the IMHO the proper answer to this is:

Human cloning is not done because cloning technology is not advanced enough to be morally worth the risk. Cloning is not very successful, with lots of malformed and stillborn accidents to get a single healthy individual. Not to mention that that healthy individual usually isn't healthy for very long. Clones have short lifespans for reasons we don't fully understand.

It's just not something that people are willing to try with a human yet.



We have the ability to create a human. We have been given the knowledge to create a life from next to nothing. We can alter the DNA anyway we chose and make that human look the way we want them to look. So, What's the hold up? Why is everyone so scared to clone a human? I don't see a problem with letting them do it, do you?

What would be the purpose? Just to see if we could? Because it's not as if we need more people. And even if it's just to see if we have the technology to do it, I'd be worried that the clone wouldn't get to live his life like the rest of us. He'd be a science project.
I mean really science continues to offer therioes of where we came from and who we are, but no facts.
But, if they cloned a person from a cell of a living person and they didn't have the same thoughts. So what they grow up a different person. But, if they grew up knowing the same things as that other person. Then we could ask any question we want, without theories. I'd like some fact, so common let's do it!

I don't see how a clone would be any different than a delayed twin. There's no reason why a clone would grow up knowing the same things as the donor.


Like Amill said: what would be the ultimate purpose? What would be the benefits? Why do we need human clones walking around in an already overpopulated world?
This may be a bit off topic, but I heard that there are some Japanese scientists who are planning to try cloning a mammoth within the next five years or so.

Yeah, i read about it too - they are planning on using female elephant as a surrogate mother.

Got a Question? Need an Answer?


Active Member
Cloning is not that easy and the results are inconsistant.
I just read about the Mammoth. Amazing. May be I'll get to have a Pleistocene Park. Just a little more doable and safer than a Jurassic park


Active Member
This may be a bit off topic, but I heard that there are some Japanese scientists who are planning to try cloning a mammoth within the next five years or so.
I've heard this as well. I think it's thier way of trying to resurrect the dead. If they do this successfully, will they try working on other animals or even worse dead people like paroahs or albert einstien then we could have his inteligence again?


Active Member
What would be the purpose?
If you could take the inventors of the world, the smartest minds of all time and give life to a "being" with equal possiblities. Place them in the world today with the answers we have could they achive more now?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Clones do not have the skills or knowledge of their donors... they are much a blank slate as any other being born.

Clone Einstein and you just get someone who looks like Einstein.
