False Dichotomy.Dear Monk, Either God is lying or you are mistaken since God tells us that man (Adam) was formed from the dust of the ground on the 3rd Day/Age which is the SAME 3rd Day Adam's Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10 AND the Same Day of the Big Bang of our Cosmos. This means that Adam was made almost 14 Billion years ago and BEFORE the First Stars of our Cosmos lit up on the 4th Day/Age. Gen 1:16 Adam was made to live forever in a body surrounded by a Shekinah Glory which is like the Glory or Brightness which surrounds Jesus, and the incorruptible body all Christians will have in Heaven.
Natural man, also called the sons of God (prehistoric people), evolved from the water after they were created and brought forth at God's command in Gen 1:20. These people were innocent, were NOT the descendants of Adam but could produce children with Adam's descendants. Gen 6:1-4 They had their origin in the water just as every other living creature, except Humans, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21
At the beginning of the present 6th Day/Age Jesus made Eve from Adam's rib. Gen 2:22 This was probably 12-14k years ago which means that Adam, the first Human, lived for Billions of years BEFORE Eve was made from his rib. Both Adam and Eve were later "created" in God's Image or born again Spiritually AFTER Cain killed Abel. Gen 5:1-2 Adam lived another 930 years AFTER they were born again Spiritually BEFORE they died and left their world. Adam was alive for some 14 Billion years. That is God's Literal Truth as written in Genesis. God Bless you
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