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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Admiral Obvious
Dear Monk, Either God is lying or you are mistaken since God tells us that man (Adam) was formed from the dust of the ground on the 3rd Day/Age which is the SAME 3rd Day Adam's Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10 AND the Same Day of the Big Bang of our Cosmos. This means that Adam was made almost 14 Billion years ago and BEFORE the First Stars of our Cosmos lit up on the 4th Day/Age. Gen 1:16 Adam was made to live forever in a body surrounded by a Shekinah Glory which is like the Glory or Brightness which surrounds Jesus, and the incorruptible body all Christians will have in Heaven.

Natural man, also called the sons of God (prehistoric people), evolved from the water after they were created and brought forth at God's command in Gen 1:20. These people were innocent, were NOT the descendants of Adam but could produce children with Adam's descendants. Gen 6:1-4 They had their origin in the water just as every other living creature, except Humans, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21

At the beginning of the present 6th Day/Age Jesus made Eve from Adam's rib. Gen 2:22 This was probably 12-14k years ago which means that Adam, the first Human, lived for Billions of years BEFORE Eve was made from his rib. Both Adam and Eve were later "created" in God's Image or born again Spiritually AFTER Cain killed Abel. Gen 5:1-2 Adam lived another 930 years AFTER they were born again Spiritually BEFORE they died and left their world. Adam was alive for some 14 Billion years. That is God's Literal Truth as written in Genesis. God Bless you
False Dichotomy.
Care to try again?

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Dear Monk, Either God is lying or you are mistaken since God tells us that man (Adam) was formed from the dust of the ground on the 3rd Day/Age which is the SAME 3rd Day Adam's Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10 AND the Same Day of the Big Bang of our Cosmos. This means that Adam was made almost 14 Billion years ago and BEFORE the First Stars of our Cosmos lit up on the 4th Day/Age. Gen 1:16 Adam was made to live forever in a body surrounded by a Shekinah Glory which is like the Glory or Brightness which surrounds Jesus, and the incorruptible body all Christians will have in Heaven.

Natural man, also called the sons of God (prehistoric people), evolved from the water after they were created and brought forth at God's command in Gen 1:20. These people were innocent, were NOT the descendants of Adam but could produce children with Adam's descendants. Gen 6:1-4 They had their origin in the water just as every other living creature, except Humans, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21

At the beginning of the present 6th Day/Age Jesus made Eve from Adam's rib. Gen 2:22 This was probably 12-14k years ago which means that Adam, the first Human, lived for Billions of years BEFORE Eve was made from his rib. Both Adam and Eve were later "created" in God's Image or born again Spiritually AFTER Cain killed Abel. Gen 5:1-2 Adam lived another 930 years AFTER they were born again Spiritually BEFORE they died and left their world. Adam was alive for some 14 Billion years. That is God's Literal Truth as written in Genesis. God Bless you
The answer is even more simple. You are very confused and you believe some very false things. Things that are not real or believed by anyone other than you. In psychology this term is called "delusion". On a grand scale delusions are called "religion". It seems you suffer from both. And I don't say this in a mean spirited way and I am not flaming you but this seriously seems like what is going on. Or there is the third option of you trolling us but its a hell of an act.

Ben West

When all of the available evidence points to evolution, and none of it points to creationism, this ceases to be an issue between comparative extremes who are simply fighting over beliefs. It becomes a matter of facts vs. people who are unwilling to accept those facts, to the extent where thosep people want said facts removed from educational circles and replaced with outright fabrications. Equating the two to each other is absurd.

Dear IM, False, since what Genesis actually says AGREES in every way with every discovery of Science...IF....you have the proper interpretation. Otherwise, you MUST convince us that you know more than God. Amen? God Bless you

Ben West

The answer is even more simple. You are very confused and you believe some very false things. Things that are not real or believed by anyone other than you. In psychology this term is called "delusion". On a grand scale delusions are called "religion". It seems you suffer from both. And I don't say this in a mean spirited way and I am not flaming you but this seriously seems like what is going on. Or there is the third option of you trolling us but its a hell of an act.

Dear Monk, Then show me my Scriptural error. You cannot nor anyone else here can. All anyone can do is disagree since when they get down to specifics, my view prevails EVERY time, not because of me but because it's impossible to refute God's Holy Word which supports my view. IOW, You have nothing to offer but implications of "delusions" which has NOTHING to do with what is actually written. Amen? God Bless you

Ben West

Be kind, put him out of your misery, put Ben on ignore.

Dear Readers, Run like a dog with your tail between your legs because you CANNOT refute God's Holy Word so let's all go to hades together, is the Evol Sermon of the Month, it seems. Amen? God Bless all of you

Ben West

It amazes me how people who take the evolutionary position don't see the dogmatic parallels that theists have. What they fail to comprehend is the fallibility of man. Simply accepting that scientific principles and methodology are absolutes and therefore infallible is exactly the same inflexible position that religionists take. No room for error. "We" are right and you are all misguided or ignorant or stupid for believing etc etc. no room for doubt when dour is really the only certainty

Dear rene, Amen. That's an important insight since Darwinists always forget the "human factor". That's why God catches them in His Snare or trap which He set with the Flood. Scientists have forgotten that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood, so ALL of their their False THEORY of Evolution is in error. Their "supposed" facts have ignored the Fact that Adam, the FIRST Human, never walked on our Planet, since he lived and died on another world (Universe) that THEN WAS. 2Pe 3:3-7 When you show them, they call you names and imply that you're nuts because you won't believe their Fantasy Story by blind Faith. It's really pitiful. The only way they can get anyone to believe is to force teach them in the Public Schools as little children. After 50 years of force teaching, not all of us have been brainwashed yet. Amen? God Bless you


Woke gremlin
Dear IM, False, since what Genesis actually says AGREES in every way with every discovery of Science...IF....you have the proper interpretation.
So you admit that you have to interpret Genesis (presumably, quite wildly, since absolutely nothing contained in it alludes directly in any way to the actual age, makeup or origin of Earth or the Universe whatsoever) in order to get it to "fit" the current scientific understanding.

Tell me: If our current scientific understanding of the origin of this planet were completely overturned - say, for example, we discover planets formed in a completely different way than how we currently think they did, or life appeared very differently to how current models say it did, or that perhaps the model of the big bang were completely disproven - would that therefore prove that the Bible's account was wrong, or would it merely mean that your proposed (proper?) interpretation of the Bible was wrong?

I want you to consider the above question carefully, because if your interpretation truly is "the proper" interpretation, then surely the former option should apply and you would be forced to believe that the Bible is incorrect. However, if you would choose the latter option, then you must admit that you are merely interpreting the Bible to fit the facts and simply changing your interpretation - essentially revealing that you hold science above religion, since you try and twist your religious texts to fit scientific understanding. Perhaps there is a third option I am not currently aware of, but from where I'm sitting your beliefs in doctrine don't look that reliable in either sceario.

Otherwise, you MUST convince us that you know more than God.
I know more than lots of things that don't quantifiably exist.
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Woke gremlin
Dear rene, Amen. That's an important insight since Darwinists always forget the "human factor".
On the contrary: we are completely aware of human fallibility (after all, religion wouldn't exist without it), and that is precisely why we trust in science; because it is, by far, the most reliable methodology for ascertaining truth about the Universe in a manner that circumvents (as much as it possibly can) the inevitability to human error. It is demonstrably the best method we have of understanding the Universe entirely because it was designed with human fallibility in mind, and as such is dependent entirely on testable prediction, practical application and constant revision.

Also, we are not "Darwinists". You don't called people who accept gravity "Newtonists", and it's for the exact same reasons that any knowledgeable person would not refer to people who currently accept the modern evolutionary theory "Darwinists".

That's why God catches them in His Snare or trap which He set with the Flood. Scientists have forgotten that Adam's world was totally destroyed in the Flood, so ALL of their their False THEORY of Evolution is in error.
Please present one piece of extra-Bibilical evidence that there ever was a global flood of any kind at any point in the earth's entire history.

Their "supposed" facts have ignored the Fact that Adam, the FIRST Human, never walked on our Planet, since he lived and died on another world (Universe) that THEN WAS. 2Pe 3:3-7 When you show them, they call you names and imply that you're nuts because you won't believe their Fantasy Story by blind Faith. It's really pitiful.
You do realize that you're accusing people who believe what they believe because of evidence and testable predictions of believing in a "fantasy story", right? Do you not understand that that's the EXACT opposite of blind faith, right?

The only way they can get anyone to believe is to force teach them in the Public Schools as little children. After 50 years of force teaching, not all of us have been brainwashed yet. Amen? God Bless you
I was barely taught evolution in school. In fact, I was sent to a succession of Christian (mostly catholic) schools where religious education lessons - many of which leaned very heavily on the side of religion over secularism - were mandatory, and I came to be an atheist secular humanist after years of my own personal research and critical thinking. I'm about as far from being "brain-washed" as a person could possibly be, and your ridiculous allegation does nothing but make you look extremely foolish and presumptuous as you clearly have no respect for people who do not agree with you. Apologize immediately.


Dear IM, False, since what Genesis actually says AGREES in every way with every discovery of Science...IF....you have the proper interpretation. Otherwise, you MUST convince us that you know more than God. Amen? God Bless you

Science does NOT agree with any part of Genesis. Proper interpretation?... You can use anything to interpret anything else, its not that hard in fact. The bible was meant to be taken literally, you cannot just pick and chose what you want to take literally and in fact the bible makes things clear that this or that had happened as it is said.

Please explain this.......

  • Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
  • Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
It means that god is a bigot and a murderer of innocents. Or explain this....

Leviticus 25:44 "And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have-from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves." I guess god says it is ok to have slaves then!

Ben West

So you admit that you have to interpret Genesis (presumably, quite wildly, since absolutely nothing contained in it alludes directly in any way to the actual age, makeup or origin of Earth or the Universe whatsoever) in order to get it to "fit" the current scientific understanding.

Tell me: If our current scientific understanding of the origin of this planet were completely overturned - say, for example, we discover planets formed in a completely different way than how we currently think they did, or life appeared very differently to how current models say it did, or that perhaps the model of the big bang were completely disproven - would that therefore prove that the Bible's account was wrong, or would it merely mean that your proposed (proper?) interpretation of the Bible was wrong?

I want you to consider the above question carefully, because if your interpretation truly is "the proper" interpretation, then surely the former option should apply and you would be forced to believe that the Bible is incorrect. However, if you would choose the latter option, then you must admit that you are merely interpreting the Bible to fit the facts and simply changing your interpretation - essentially revealing that you hold science above religion, since you try and twist your religious texts to fit scientific understanding. Perhaps there is a third option I am not currently aware of, but from where I'm sitting your beliefs in doctrine don't look that reliable in either sceario.

I know more than lots of things that don't quantifiably exist.

Dear IF, If God's Holy Word is the Truth, and it is, then it MUST agree with every other discovered Truth of Science and History. Amen? What I've learned is that God's Truth AGREES in every way with every discovery of Science EXCEPT the False Theory of Evolution, which needs to be changed since it is totally misleading. Ancient men THOUGHT they understood Scripture but their view does NOT agree with scripture, science, nor history and neither does the ToE.

The problem is with the interpretation of men who lived thousands of years before science. They didn't recognize the scientific Truth behind the Holy Words written in Genesis. Men today can understand, when explained with today's more advanced scientific knowledge, because they can recognize that God's Truth and man's discovered Truth AGREE in every way. This view has been hidden for thousands of years in front of everyone's eyes and is understood only by those who are aware of the latest scientific discoveries. God Bless you

Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Ben West

On the contrary: we are completely aware of human fallibility (after all, religion wouldn't exist without it), and that is precisely why we trust in science; because it is, by far, the most reliable methodology for ascertaining truth about the Universe in a manner that circumvents (as much as it possibly can) the inevitability to human error. It is demonstrably the best method we have of understanding the Universe entirely because it was designed with human fallibility in mind, and as such is dependent entirely on testable prediction, practical application and constant revision.

Also, we are not "Darwinists". You don't called people who accept gravity "Newtonists", and it's for the exact same reasons that any knowledgeable person would not refer to people who currently accept the modern evolutionary theory "Darwinists".

Please present one piece of extra-Bibilical evidence that there ever was a global flood of any kind at any point in the earth's entire history.

You do realize that you're accusing people who believe what they believe because of evidence and testable predictions of believing in a "fantasy story", right? Do you not understand that that's the EXACT opposite of blind faith, right?

I was barely taught evolution in school. In fact, I was sent to a succession of Christian (mostly catholic) schools where religious education lessons - many of which leaned very heavily on the side of religion over secularism - were mandatory, and I came to be an atheist secular humanist after years of my own personal research and critical thinking. I'm about as far from being "brain-washed" as a person could possibly be, and your ridiculous allegation does nothing but make you look extremely foolish and presumptuous as you clearly have no respect for people who do not agree with you. Apologize immediately.

Dear IF, I was trying to be nice by calling those who follow the false view of Evolutionism, Darwinists. Some call them Satanists, Evols and other such names. Which name would you prefer? The False Theory of Evolution is a provable Falsehood because it has REJECTED God's story of the Flood, which shows that Humans were NOT made on today's Earth AND did not evolve from any other animal because Adam was made on the 3rd Day Gen 2:4-7 and "every other creature that moveth" was made on the 5th Day from the Water Gen 1:21 which began 3.77 Billion years ago, in man's time, with the appearance of bacteria in the water on our Planet. Since Adam was FIRST made, how could he have evolved from any other creature? Humans did not evolve from animals, according to God.

People disagree with me every day but NONE of them can refute God's Holy Word but many think that they know more than God. It is those people who need to apologize, not to me, but to God. Amen? God Bless you

Ben West

Science does NOT agree with any part of Genesis. Proper interpretation?... You can use anything to interpret anything else, its not that hard in fact. The bible was meant to be taken literally, you cannot just pick and chose what you want to take literally and in fact the bible makes things clear that this or that had happened as it is said.

Please explain this.......

  • Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
  • Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
It means that god is a bigot and a murderer of innocents. Or explain this....

Leviticus 25:44 "And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have-from the nations that are around you, from them you may buy male and female slaves." I guess god says it is ok to have slaves then!

Dear Fallout, Correction: Not according to you. God tells us that such thinking is found in people who do NOT understand the Bible. My view of Genesis is the Literal view with the agreement of Science and History. The numerous Laws given to the Hebrews was to show them that they could NOT keep all of them and to disobey one of them leads to death. This led them toward Faith in God's Truth which is the only way to Heaven. Amen? God Bless you


It amazes me how people who take the evolutionary position don't see the dogmatic parallels that theists have. What they fail to comprehend is the fallibility of man. Simply accepting that scientific principles and methodology are absolutes and therefore infallible is exactly the same inflexible position that religionists take. No room for error. "We" are right and you are all misguided or ignorant or stupid for believing etc etc. no room for doubt when dour is really the only certainty
You do not understand science, scientific results or the scientific method, they are not all the same thing. No one takes scientific results as absolutes and therefore infallible, we expect them to change (unlike the religionists who take their dogmas as rigid, unchanging, absolutes).
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Woke gremlin
Dear IF, If God's Holy Word is the Truth, and it is, then it MUST agree with every other discovered Truth of Science and History. Amen? What I've learned is that God's Truth AGREES in every way with every discovery of Science EXCEPT the False Theory of Evolution, which needs to be changed since it is totally misleading. Ancient men THOUGHT they understood Scripture but their view does NOT agree with scripture, science, nor history and neither does the ToE.

The problem is with the interpretation of men who lived thousands of years before science. They didn't recognize the scientific Truth behind the Holy Words written in Genesis. Men today can understand, when explained with today's more advanced scientific knowledge, because they can recognize that God's Truth and man's discovered Truth AGREE in every way. This view has been hidden for thousands of years in front of everyone's eyes and is understood only by those who are aware of the latest scientific discoveries. God Bless you

Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
I cannot help but notice that your did not answer the question. Since I took great length is both explaining and stressing the importance of this question, I will write it out for you now:

Since you claim that the current scientific models fit the Bible's account perfectly "if interpreted properly", then if the current scientific models were proven to be false, would that mean that the Bible was wrong, or would it just mean that your interpretation was wrong? Would you change your beliefs in the Bible, or would you simply change how you interpret the Bible in order to accommodate for the newer scientific understanding? If your answer is the former, then the Bible is fallible. If the answer is the latter, then you clearly hold science in higher esteem than the Bible as you re-interpret the Bible in order to make it better fit scientific conclusions.

So, which is it? And I would greatly appreciate an answer this time.


Dear Fallout, Correction: Not according to you. God tells us that such thinking is found in people who do NOT understand the Bible. My view of Genesis is the Literal view with the agreement of Science and History. The numerous Laws given to the Hebrews was to show them that they could NOT keep all of them and to disobey one of them leads to death. This led them toward Faith in God's Truth which is the only way to Heaven. Amen? God Bless you

Nothing in Genesis has been proven by science AT ALL or ELSE IT WOULD shake the foundation of what we know as well as it being in on the FRONT page of... every... single... news outlet in the whole world! This has clearly not happened so either you are blind to reality(living under a rock) or in straight denial.

The only thing Genesis has been able to prove is that the bible was made by man's design. That is why Atheism is on the rise and why religious factions here in the US are on a steady decline.

Science is pushing religion into a corner.


The only thing Genesis has been able to prove is that the bible was made by man's design.

Yes that may be true. I think it was.

Science is pushing religion into a corner.


The discoveries science has made is pushing some theist opinions in the corner who favor mythology instead of fact.

Many religious people are beyond that.

OH sorry I have a few of these guys on ignore, I know how they frustrate the educated.


NO it wasn't.

It is just a mistake ancient and modern men have been making for a very long time.

The many contradictions they left in testify to that.
LOL the whole bible is a contradiction here is an example....

Galatians:5,19-5,20 "Jealousy is a sin."
Exodus: 34,14 "For I am a Jealous god".

No no no I it is clearly shown that all of the books of the bible were NEVER meant to be put together and it shows in the own authors words versus another author. That was JUST one example.