Dear Runewolf, Can you explain
WHY every modern Human trait, which separates us from animals, only appeared some 10k years ago? Farming, math, city building, and writing began in the Valleys in the mountains of Ararat. For 99% of the time since prehistoric man diverged from Chimps, men lived as animals in Caves, and
NEVER planted a crop nor even built himself a home or a tent. That's because prehistoric man did
NOT have the Human intelligence which only Adam and God have.
Gen 3:22
SUDDENLY, some 10k years ago, exactly where God told us in
Gen 8:4 that the Ark arrived on our Earth, farming began,
Gen 9:20 when Noah planted some grapes, so he could have some wine and get drunk, in typical Human fashion. I believe it's true evidence of the
FIRST Human farming on our Planet. Do you have
ANY evidence or are you going to ask me for something which today's Science has rejected as a Myth? I can't help the "
willingly ignorant" Scoffers of the last Days.
ll Peter 3:3-7 I can only tell you of God's Truth which agrees with Science and History in every way.
BTW, Here is the
EMPIRICAL evidence of the
SUDDEN arrival of Humans (the descendants of Adam) on this Planet of prehistoric people who were dumb as posts.
Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE
Since animals don't post, Aren't you glad you were made on another world and brought to this one in an Ark? Now, you know
WHY the False ToE is nothing but an incomplete, totally inaccurate False Assumption, of men who have
REJECTED God's Truth in Genesis. God Bless you.
In Love,