More important? yes, superior? in some regards yes, better? in some regards yes.In your personal opinion, are humans more important than, superior to, or better than other species on this planet or any extraterrestrial life that may exist in the universe?
Why or why not?
What does your religion or philosophy teach about this?
Our particular branch of monkeys has very cool features, such as: manual dexterity, cooperation skills, complex social structures, and recently and the best of all, the ability of knowledge transfer, not only spoken as many other animals, but written, our information not only survives death of the individual but it remains unchanged in written format.
Our ability to "pile up" knowledge allowed us to understand and manipulate way bigger aspects of nature that other animals cannot even grasp, and they are at it's mercy.
Now mind you, that also means, that as smart monkeys we are, we should have a responsability with those below us, who know no better than to feed, reproduce and kill within their ecological niches, which is perfectly fine, nature is like this, but we have a better and more complete view from up here, and therefore we should be better than this