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Hunting? Immoral?


Covert Operative
So this is my first thread around here (I think.) Hope I do well!

I am a huge hunter but I do have my own set of morals I follow when I hunt.

1. I eat what I kill.
2. I give the game a fair chance.
3. I only use myself and dogs.
A. The only time I use vehicles is to transfer big game after I kill it.

Am I acting immorally when I hunt animals?

Isnt hunting more moral than eating cows that have been breed and massively slaughtered?

Also, its a healthier option to hunt. You get exercise from the hunt plus the food you get is extremely lean, even more so than the extra lean you can buy in stores.

Is it wrong to hunt animals?
Is it wrong to eat them?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Dallas I am going to tell you my personal take on hunting animals. Personal take, not me trying to sanction this view for everyone to follow. I think hunting animals can be moral, as long as you kill the animal in the least painful way, and not in a torturous way. Hunting for sport I do not believe in. Meaning- to hunt for fun. Killing living beings is a serious thing to me. You don't make a game or a sport into killing anything. Hope that makes my view clear.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
It's silly when people condemn hunting while still consuming meat from industrial slaughterhouses, as if the later was somehow more humane and ethical than the former.


I hate any kind of hunting. I don't think any animal can have a fair chance against a gun. So, yes I think hunting is wrong, and eating an animal is wrong.


Jehovah our God is One
So this is my first thread around here (I think.) Hope I do well!

I am a huge hunter but I do have my own set of morals I follow when I hunt.

1. I eat what I kill.
2. I give the game a fair chance.
3. I only use myself and dogs.
A. The only time I use vehicles is to transfer big game after I kill it.

Am I acting immorally when I hunt animals?

Isnt hunting more moral than eating cows that have been breed and massively slaughtered?

Also, its a healthier option to hunt. You get exercise from the hunt plus the food you get is extremely lean, even more so than the extra lean you can buy in stores.

Is it wrong to hunt animals?
Is it wrong to eat them?

if you are hunting purely for the purpose of eating, then no its not morally wrong.

But if your motive in hunting is the thrill of the kill, even though you eat the meat, then that is another matter.

When you think about cows, sheep and chickens which are bred purely for the purpose of eating...they do not undergo the same distress that a wild animal undergoes when it is being hunted. Domestic produce is accustomed to having human contact and they are not in fear of their lives. Wild animals on the other hand are fearful of human contact which is why they run when they see you.

So its not immoral to breed animals and slaughter them for meat as these animals have no idea they are in any danger. They are often shot in the head thus are killed instantly whereas a hunted animal undergoes a long period of fear and confusion while it is being hunted.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I hate any kind of hunting. I don't think any animal can have a fair chance against a gun. So, yes I think hunting is wrong, and eating an animal is wrong.

Do you consider carnivorous predators such as wolves and lions as being immoral creatures?


It's silly when people condemn hunting while still consuming meat from industrial slaughterhouses, as if the later was somehow more humane and ethical than the former.
What do you think about vegetarians?

I hate any kind of hunting. I don't think any animal can have a fair chance against a gun. So, yes I think hunting is wrong, and eating an animal is wrong.
What do you think about a person who hunts with a bow?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
if you are hunting purely for the purpose of eating, then no its not morally wrong.

But if your motive in hunting is the thrill of the kill, even though you eat the meat, then that is another matter.

When you think about cows, sheep and chickens which are bred purely for the purpose of eating...they do not undergo the same distress that a wild animal undergoes when it is being hunted. Domestic produce is accustomed to having human contact and they are not in fear of their lives. Wild animals on the other hand are fearful of human contact which is why they run when they see you.

So its not immoral to breed animals and slaughter them for meat as these animals have no idea they are in any danger. They are often shot in the head thus are killed instantly whereas a hunted animal undergoes a long period of fear and confusion while it is being hunted.

You've never actually seen the inside of an industrial slaughterhouse while in the middle of full swing production, have you?


When you think about cows, sheep and chickens which are bred purely for the purpose of eating...they do not undergo the same distress that a wild animal undergoes when it is being hunted.

So many animals in slaughter are left to suffer as they are not killed instantly - left to bleed to death. Chickens living in a cage with hundreds of others with no room to move - stamped to death. I could go on...

So its not immoral to breed animals and slaughter them for meat as these animals have no idea they are in any danger.

So if someone kills another instantly when they didn't know they were in danger - that's okay then?

The treatment of animals is enough for it to be immoral in my opinion.
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Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I don't think meat consumption is immoral on the grounds that our bodies need certain proteins and vitamins it's been proven you can only get from meat. Sure you can take multi-vitamins, but your body won't absorb it as well, or get the full benefits. To me the moral issue comes in through slaughter.


Jehovah our God is One
You've never actually seen the inside of an industrial slaughterhouse while in the middle of full swing production, have you?

im not sure what your slaughter houses are like, but over here they shoot them in the head before they attempt to drain their blood which means they are dead instantly.

im guessing you've seen something that perhaps i havent?


I can respect their personal dietary choices, although I do find the notion that meat consumption is immoral to be completely baseless.
Not all vegetarians abstain from meat because they think it is immoral. Some do it for health reasons and others do it because they object to industrial farming practices.

im not sure what your slaughter houses are like, but over here they shoot them in the head before they attempt to drain their blood which means they are dead instantly.

im guessing you've seen something that perhaps i havent?

How do they raise the animals before they kill them?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I can tell you Pegg slaughterhouses are pretty horrible in their methods. One of the things that's come up in my religion when discussing animal sacrifices, is how much more humane to the animal it would be then modern slaughterhouses. The animal would be allowed to have a full life, to run around outside and be happy, etc.


Dallas I am going to tell you my personal take on hunting animals. Personal take, not me trying to sanction this view for everyone to follow. I think hunting animals can be moral, as long as you kill the animal in the least painful way, and not in a torturous way. Hunting for sport I do not believe in. Meaning- to hunt for fun. Killing living beings is a serious thing to me. You don't make a game or a sport into killing anything. Hope that makes my view clear.
I think this is a good point. The motive is as important as the means of killing. I take it you are opposed also to fishing for sport or recreation?


Jehovah our God is One
How do they raise the animals before they kill them?

its different for different industries

cows are pretty much raised on farms in open fields and then sold to slaughter houses where they are held for only very short periods of time (weeks) awaiting slaughtering.

caged hens have been the norm in australia for many years but there has been a push toward free range for several years now. We've all seen caged hens and know that its not a good way to house them i agree.

sheep are all raised on farms in large fields.

pigs are a problem and our animal groups are working to get them out of concrete pens.

I totally agree that some farming methods are cruel. I dont eat pork because i hate the way pigs are farmed.


Jehovah our God is One
I can tell you Pegg slaughterhouses are pretty horrible in their methods. One of the things that's come up in my religion when discussing animal sacrifices, is how much more humane to the animal it would be then modern slaughterhouses. The animal would be allowed to have a full life, to run around outside and be happy, etc.

its strange you mention sacrifices as more humane.

In australia, our slaughterhouses must 'stun' the animal before it is slaughtered...but the jewish community want their meat without the stunning taking place... so there is exception on religious grounds that the animals have their throats cut and the blood drained from them while they are fully conscious. The muslims are okay about stunning the animal before cutting its throat so at least they are unconscious for that part of it. '

but i think i'm okay knowing that the animals are not conscious when they are killed. I dont know if we are the only country who do that though.