Silverscale derg
Active Member
Also, something all the tree hugging hippies always seem to forget, but humans are the only species on this planet with enough compassion to actually care if another species goes extinct. No lizard cares if they kill off another species, they don't even comprehend that is what they are doing. Given the opportunity every other species on Earth will consume until there is nothing left. The only reason they don't is because they are kept in check by the balance of the ecosystem, but if left unchecked (which is what an invasive species is) they will just consume and consume. Humans are the only species to understand the consequences; whether are not they can prevent the natural drive to consume everything, however, is yet to be seen.
I'm not a tree hugging hippy. I'm not against hunting, i'm against needless killing. Lizards do care, they're a bit distanced from each other because they know the faith they will suffer. There are predators for a reason. Predators counter prey. They will eat each other and that's fine. The population of both will dip before they balance out. It's good they're kept in check but humans being the "smart" and "moral" group of people that they are or that they at least claim to be should not needlessly kill. There should not be predator culling contests, nor bounties on wolves, nor piles of dead iguanas. One, two fine as long as you eat it but if it's a full out cull then that's wrong. You claim something that humans do. Humans are unchecked and look how polluted everything is. Everything is slowly turning to stone as well. Humans are going to be the ones to suck the earth dry...not iguanas, not wolves, not brown anoles, not foxes, not coyotes, not bobcats, not deer, not boar...humans...