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I am a Born Again Christ-follower


Jesus loves you
athanasius said:
Welcome to the forums. I love the passage you quoted. I am apologist myself. I appreciate your heartfelt testimony and faith in Christ. I too am a born again beleiver in Christ. I was born again when I was baptized at the age of only a few weeks.

Have a great day. Its good to have other Christians on this board.

God Bless you in Jesus through Mary,

Ahhh so you're a Roman Catholic. :faint:


Well-Known Member
*Paul* said:
Ahhh so you're a Roman Catholic. :faint:

Ahh Yes indeed I am proudly a Roman Catholic. But I used to attend a southern baptist Church for 5 years when I was younger. I eventually came back home to Rome

Always good having other Christ loving member sof his body like yourself on this site.:)
God bless you always,
In Jesus through Mary,


Jesus loves you
athanasius said:
Ahh Yes indeed I am proudly a Roman Catholic. But I used to attend a southern baptist Church for 5 years when I was younger.I eventually came back home to Rome
Back home to rome? Baptists are not a group that seperated from Rome at least they don't claim to be.

Always good having other Christ loving member sof his body like yourself on this site.:)
Thanks Athanasius though i am suprised you consider me a member of His body, Vatican II says I am a seperated brother, can I be both? If so then there is no need to worry about people converting from one denomination to another is there?:confused:

God bless you always,
In Jesus through Mary,
I appreciate your good wishes and your humour Athanasius, truly.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Soundoc said:
I am a born-again follower of the teachings of Christ Jesus, the Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible.

I can answer any question regarding my personal faith. ........
Greetings Soundoc. Welcome to RF; hope our family meets your requirements. I appreciate your openness to questions for I am interested in knowing more about Born-Again Christians. Did you become born again through a decision, a baptism as Athanasius, or with some experience event - or some other means?

Best Wishes,
Yes, welcome to the forums. I too am a relatively new member (just here one week). Trust me, you'll get plenty of reason to talk about your faith!

*Paul* said:
Back home to rome? Baptists are not a group that seperated from Rome at least they don't claim to be.

Baptists came back into the one Church :eek: Wooo hooo! :D


Jesus loves you
quietlight said:
Baptists came back into the one Church :eek: Wooo hooo! :D
The Baptist church is the one true church.:ignore: We would welcome you back with open arms.:hugehug: .

P.S. In the Catholic Dir forum i'm looking for help undertstanding unam sanctum if your interested.


Well-Known Member
Soundoc said:
I am a born-again follower of the teachings of Christ Jesus, the Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible.

I can answer any question regarding my personal faith.

I got prepared for it by realizing that the following verse from the Holy Bible applies to me as well as to all other born-again followers of Christ Jesus.

Here is the verse:

1st Peter 3:15 but in your hearts reverence Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence;

I believe that Jesus Christ is my savior and that salvation is only possible though him. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ and take the sacrament weekly in remembrance of his suffering. I also believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I am a Mormon.

Am I saved?


Feathers in Hair said:
Well, if anyone does, let me know, since they'd be violating the behavior rules of the forum!

What is your favorite thing about your faith?

I am glad you asked.

My fav is that my Almighty God wrote the words of the Holy Bible and did not let any human being put their own words into it.

Because the whole Bible is the Word of Almighty God , I can fully trust the Words that I read daily in my Holy Bible, to be telling me nothing but the truth thru' every word in it.

If even one word somehow got in to the Holy Bible, then nobody can call it HOLY. Only Almighty God's words can be holy. Because He is the ONLY HOLY one in the universe.

We talk about holy human beings. But there is not one human being who is INFINITELY Holy as Almighty God.

The God-man Jesus Christ is excempted because He was ans still is Almighty God.
Human beings who say thay are god-men are really man-gods. They are men pretending as gods.

Jesus Christ was Almighty God putting on human flesh in order to come down to earth to RELATE HIS life to our lives.

The suffering He went thu, He could never have gone thru, had He come as an angel or animal or tree nor any other form of life!


jonny said:
I believe that Jesus Christ is my savior and that salvation is only possible though him. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ and take the sacrament weekly in remembrance of his suffering. I also believe that the Bible is the Word of God. I am a Mormon.

Am I saved?

Whether a person is saved or not depends on what the word saved means to each person.

Salvation to me means only ONE thing. Saved from en eternal hell-fire.

Before Jesus was born, the angel Gabriel gave the name Jesus to the baby. Another Name was :Emmanuel or God is with us. (All Hebrew names carry a meaning).

Pl. read this verse:
Matt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Jesus was sent from heaven to earth to save people from thier sins.

Why do people have to be saved from sins?

Because it is sins that cause human beings to go to hell. In other words Jesus came to save mankind from going to hell.

1st John 1: 8 and 10 teach us that every human being is guilty of sin.

In order for Jesus Christ to save anybody from thier sins or hell-fire one has to be BORN AGAIN according to the very words of Jesus Christ in John chapter 3.

So, if you are Born Again (born by the power of the holy spirit) then you can be sure of avoiding eternal hell-fire. If you are not Born Again, then please read the last book of the Holy Bible, the book of Revelation to see what happens to you.

Rev 20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them.
Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God,* and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.


Well-Known Member
Soundoc said:
Whether a person is saved or not depends on what the word saved means to each person.

Salvation to me means only ONE thing. Saved from en eternal hell-fire.

Before Jesus was born, the angel Gabriel gave the name Jesus to the baby. Another Name was :Emmanuel or God is with us. (All Hebrew names carry a meaning).

Pl. read this verse:
Matt 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

Jesus was sent from heaven to earth to save people from thier sins.

Why do people have to be saved from sins?

Because it is sins that cause human beings to go to hell. In other words Jesus came to save mankind from going to hell.

1st John 1: 8 and 10 teach us that every human being is guilty of sin.

In order for Jesus Christ to save anybody from thier sins or hell-fire one has to be BORN AGAIN according to the very words of Jesus Christ in John chapter 3.

So, if you are Born Again (born by the power of the holy spirit) then you can be sure of avoiding eternal hell-fire. If you are not Born Again, then please read the last book of the Holy Bible, the book of Revelation to see what happens to you.

Rev 20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them.
Rev 20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God,* and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books.

Good answer.

I do feel that I have been "born again" (I would call it 'converted', but it has esentially the same meaning) and that Christ saves me from my sins. I guess that means a Mormon can be saved. Phew. That's a relief. :D


Jesus loves you
jonny said:
Good answer.

I do feel that I have been "born again" (I would call it 'converted', but it has esentially the same meaning) and that Christ saves me from my sins. I guess that means a Mormon can be saved. Phew. That's a relief. :D

Of course mormons can be saved. Look at Ed Decker.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
*Paul* said:
Of course mormons can be saved. Look at Ed Decker.

This, in fact, is a claim that Mormons cannot be saved and this and Porkchop's response to it are unbefitting of someone who claims to be a Christian. Who are you to judge another man's heart?

God wills that all men be saved, or did you manage to skip that bit when reading the Scriptures?



Jesus loves you
JamesThePersian said:
This, in fact, is a claim that Mormons cannot be saved and this and Porkchop's response to it are unbefitting of someone who claims to be a Christian. Who are you to judge another man's heart?
God wills that all men be saved, or did you manage to skip that bit when reading the Scriptures?
Huh? Ed Decker was a mormon when he was saved, My wife was A Catholic when she got saved. What they did afterwards is another matter. So it is not a claim that mormons can be saved I said the exact opposite, the rest of what you say being built upon this premise is not worth responding to.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
*Paul* said:
Huh? Ed Decker was a mormon when he was saved, Martin Luther was A Catholic Monk when he got saved. What they did afterwards is another matter. So it is not a claim that mormons can be saved I said the exact opposite, the rest of what you say being built upon this premise is not worth responding to.

To pick someone who is an ex-Mormon and now an anti-Mormon Evangelical preacher as an example of how Mormons can be saved is implicitly anti-Mormon as it basically says that of course you can be saved, so long as you cease being Mormon. The same is true of your use of Luther as an example of how Roman Catholics can be saved. Does your disingenuousness know no bounds? Honestly, I'm finding my opinion of you rather to be dropping. I previously respected you as someone who was sincere in their Christian faith and with whom I could debate openly and fairly despite our not agreeing but some of the posts you have made in the last week or two seem to be showing you as a narow sectarian who is just better than most at hiding the fact. Are you having a bad time at the moment or has the mask slipped? Knowing, as I now do, who your other half is leads me to suspect the latter, I'm afraid.



Well-Known Member
Ernestine said:
Existence of Jesus Christ has been found. References to him (and his family) have been discovered in secular documents of that time. Why do we need anything beyond that? If historical references are good enough to prove the existence of other men of fame, that same standard should apply to Jesus.

Can you please support this claim? Which documents? Who wrote them? If you are talking about the works of Josephus, it has been shown to be falsified.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
Tiberius said:
Can you please support this claim? Which documents? Who wrote them? If you are talking about the works of Josephus, it has been shown to be falsified.

You overstate your case. It has been shown that the most famous quote from Josephus has in all likelihood been falsified though the jury is out with regards to whether it was completely invented or heavily elaborated upon by a Christian. The scholarly concensus with regards to the other reference, the one to James the brother of the Lord, is much less anti, particularly given its reference by early Church Fathers. Even the latter alone would stand as a secular reference to the existance of Christ.



Jesus loves you
JamesThePersian said:
To pick someone who is an ex-Mormon and now an anti-Mormon Evangelical preacher as an example of how Mormons can be saved is implicitly anti-Mormon as it basically says that of course you can be saved, so long as you cease being Mormon.
As I said, what they do after wards is not what i meant, Ed Decker as a mormon, Martin Luther as a Catholic, My wife as a Catholic, (I'm unclear on Luthers conversion which is why i deleted it) got saved. They do not have to cease to be mormon, they can try to reform the church from within and bring it into line with what they believe to be true which is what Luther attempted to do. Sooner or later though these people tend to be kicked out.

Does your disingenuousness know no bounds? Honestly, I'm finding my opinion of you rather to be dropping. I previously respected you as someone who was sincere in their Christian faith and with whom I could debate openly and fairly despite our not agreeing but some of the posts you have made in the last week or two seem to be showing you as a narow sectarian who is just better than most at hiding the fact.
I have made no attempt to hide my beliefs on here, you have often accused me of ignorance from the start but I turn the other cheek. I am not insincere neither am i decietful, it's a pity you are stooping to personal attacks on my character it says more about you than it does me. Godbless you.
Are you having a bad time at the moment or has the mask slipped? Knowing, as I now do, who your other half is leads me to suspect the latter, I'm afraid.
Insulting my wife is not the way to go either but i'm sure she will forgive you from the heart as she is like that.
I would suggest with this personal post that it is you having a hard time with your fasting and are taking it out on me.

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
*Paul* said:
As I said, what they do after wards is not what i meant, Ed Decker as a mormon, Martin Luther as a Catholic, My wife as a Catholic, (I'm unclear on Luthers conversion which is why i deleted it) got saved. They do not have to cease to be mormon, they can try to reform the church from within and bring it into line with what they believe to be true which is what Luther attempted to do. Sooner or later though these people tend to be kicked out.
You're still at it. If you can't see that picking as your examples of those who can be saved only those individuals who leave or are kicked out is a judgement that faithful members of group X cannot be saved then I can't help you. I prefer to leave such judgements up to God in Whose mercy I believe all can trust.

I have made no attempt to hide my beliefs on here, you have often accused me of ignorance from the start but I turn the other cheek. I am not insincere neither am i decietful, it's a pity you are stooping to personal attacks on my character it says more about you than it does me. Godbless you.
I have said you were ignorant of certain things because you were. That is a judgement of your knowledge of the area under discussion not of you and I never said you were ignorant in general. If you were to tell me I was ignorant of a particular are and it was true I would accept that and not consider it a personal attack - there simply wouldn't be another cheek to turn. I am not attacking your character here either. There are only two possible explanations for your choosing the examples you did. One is utter naivety (and I don't believe that for a minute) and the other is that it was an attack on groups you disagree with. If you really are so naive as to use an anti-Mormon evangelist as an example of how Mormons can be saved purely by accident then I apologise but given the way you generally post I really can't believe that of you and if it was, as I believe, an attack, then your attempted defence of it is indeed deceitful. I find little or no reason to doubt that this is an accurate impression,. particularly after certain other recent posts of yours attacking, amongst others, the Roman Catholic Church.

Insulting my wife is not the way to go either but i'm sure she will forgive you from the heart as she is like that.
I would suggest with this personal post that it is you having a hard time with your fasting and are taking it out on me.
I'm having no hard time with my fasting. I was, but it has passed now. Nor have I insulted your wife. It is no insult to note the truth about someone and it is no secret that she has made a number of sectarian posts on this forum and rubbed people up the wrong way as a result. I certainly do not ask for her, or your, forgiveness simply for commenting on your public actions in posting at RF



Well-Known Member
james..paul..you two having fun hijacking the thread? no offense to you two, but there is a PM system and a one on one debate section.