I don't mean to step on any toes here let alone a fellow Christians.....But In all due respect, Paul did in no way contradict Christ in his teachings. Paul was setting up churches the way God wants them. It is true the bible clearly teaches women should not hold a pastoral place of leadership above men. This does not mean women are not or cannot hold a significant place in the church, or that they cannot teach, It means only in the making of a church there shall be a leader of men and this should not be a woman.why? This is not really explained. It is how God intended. Women do have a huge place in churches and we are free to evangelize and minister of course.
Before you attack me look deep inside yourselves,If you were in a burning building and you had the choice between a woman or a man to save you, what would you choose? I would choose a man, not for his strength but for God gave men a special leadership ability, or maybe because he has nothing else in his mind but to save and be a hero. I am not sure the why and what fors, but God is sure.God made woman equal to man ? Yes, but he also assigned us roles , we are nurturers, we are helpmates, we are mothers, we are lovers, we are heroines we are teachers, we are all and more. Men well they are men......God Designed them to be leaders, God made Adam , God saw Adam needed a helpmate, so he made Eve. Did God make Eve to show Adam how it's done? No God made Eve to be a helpmate.to expound on biblical submission, yes woman are to submit to their own husbands,This does not mean we have no voice, It means in the end he should have the final say,I wish we choose our mates well enough we can trust him in this.....Now Look at God's command for the men. Love your wives more then yourself and give your life for her! Wow, what a responsibility really! I prefer my role Thanks God. Can you imagine the burden put on men from God?
Women's rights are all good, I don't wish we go back in time to be considered the lower class. Men throughout history have surely taken advantage of the roles of women and in God's name.God also did not intend this. As Christine pointed out women were not of little mind in the Bible at all, Jesus thought highly of women and at his crucifixion he asked his apostles to take care of his mother.
Women in some countries are not allowed out of house. They have little or no place in society,This is not in any way God's commandments and should be fought for. But his church , He has given us his word in this and we are wise to submit even we know not the reasons. Regardless there are many sects of the Christian church that do not heed the biblical standards and appoint women as pastors, My aunt is a Methodist preacher. That is how they choose to interpret God's word and may God have mercy on them and us all.