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I am Israel


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
palestine is just defend against the satan armies
Where to begin....where...to...begin...
1. There never has been a nation called Palestine. That was a name given by the Romans to the province of Judea in an attempt to remove the Jewish identity with the location.
2. Satan armies? Do you mean Jews? If so, you're just showing the prevailing racism among the various communities.
they want to take back their country,they must battle
Battle? You mean stabbing families in their sleep? You mean killing children on their way to school? You mean kidnapping young women and putting them Gaza brothels? Either come up with a real argument or ****.


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Given that Israel is the Jewish state created by her Jewish citizenry, who else would you be criticizing? South Africans?

Ahhh but we can criticize our government, created by American citizenry, and still be separate, yes? :)

Yes this thread is going well. :eek:
first:they dont do those silly actions
second:against snipers and those equipments they must talk politely and treat well?
third:eek:r what? ill say some thing that ur mom doesnt expect.


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
where where israel 70 years ago?what was their place?whats their history?ha?
You can ask the same of Palestine. 70 years ago, there existed Jordan, and the British Palestine. British Palestine had Jews in it. Those Jews renamed their country Israel in 1948(when the British left).


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
first:they dont do those silly actions
Yes, they do. It is well documented that the Arabs in Israeli land have done all these things.
second:against snipers and those equipments they must talk politely and treat well?
If someone wants to fight a war, they fight an army, not attack unarmed civilians. That is the hallmark of cowardice.(Yes, I call "Palestinians" cowards).
third:eek:r what? ill say some thing that ur mom doesnt expect.
I think my mom can handle it, little boy.
ok,so know this that 2500 years bc palestinian came from saudi arabia to that land and made emperorship there.
the name israel is come from that land in that time ,the prophet yaghub was named israel and it has a long story


Well-Known Member
Ahhh but we can criticize our government, created by American citizenry, and still be separate, yes? :)

Yes this thread is going well. :eek:
Right because every country is like America. Uh-huh. Okay. There are evil dictators, and the world is bathed in purple light.


Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
ok,so know this that 2500 years bc palestinian came from saudi arabia to that land and made emperorship there.
the name israel is come from that land in that time ,the prophet yaghub was named israel and it has a long story
And now you call Israel's children satans when they make their home back in that same land. Ironic, isn't it?
current israel contains sahyon people that are not bani israels(israels children!)
they just named it to get its advantages,got it?
rakhel said:
Read my previous statement.
I'm not arguing that point. It may look like it but I'm not. I don't think they should have gone there without properly notifying the IDF and the PA. It's is their fault. They were stupid to assume that they wouldn't be spotted by someone.
What upsets me, and should upset every other person in the world, is this idea that it is okay call someone "not normal and we can do what ever we want to them just because." It angers me when Israelis do it. It angers me when Americans do it. It angers me when Chinese do it. So why shouldn't anger me when Palestinians do it?
And to excuse that kind of attitude just because you don't like that other group is despicable.
Okay I agree with this.
And the fact that Israel has offered citizenship to Palestinians. Ever heard of the Israel Nationality Law?

All you got to do is be a legal resident(which, if not all, are) and reside there for 3 of the 5 previous years(which most, if not all, have)
Not according to Wiki. See here and here:
"For purposes regarding modern Israeli citizenship, this section [the Residency section of the Israel Nationality Law] is usually irrelevant."

"To be eligible for naturalization, a person must have resided in Israel for three years out of the previous five years. In addition, the applicant must have a right to reside in Israel on a permanent basis. All naturalization requests are, however, at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior."

"The law makes inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza Strip ineligible for the automatic granting of Israeli citizenship and residency permits that is usually available through marriage to an Israeli citizen."
Israel will not, and arguably cannot, offer citizenship to all Palestinians (and I'm talking of course about law-abiding people, not terrorists) because that would mean an additional 5-6 million Arab-Israeli citizens. Israel would no longer be a "Jewish state", its character would change. Israel doesn't want that. Otherwise Gaza and the West Bank could simply be annexed, the "Right of Return" would be no problem, and this whole conflict would go away (or at least it would become a very different conflict between two ethnic groups in the same country).


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Right because every country is like America. Uh-huh. Okay. There are evil dictators, and the world is bathed in purple light.

no, the world is not all like America, and I never claimed it was. My point is that one can criticize a government's action without bashing its citizens.
The Palestinians have been offered citizenship. Many times over. The problem with that is that it is Israeli citizenship. Their passports would say Israel. Not Palestine. And well gees, what Palestinian is going to defy their Syrian leaders by accepting Israeli citizenship?
No. You're totally wrong. According to Haaretz:
Palestinians threaten to adopt one-state solution
The third option proposed in the [Palestinian Authority] document - and possibly the most disconcerting from an Israeli perspective - is abandoning the pursuit of a two-state solution with Israel, and instead working toward a binational state that would exist on all the lands of historic Palestine.

[Emphasis added] So Israel would gladly offer citizenship .... and the Palestinians are "threatening" to accept, and this is "the most disconcerting" possibility among the choices being considered by the PA.


Higher and Higher
ok,so know this that 2500 years bc palestinian came from saudi arabia to that land and made emperorship there.
current israel contains sahyon people that are not bani israels(israels children!) they just named it to get its advantages,got it?

Neither of these statements is factually accurate, I am afraid. There is simply no historical evidence that anyone from what is today Saudi Arabia ever made an empire in what was called the Land of Israel, or by the Romans, Judea Palestinea. Perhaps you're thinking of Abrahamic roots of the Jewish People (and also the Muslims); but Abraham did not come from what is today Saudi Arabia, he came from what is today Iraq; and he did not establish any kind of empire (if, indeed there was a historical Abraham; which is subject to scholarly debate, though I personally think there was such an individual). But in any case, presuming he did exist, what he established was a relatively determined clan-nation of goat herders and cattle-lords, that eventually-- long, long after his own lifetime-- became the dominant people of the Land of Israel through mostly colonization, but partially the subjugation of the pre-Israelite Canaanitish tribes.

The Palestinians of today have nothing to do with the ancient Israelites. They are largely the descendants of merchant and bedouin tribes that came into the Land of Israel in the aftermath of the Roman Exile, when Jews suddenly became a minority in their own land, and the economic vacuum proved attractive to individuals who had been living in surrounding areas to move in and set up residence. They and the Land both became called Palestinian because of what the Romans named the province, in an attempt to erase and mask it as a homeland for the Jewish People, which might incite them to further rebellion. But there has always been at least some Jewish presence in the Land of Israel, even during the most heavily occupying portions of the various Muslim empires that controlled the land during the Middle Ages and afterward; and Jews have never ceased to refer to that area as the Land of Israel, our once and future homeland.

The suggestion that the Rabbinic Jews of today are somehow not the inheritors or successors of Israelite Jews of yesteryear is simply false. The Jewish People is the Jewish People. We have always been the Jewish People, wherever we were forced to live in Exile, wherever in Exile we might have chosen to dwell; and wherever we have been able to return to the Land of Israel also: we remain the same Jewish People.

Palestinians threaten to adopt one-state solutionThe third option proposed in the [Palestinian Authority] document - and possibly the most disconcerting from an Israeli perspective - is abandoning the pursuit of a two-state solution with Israel, and instead working toward a binational state that would exist on all the lands of historic Palestine.

So Israel would gladly offer citizenship .... and the Palestinians are "threatening" to accept, and this is "the most disconcerting" possibility among the choices being considered by the PA.

A "one-state solution" is just another way of eliminating Israel. Either there would be a demand up-front to change the name of the state, to change its flag, and to eliminate its character as the Jewish State, or in a relatively short time, Palestinian population growth would assure them numerical hegemony, and the political ability to do all of those things by taking over the Knesset from within. Either way, the Jews get screwed, and end up without a homeland.

No, if there is a solution to be had, it involves there being a Jewish State of Israel, and a Palestinian State, and most likely, some nice safe fences between the two.