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i am lost

I put my post in this science vs religion only because i have this debate with myself all the time. I am 17, and currently have divorced parents. my father is jewish, and mother is christian. neither of them are very religious, we celerbate the more popular holidays and never ever attend church or temple. a girl that im very close with, just recently became a very religious christian due to some events in her life. regaurdless, seeing her having a religious awakening has sparked me into finding my beliefs. i have a very hard time believing in jesus, that hes the son of god for many reasons. i do though, believe in god,and that he created humans, not nessessarily though adam and eve but possibly created the big bang, thus, humans. i believe in aliens, and that we are definitely not the only intelligent life in this universe. someone help me please, i hope i have come to the right place. my real question is, could someone argue how jesus is the savior, and why he, did things and is more special than any other man that has healing abilities. how could we not be the only life out there? how does the bible interpret the big bang, or evolution? how does the bible work with a time period such as ours now, where we have cell phones and computers, child pornography and constant swearing in movies? if we are all sinners, and so few that are true to their religion, are we all doomed for an eternity of fire and burning in hell? is there a hell? lol my questions could go on forever. i hope i came to the right place


Well-Known Member
Well sir, I would say you are definately in the right place. Lots of religious and atheistic/agnostic ideas floating around this website. I grew up in a very religious household and went from confused to skeptical to eventually agnostic, then athiest for a host of reasons. Feel free to look around and ask any questions you want.

Just let me tell you something buddy:

'When you're thinking about religion, keep it simple, logical, and straight-forward...'


Wonder Woman
bradleykavin said:
I put my post in this science vs religion only because i have this debate with myself all the time. I am 17, and currently have divorced parents. my father is jewish, and mother is christian. neither of them are very religious, we celerbate the more popular holidays and never ever attend church or temple. a girl that im very close with, just recently became a very religious christian due to some events in her life. regaurdless, seeing her having a religious awakening has sparked me into finding my beliefs. i have a very hard time believing in jesus, that hes the son of god for many reasons. i do though, believe in god,and that he created humans, not nessessarily though adam and eve but possibly created the big bang, thus, humans. i believe in aliens, and that we are definitely not the only intelligent life in this universe. someone help me please, i hope i have come to the right place. my real question is, could someone argue how jesus is the savior, and why he, did things and is more special than any other man that has healing abilities. how could we not be the only life out there? how does the bible interpret the big bang, or evolution? how does the bible work with a time period such as ours now, where we have cell phones and computers, child pornography and constant swearing in movies? if we are all sinners, and so few that are true to their religion, are we all doomed for an eternity of fire and burning in hell? is there a hell? lol my questions could go on forever. i hope i came to the right place

The questions could go on forever because they will. There will always be questions that you will feel the need for answers for. You may never have them and that is fine. You ARE 17 and there is no rush in nailing down particular belief system to follow. Many here are much older than you and still have no definite way of looking at these things. Nothing wrong with that.

You came to the right place to learn of other beliefs though. Don't limit yourself to certain lines of thought. You may just find something that "clicks" with you that you never expected. Try not to worry about nailing down a religion yet though. It will come eventually.


Angel slayer
You kinda remind me of me when I was your age, except I was a bit more psychotic.

Anyhow, I think you've come to the right place and although I don't believe in the Abrahamic version of God, I do believe in a God.

There are many here who will be able to help you better then I can, I hope you find some answers that will comfort you.


Religious Headbanger
If we examine all the religions of the world we find that nearly all of them contain the same themes. "Treat others as you would want to be treated." or in other words, "don't do anything to someone else you wouldn't do to yourself." My personal faith which follows Judaism in a way and one thing I have heard from Judaism is that when the Creator created the light much of it went into Torah. But there were thousands of sparks of light that went all over the world and into all the other religions. This is why we find little bits of truth and common themes in nearly all religions. Then when the universal knowledge of G-d comes all these little sparks will be reunited with the light from all the other religions which will bring complete revelation.

Even within the Jewish writings I follow there is no one true religion that we are commanded to follow. There is also no dire need to "get right with G-d right now or burn in hell". I believe G-d created everything. He created good and evil and He created all the wonderful cultures of the world including the different religions. All the Creator desires is for us to seek Him and have a relationship with Him. Don't set up stumbling blocks for yourself that may keep you from experiencing the Creator. If you believe in life in writings, so what? That won't keep you from G-d if you look for Him.

Start learning all you can about all religions. Ask G-d where He wants you. Cry to Him. Hell, yell and scream at Him if you feel like it. You'll start to get things answered.


Quran & Sunnah
bradleykavin said:
I put my post in this science vs religion only because i have this debate with myself all the time. I am 17, and currently have divorced parents. my father is jewish, and mother is christian. neither of them are very religious, we celerbate the more popular holidays and never ever attend church or temple. a girl that im very close with, just recently became a very religious christian due to some events in her life. regaurdless, seeing her having a religious awakening has sparked me into finding my beliefs. i have a very hard time believing in jesus, that hes the son of god for many reasons. i do though, believe in god,and that he created humans, not nessessarily though adam and eve but possibly created the big bang, thus, humans. i believe in aliens, and that we are definitely not the only intelligent life in this universe. someone help me please, i hope i have come to the right place. my real question is, could someone argue how jesus is the savior, and why he, did things and is more special than any other man that has healing abilities. how could we not be the only life out there? how does the bible interpret the big bang, or evolution? how does the bible work with a time period such as ours now, where we have cell phones and computers, child pornography and constant swearing in movies? if we are all sinners, and so few that are true to their religion, are we all doomed for an eternity of fire and burning in hell? is there a hell? lol my questions could go on forever. i hope i came to the right place

Welcome to the forum bradleykavin :) hope you will find your way. Religion is so simple and it is only complicated for those who want to complicate it.
Believe in the One God who created whatever exist in this universe, resort to Him, ask Him for guidance and trust Him and He will certainly guide you to His way and you will find your way to happiness and peace of mind.
I wish you all the best in your quest!!!



The Great Master Bates
bradleykavin said:
my real question is, could someone argue how jesus is the savior, and why he, did things and is more special than any other man that has healing abilities.
Yes, people could argue and debate it till they are blue in the face. However, without definitive proof it's all moot.

bradleykavin said:
how could we not be the only life out there?
How? Well if life has evolved elsewhere in the universe. That's how.

bradleykavin said:
how does the bible interpret the big bang, or evolution?
It doesn't. It was compiled quite a long time before the Theory of Evolution and Big Bang Theory were developed. Don't be fooled by Creationists and IDers into thinking that the bible has any scientific merit what so ever.

bradleykavin said:
how does the bible work with a time period such as ours now, where we have cell phones and computers, child pornography and constant swearing in movies?
It doesn't and can't. That is one of the many reasons why many rational and enlightened thinkers view the Bible as irrelavant to modern society.

bradleykavin said:
if we are all sinners, and so few that are true to their religion, are we all doomed for an eternity of fire and burning in hell?

bradleykavin said:
is there a hell?


Active Member

It's a good thing to question your existance and the possiblity of a God, it shows a level of maturity in my own opinion :)
As you will no doubt have guessed, there are a load of religions and admitably one can feel abit lost as to how to go about finding the truth. Why not be a Buddhist, why not be a Muslim, why not be a Christian, why believe any of it at all? Those are the sorts of questions that you will no doubt encounter the more you search.

Having parents who are Jewish and Christian respectively, means that you have a good starting point with those two. Since you have a close friend who has gotten serious about Christianity you have an even better oppurtunity to find out about Christianity and find out why your friend got serious about it. Since she has gotten serious about it recently, no doubt she is still exploring it for herself and i'm sure she will be open to share with her what she is learning. Just let her know that you are interested in finding out more and regarding Christianity i'm sure she'll be able to answer a lot of your questions.

Now, i am biased, since i am a Christian. I believe Jesus when he said that he is the way and the truth and the life - and that no-one comes to the Father but through him. I believe there is only one way to God because of what the Bible teaches about sin, and therefore only through Jesus are people saved. This of course excludes the other major religions and the thought that all roads lead to God.

my real question is, could someone argue how jesus is the savior, and why he, did things and is more special than any other man that has healing abilities.
Yes, i could share my views on this. Either PM me or start another topic/one to one debate and i'll be happy to give my thoughts.

how could we not be the only life out there?
We aren't. Angels are life forms, as much as God is a life form. It's just a different type of form. As to whether there are other physcial life forms in our universe...who knows. The Bible doesn't deny or support it - it is irrelevant as far as the Bible is concerned.

how does the bible interpret the big bang, or evolution?
There are a lot of problems with the big bang theory and it is not universally accepted in the scientific community - but it's the best they have at the moment. In any case, the Bible teaches that there was a beginning, and science supports that there was indeed a beginning to our universe.

The Bible does not mention evolution. It does however support evolution in terms of animals changing - but not change such as from 'goo to you' over millions of years. It's an interesting subject - and contrary to what Fade said, evolution from 'goo to you' is not watertight, and for those reasons it does not contradict the Bible. However many evolutionists are not willing to objectively look at the problems and follow the logic of them. I've debated with Fade before and when it reaches it's conclusion there is no comeback.

how does the bible work with a time period such as ours now, where we have cell phones and computers, child pornography and constant swearing in movies?
It works exactly the same, because the Bible deals with Moral issues and these don't change with the times. Bible teaches that sin is rebellion against God - doing things against him. Therefore what is and what is not sin cannot change - because God does not change. That make some sense? Stealing has always been wrong, murdering has always been wrong - the ten commandments, those things are still wrong today thousands of years after they were written.

if we are all sinners, and so few that are true to their religion, are we all doomed for an eternity of fire and burning in hell? is there a hell?
The Bible teaches that anyone that does not come to Jesus for forgiveness of their sins will be doomed to hell. Jesus also clearly teaches a literal hell - some people deny this, but you can read the accounts in the Bible and make up your own mind. Is God a tyrant to send so many people to hell - how could a God of love do that?
It's because you leave God no other choice - all have sinned, the punishment for sin is separation from God for eternity (that is how serious the Bible teaches sin is). However God is a God of love as well as justice, and he died on the cross for our sins - meaning that Jesus was punished for our sins so we wouldn't have to be punished. Now, all that remains is us to accept Jesus as our sinbearer and ask God to forgive us our sins - turning from our old life of sinning and living in the freedom of knowing we will no longer be punished for our sins. However, if we do not accept Jesus as our sinbearer, then we bear our sins ourselves and hence we also must accept the punishment that bearing our sins requires - separation from God for eternity. So when someone refuses to believe in Jesus, he sends himself to hell because he leaves God no other choice. God has done everything, but the final choice remains with us.

I'd be happy to explain things further from a Christian perspective, drop me a PM or start a one on one topic and i'll do my best to give you everything from a Christian perspective. It would also give you an oppurtunity to raise what i tell you with your close friend and she would probably be able to explain it more.


The Great Master Bates
Endless said:
However, if we do not accept Jesus as our sinbearer, then we bear our sins ourselves and hence we also must accept the punishment that bearing our sins requires - separation from God for eternity. So when someone refuses to believe in Jesus, he sends himself to hell because he leaves God no other choice. God has done everything, but the final choice remains with us.
But that means all those people who haven't even heard of jesus, i.e. died before missionaries got to them or simply haven't been exposed to christian dogma, will go to hell. That seems a bit unfair.
At anyrate, I'd rather go to hell than have to spend an eternity with the sick mutha that is the Abrahamic god. Vengence and Jealousy are not what I would attribute to "merciful" god.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
bradleykavin said:
I put my post in this science vs religion only because i have this debate with myself all the time. I am 17, and currently have divorced parents. my father is jewish, and mother is christian. neither of them are very religious, we celerbate the more popular holidays and never ever attend church or temple. a girl that im very close with, just recently became a very religious christian due to some events in her life. regaurdless, seeing her having a religious awakening has sparked me into finding my beliefs. i have a very hard time believing in jesus, that hes the son of god for many reasons. i do though, believe in god,and that he created humans, not nessessarily though adam and eve but possibly created the big bang, thus, humans. i believe in aliens, and that we are definitely not the only intelligent life in this universe. someone help me please, i hope i have come to the right place. my real question is, could someone argue how jesus is the savior, and why he, did things and is more special than any other man that has healing abilities. how could we not be the only life out there? how does the bible interpret the big bang, or evolution? how does the bible work with a time period such as ours now, where we have cell phones and computers, child pornography and constant swearing in movies? if we are all sinners, and so few that are true to their religion, are we all doomed for an eternity of fire and burning in hell? is there a hell? lol my questions could go on forever. i hope i came to the right place

You have come to a right place!

You seem to have had a lot to put up with revently, and I am hardly surprized that you feel a bit confused. In fact, I would go so far as to say that you sound pretty 'grounded' for someone who has had so much to put up with going on around him.

Your questions are rather wide ranging, and a bit difficult to answer without writing a book.:)

But I will tell you how I feel; which is partly in response to your request for a description of why Christ is so important.

Christ is the son of God, incarnate on Earth, to try to bring us all the message of how we should live. The other part of his message is that we should love each other unconditionally, and try not to sin.

I say 'try', because, as humans, we are pretty weak, and we do tend to be easily tempted into doing things that deep down we know we ought not do.

But that's O.K, as long as you truly are sorry for what you have done wrong, ask for God's forgiveness, and make a genuine concerted effort not to do the same mistake.

At the end of it all, whether you are a Christian, a Muslim, or an athiest (as far as I am concerned), as long as you have led a good life, and God can see that your heart is good, and filled with good intentions, you'll be O.K.

As far as I am concerned (and I know quite a few here agree with me), there is no hell; if you find yourself thinking about God, and want 'to become involved', well then, read a bit about various faiths, go to a service or two with your girlfriend, see how they feel. oen your heart, and if you feel something, then try to find out what that is.

I believe God leaves plenty of hints about his existance for us to see; if we see them, and follow them up, well, it makes my life better, as far as I am concerned.

Forget your pornography, your mobiles, whatever (they are all things made by man); you have the choice as to whether you will use any of these things for Good or for bad reasons. I guess God hopes you'll use them for good reasons.


Active Member
But that means all those people who haven't even heard of jesus, i.e. died before missionaries got to them or simply haven't been exposed to christian dogma, will go to hell. That seems a bit unfair.
At anyrate, I'd rather go to hell than have to spend an eternity with the sick mutha that is the Abrahamic god. Vengence and Jealousy are not what I would attribute to "merciful" god.

That's not quite true - what about all the people in the Old testament who were Godly people? Fairness is not something you have to worry about when it is in the hands of a just God who can do no wrong.
Vengence and Jealousy. It depends on whether you look at the two of these from human comprehension of the terms or God's viewpoint.
If God brings judgement on a sin, then that is vengence - God has that right because he is the judge. If God did not want his people (Israelites) to engage in the sinful activities of the people's around them, then it is jealousy when he sees them sinning. But that is righteous jealousy - because he wants them to be free from sin, rather than tangled up in it.
Your view on the Arbrahamic God is skewed because you are looking at it from the viewpoint that he is a tyrant or as you put it 'sick mutha'. If you actually look from the viewpoint that God is love, just, Holy and awesome then perhaps you will begin to see what God did in a new light - the true light.


The Great Master Bates
Endless said:
That's not quite true - what about all the people in the Old testament who were Godly people? Fairness is not something you have to worry about when it is in the hands of a just God who can do no wrong.
Who says God can do no wrong? The Bible? Fairness certainly isn't something that your God seems to put much stock in, that is for sure. Was it Jacob who stole his brothers birthright and was rewarded by God? Seems perfectly fair to me.
Endless said:
Vengence and Jealousy. It depends on whether you look at the two of these from human comprehension of the terms or God's viewpoint.
We were made in his image so therefore it stands to reason that our viewpoint is the same as his.
Endless said:
If God brings judgement on a sin, then that is vengence - God has that right because he is the judge. If God did not want his people (Israelites) to engage in the sinful activities of the people's around them, then it is jealousy when he sees them sinning. But that is righteous jealousy - because he wants them to be free from sin, rather than tangled up in it.
What a load of horse manure.

Endless said:
Your view on the Arbrahamic God is skewed because you are looking at it from the viewpoint that he is a tyrant or as you put it 'sick mutha'. If you actually look from the viewpoint that God is love, just, Holy and awesome then perhaps you will begin to see what God did in a new light - the true light.
Yea, Hitler was a good bloke if you were a Nazi.


Active Member
Let me ask you this - have you ever read through the Bible and not just stories here and there? If you have not then you cannot honestly expect me to consider your opinion on the Bible to be based on anything logical. You have a preconceived idea - where exactly it originates from i don't know - but i doubt very much that it originates from you reading the Bible and making up your own mind.
Perhaps you should read it and make an unbiased judgement on what is exactly written.

What a load of horse manure.

Is it really? Had you read the Bible you would come across the following on God's jealousy:

Ex 34:12 "Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst.
13 "But you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images
14 '(for you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),
15 "lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land, and they play the harlot with their gods and make sacrifice to their gods, and one of them invites you and you eat of his sacrifice,

All to do with not wanting the Israelites to sin - indulging in sin is like allegiance to another master, hence the reason why God is jealous that we should do right. Perhaps in the same way that if you had children you would not want them going out to a strip club, but rather listening to you - you are jealous that they do the right thing.
I'm not going to dwell on this, because this is not the place, but consider the following definitions of jealous from the dictionary.

  1. Fearful or wary of being supplanted; apprehensive of losing affection or position.
    1. Resentful or bitter in rivalry; envious: jealous of the success of others.
    2. Inclined to suspect rivalry.
  2. Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness: jealous thoughts.
  3. Vigilant in guarding something: We are jealous of our good name.
  4. Intolerant of disloyalty or infidelity; autocratic: a jealous God.

You are using a definition of jealousy that is not intended nor meant by the Hebrew, hence your distorted view.

But read it for yourself Fade, if not at least so you can say that you have read it and made up your own mind on what it teaches and who it portrays God as.


Veteran Member
bradleykavin said:
my real question is, could someone argue how jesus is the savior, and why he, did things and is more special than any other man that has healing abilities.
Obviously, there are lots of different answers to this question, depending upon who you ask. Different people view Jesus differently.

To me, Jesus is a character in a story. I don't know if the story is historically true, or partly true, or completely false, but I don't think that matters. What matters to me is that the message of the story is true. The message of the story is that God's love acting within us and through us toward each other can heal us and save us from ourselves ... if we will let it. People say that Jesus was God because in the story Jesus was the human embodiment of God's love and forgiveness. And it was through this human embodiment of God's love and forgiveness (that we call "Christ") that mankind learned that we could be saved from our own fear and greed and violence and stupidity, and so the story of Jesus as the manifestation of God's love is called the "gospel" (meaning the "good news"). And it IS good news.

But it's also a challenge. It's a challenge because not everyone is willing to allow themselves to become human expressions of God's love and forgiveness as Jesus did, and so may very well wish to abuse and victimize those who do. "Turning the other cheek" is a very difficult and dangerous thing to do in a world where not everyone believes in the healing power of God's love and forgiveness. Jesus himself was brutally murdered when he "turned the other cheek" to some frightened, selfish, and violent people. But still, he believed in the saving power of God's love and forgiveness so much, that he suffered even torture and death to exemplify it's message for the rest of us. And so have many other people in the years since.

We have been promised, and in fact it's only common sense, that if we will let ourselves become the embodiment of God's love and forgiveness, to each other, as Jesus did, that "heaven" and Earth would become one and the same place. But to accomplish this, we need to find the courage to be the first ones to "turn the other cheek" to those who have not yet recognized or accepted this message and pathway to our universal salvation.

Christ is both a great message of hope, and a great challenge to each of us, at the same time. Are you (and I) willing to set aside our own fears and desires and allow ourselves to become human vessels of God's love and forgiveness to others? Sometimes I am, and sometimes I'm not. I struggle with this challenge every day.

Yet I do believe in the message of hope and salvation that the story of Jesus' life and death conveys. I have myself been healed and saved from a terminal addiction by God's love and forgiveness as it was expressed to me through other people. So I know that Jesus' message is true. But I still fail to allow myself to become the servant of that love to others, sometimes ... even often. And each time I have to forgive myself and try again, just as I have to forgive others when they fail, too. But every day's a new day, and a new chance to love and to be loved, and I do think my life is a kind of "heaven". I am very, very grateful for every moment of it, and I'm not just saying that.
bradleykavin said:
how could we not be the only life out there? how does the bible interpret the big bang, or evolution? how does the bible work with a time period such as ours now, where we have cell phones and computers, child pornography and constant swearing in movies? if we are all sinners, and so few that are true to their religion, are we all doomed for an eternity of fire and burning in hell? is there a hell? lol my questions could go on forever. i hope i came to the right place
The bible is just a collection of religious stories, and poems, and platitudes, and whatnots. Human beings wrote those texts and what they wrote represents how those human beings perceived and experienced "God". But man's idea of God is just man's idea of God. Take from these ideas what you find good and useful, and leave the rest behind. Don't worship holy books as if they were "God's commands". They aren't. And doing that is called idolatry.

Christ is not a religion, and you don't have to follow a religion to be a "Christian". Christ is God's love expressed in human form. If we learn to look for that love being expressed, in the daily activities of the people around us, we can learn to see Christ at work, right before our eyes. And if we are willing, we can become the expression of that love to others, too. It's not about religion. It's about love and forgiveness, one human (or alien, if they should happen by) to another.

Well, this is how I view "Jesus the savior", and why he's important to me. I hope this helps you out in some way. And thank you for being both honest and curious. Both of those traits will serve you very well in your life, I think.


Well-Known Member
This is my advice:
Pick up a good version of the Tanach (I'm partial to the Stone Edition) & Christian Bible (I'm partial to the New Oxford Annotated Bible), and read through them to undo any misconceptions you have of either faith from unobservant parents. Pick up a copy of the Koran, Tao Te Ching, Bhagavad Gita, and any other religious text that you come across and read them. Meditate and pray on it. Read a book on physics or biology (Schroedinger's Cat and the Search for Reality comes to mind...). If any of the texts seem to speak to you, search out more information about it. It is important that you come to faith on your own terms... you must find it for yourself. Don't let anyone pressure you or pull you into a faith that isn't right to you.
so, essentially..the bible is a collection of stories from all kinds of people speaking about how god affected their life, and or, how they interpret god/jesus. so essentially, we have the ten commandments, the bible for assistance in interpretation, but most imporantly, our own hearts and minds to create/believe what we want? is this true with the torah, or other "bibles" ? and by the way, thank you all so much for helping me out. im actually a part of another forum about dodges, and its funny to see that on that forum guys on their are super competitive about their trucks, and yet here, when we speak of our religion, it seems as though everyone is so respectfull of eachother. really cool :)


The Great Master Bates
Endless said:
Let me ask you this - have you ever read through the Bible and not just stories here and there? If you have not then you cannot honestly expect me to consider your opinion on the Bible to be based on anything logical. You have a preconceived idea - where exactly it originates from i don't know - but i doubt very much that it originates from you reading the Bible and making up your own mind.
Perhaps you should read it and make an unbiased judgement on what is exactly written.
Endless, your patronising attitude is becoming more than a little tiresome. My father was a minister for an Anglican church and so I was in church before I went to school. At last count I have read the bible from beginning to end 4 times. I've struggled through the Koran twice and even skimmed the book of mormon a few times.
It is beautifully ironic that you would bring logic into the discussion since belief in the bible is anything but logical. I would be willing to place a large bet on the fact that it is you who have a preconceived idea about the bible since it is pretty safe to assume that you believed in it before you even read it. Religious indoctrination starts early.

Endless said:
All to do with not wanting the Israelites to sin - indulging in sin is like allegiance to another master, hence the reason why God is jealous that we should do right. Perhaps in the same way that if you had children you would not want them going out to a strip club, but rather listening to you - you are jealous that they do the right thing.
Nope I've read and reread what you've said and it's still horse manure. I would not be jealous I would be angry/concerned.

Endless said:
You are using a definition of jealousy that is not intended nor meant by the Hebrew, hence your distorted view.
Maybe so. I disagree but I wont harp on about it anymore. You seem to have conveniently left vengence out of the discussion. Your point about vengence being punishment for sin is not satisfactory.

Endless said:
But read it for yourself Fade, if not at least so you can say that you have read it and made up your own mind on what it teaches and who it portrays God as.
I have and I have. By any definition of modern morality and ethics he is a sick mutha.
Let me ask you something. Do you have children? If you do would you sacrifice your child if you believed God wanted you to?


Active Member
Glad you have read the Bible Fade.

I have and I have. By any definition of modern morality and ethics he is a sick mutha.
Let me ask you something. Do you have children? If you do would you sacrifice your child if you believed God wanted you to?
No i don't have children. Secondly God would never want me to sacrifice my child if i had one - just as he had no intention of letting Abraham sacrifice his child. Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead even if he did kill the son that God has promised to increase his people through. So God would never want me to do that, just like he never wanted Abraham to.
Having read the Bible you should be well familar with God's attritude to child sacrifice.

Provide the definition for vengence - God is the judge and as a judge he punishes as he deems necessary.

I would not be jealous I would be angry/concerned.
Angry and concerned - why? It is because you are 'Vigilant in guarding them: We are jealous of our good name.' Therefore you are jealous - revise your understanding of what jealous means.

I would be willing to place a large bet on the fact that it is you who have a preconceived idea about the bible since it is pretty safe to assume that you believed in it before you even read it. Religious indoctrination starts early.
No preconveived idea about the Bible. I was brought up no doubt like you with the Bible stories and being taught that God was real, being a child you believe what you are told by your parents. However i was not old enough to read the Bible, let alone understand what it meant. When i could read the Bible and not just read, but study it, i made up my own mind on it. I'm willing to bet that we were both brought up with the same preconceptions if your Dad was an Anglican minister - or in that area when you were young.


The Great Master Bates
Endless said:
No i don't have children. Secondly God would never want me to sacrifice my child if i had one - just as he had no intention of letting Abraham sacrifice his child. Abraham reasoned that God could raise the dead even if he did kill the son that God has promised to increase his people through. So God would never want me to do that, just like he never wanted Abraham to.
If you had children you would know that being asked to murder your child is a step too far even if you come to the conclusion that it is just a test and you wont be allowed to carry it through. If you are in a position of power and you abuse your power to test those you have dominion over then you are a tyrant.

I personally cannot understand how people can read that particular bible story and come away from it thinking that God is kind and benevolent. If I had been put in that position I would have cursed God and killed myself before even contemplating putting a blade to my childs throat.

At anyrate your point about Abraham reasoning that God could raise the dead means that the whole thing is redundant anyway. It wouldn't be much of a test if there weren't consequences.

Endless said:
Having read the Bible you should be well familar with God's attritude to child sacrifice.
Yes, he's rather fond of it. But again, it's hardly a sacrifice if you know there are no consequences. That's why I don't think Jesus counts as a sacrifice.

Endless said:
Provide the definition for vengence - God is the judge and as a judge he punishes as he deems necessary.
You cannot be vengeful and merciful too. It is a straight forward contradiction. Oh wait it's God we're talking about, he can do whatever he feels like. :bonk:

Endless said:
Angry and concerned - why? It is because you are 'Vigilant in guarding them: We are jealous of our good name.' Therefore you are jealous - revise your understanding of what jealous means.
I know what jealous means. It just strikes me as odd that god would be "wary of being supplanted, apprehensive of losing affection or position, bitter in rivalry, inclined to suspect rivalry, vigilant in guarding something and intolerant of disloyalty" and yet allow worship of other gods to flourish. Seems the old bean can't control his flock.